Guess what???? It s almost Thursday!!!!!

on 6/2/10 1:45 pm - Bradenton, FL
Hi There,
I guess Ill start the thread a little early by 20 miutes cause I want to shut my tired eyes.....
We got to Indianapolis around 2030pm from Knoxville Tennesee. Not a boring drive!!!!! We toured a battle field somewhere in Kentucky and went to an aritsan center at a rest stop in Kentucky too.
Got lost looking for Starbucks and a yarn shop in Knoxville. Stupid GPS!!!!!
Tomorrow going to Muskegon Michigan and possible meeting Eileen for Lunch..... I think Im only 4 to 5 hours  from Muskegon Camping gear is comming out tomorrow night. Phyllis and I are camping at P{J hoffmaster state Park in Muskegon tomorrow night.
Then picking up my cousin and going to Chicago to a much awaiting Husband.... John is meeting us there.
So life is good and Phyllis got me back on my vitimin regiment and I feel 100 per cent better than I have in a long time!!!!! Carla

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George T.
on 6/2/10 7:37 pm - Grand Prairie, TX
And now it is Thursday. 

Mary is going to a big scrapbooking convention today.  It makes her so happy.  Gave her some $$$ to spend.  Probably too much.  But I had a good paycheck due to 30 hours of overtime.

Also getting our 42 inch TV fixed so we can use it in our bedroom.  We will be getting it mounted on the wall.  The guy did such a good job on the one in the living room, we decided to have him do the bedroom one too.  He runs the wires through the wall so you can't see them.  It is great.

Hope everyone has as good a day as I plan to have.

GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!                   

on 6/2/10 8:56 pm - Lawrence, IN

It was so good to see you and Phyllis again.  Hope you can stay longer next time.  We tried to be quiet so not to wake you, but I figured once the storm hit, CJ would be your alarm clock.  Have a safe trip to Michigan and keep in touch.


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on 6/2/10 9:49 pm - Shelbyville, MI
Good morning Carla and OFF family,
Have fun camping Carla, PJ Hoffmaster Park is a good one...I love camping (with my trailer)! LOL

Nothing new on my front except last night I was in pain after eating chicken. That hasn't happened to me in a very long time. I made the mistake of eating when I was upset, not a good thing for me to do. Now today I'm going to rest my pouch and baby it all day. All ready had some WW yogurt and it stayed down. Will drink lots of water and less coffee today!
on 6/2/10 10:08 pm - Medina, OH
Good morning Carla and everyone!

Thought I would stop by before my day got busy.  Have to do the boring things first.  Shopping, going to the bank and finally, coloring my hair.  I have waited so long to do this, I have to do it today.

Tomorrow night is my meeting with all my girlfriends from high school.  I know I can't look 18 again, however the gray roots can be

Nothing much new with me.  Same old same old.  I am still pretty tired from the weekend.  

It is cloudy here and looks like rain.  At this point, I doubt I will ever open my pool or get  a garden in.  Pretty soon it will be too late.

Have a great day everyone!



I am on my way.  What a ride it has been.

karen C.
on 6/2/10 11:04 pm, edited 6/2/10 11:06 pm - Kennewick, WA


What a great time it sounds like you are having! It is still too cold and nasty here for camping. Our weather has been unusually cool in the spring the past two years. Then it will turn around and all of a sudden start hitting 100 and be that way through August with very little or no rain.

If I get to do any camping this summer it will be here close by as I'll be helping Erin and Josh with the new baby and twins. If she goes until June 28th (the scheduled c-section) she will just be able to take 3 weeks off before having to return to work full time for 4 weeks. Timing of this baby was a bit off ("Kids" these days are used to having babies arrive WHEN they want them. Go figure!) Erin is an accountant for a university and July and August are her busiest months work wise. She'll get through it working from home 4 days and in the office 90 miles away one day. Then Sep-Dec she'll just work 3 days a week. I plan to be around quite a bit to help out these first couple of months. Josh's mother is a teacher so she'll be able to help this summer also.

I think I've helped out a lot this week by getting things caught up that Erin is uncomfortable doing right now. I'll vacuum, dust and clean bathrooms today before heading back home tomorrow for a few days.

Haven't done too great with my exercise while here. I just get off my schedule and choose not to follow a new one. My bad as the saying goes.

My new gym will be open when I get home tomorrow. I plan to go check it out on Saturday. It should be wonderful. We've had such a small space while they were preparing the new one. They gutted an old Hastings Bookstore location, expanded it with a lap pool, a women only exercise area, locker rooms, a "cardio" theater ( first run movies available). I can do a whole movie on the eliptical if it gets me pulled in!

Love being here with Erin's family but miss home too. Mike and Maggie have been on their own this week. Anxious to see them and miss my yard and flowers.  They are just starting to really look pretty.

Hope you all have a nice day.

Karen C

annette R.
on 6/2/10 11:13 pm - ithaca, NY
Abigail Cat 11 is usually one of the calm furbabies. Yesterday she was into more mischief than Annie Cat And Mouse Tail- that takes a whole lot of doing.

I was making meatballs and sauce. Put out the pans when the phone rang. Back in the kitchen and Abi was in the pan on the stove - not turned on. Shooed her away and began rewashing the pan. As I turned around, she was curled up in the bowl, staring at me with her big yellow eyes.

Back to washing the bowl and she began to open every kitchen cupboard and knocking stuff on the floor. Meowing loudly the entire time.

Finally she found what she wanted - cans of cat food. Her war cry brought the 6 other furmonsters running. I had a herd of black cats, bugging me to open cans of yummies. Impossible to move with the tangle of black cats surrounding my feet.

Spoiled, impolite and very demanding. But I still love them all.


 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
Judy G.
on 6/2/10 11:24 pm - Galion, OH
sis i am rolling here with laughter!!!! cats can be so much fun can't they?? LOL i remember one time my cat squirt hid in the dresser drawer and we couldn't find him at all!!! i got so mad at gary thinking he let the cat outside by mistake...we went looking all over the neighborhood for him and then finding him in the dresser drawer!!! how he got in there is beyond me...i guess he went in through the back of it?? sighs...miss that cat even tho he peed all over....garys daughter still has him and he pees on her shoes and dirty clothes....GOOD KITTY!!!! ;-)

Laureen S.
on 6/2/10 11:28 pm - Maple Shade, NJ

Great furballs of fire is whatcha got there!  I am envisioning all this and finding lots to smile about.

Hugs, L

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

Eileen Briesch
on 6/2/10 11:32 pm - Evansville, IN

Abigail sounds like Diva ... exploring the cabinets. How I miss Diva! She was a little stinker, but so much fun.

Kittle and Cinnamon used to get into the cabinets too when we lived in Montana ... I used to keep the cat food in the same cabinet as my towels (nowhere else to put them), and I'd come home sometimes to find cat food cans on the counter, and the cats curled up inside the cabinets on the towels. If they had a can opener, they would have opened the cans and had a feast first.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




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