What's New Wednesday Edition

George T.
on 6/1/10 10:12 pm - Grand Prairie, TX
Happy anniversary Irishcoda.  And thank you everyone for the wishes of happiness for Mary and I yesterday.  June 1 was an easy day for the wedding.  She wanted a June wedding and I wanted a date I would not forget.  How can you forget the 1st.

We had a nice easy day together yesterday.  Babysat one of the grands for 4 hours.  Took a tv in for repairs.  Went out to eat BBQ, even though we had tons of leftovers from the day before.  She is a cheap date.  One of the BBQ places around here has buy one get one free for beef sandwiches from 4-9 Monday through Thursday.  I hardly ever get to enjoy it because of my work hours.  So it was nice to sit down there and each for under ten bucks for the two of us.  For our 30th we went to Cracker Barrell.  I love an easy to please woman.

GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!                   

on 6/1/10 11:38 pm
ROFL!  George--this is why Ted and I picked June 1st too!!!  So glad things went well for you and Mary yesterday--it really was a beautiful day!

on 6/1/10 10:49 pm - Alexander, AR
Good morning, Cindy and all my OFFer's,

Cindy, thanks for looking for me, and MaryMargaret, sorry I didn't respond to your post. I haven't dropped off the face of the earth, just had to take a break. I've tended to sit and vegatate in front of the computer and decided I just needed to break the routine/habit for a week or so. Not that I don't love you all to death, but it's easy for me to get into a rut. Then, after a few days when only a couple of people came looking for me, my insecurities raised their ugly heads and I decided it didn't matter that I was here or not. I had thought that I was old enough to be past the easily hurt feelings of my younger years, but I guess not. Oh well. My head is out of my arse, I think, so here I am, ready or not.

I won't be here tomorrow, taking a friend to have plastic surgery very (yikes, 7:00 a.m.), so unless I can use her computer while she's zonked out, I'll be gone most of the day. Lots of other things going on here but I won't go into all of it now, just too much in my head.

George & Mary, Cassie & Ted, happy anniversary! Life is grand when you're in it with your best friend.

Hugs and smoochies to all! 



Cindy P.
on 6/1/10 11:14 pm

Oh, I'm so glad to see you posting!  I do read your "eating" thread every day.  I'm working to get myself back on track and reading it does  help keep the focus. 

It seems as though OFF has been slow lately.  I think people are out living life and not posting. Also, I know for me, sometimes my life seems like the same old same old day in and day out and so I don't post.  I wonder how many others feel the same way. 

Cindy P.
on 6/1/10 11:18 pm - Alexander, AR

I agree about daily routine. I guess I figure if I"M bored with my life, why would anyone elese find it interesting?



karen C.
on 6/1/10 11:24 pm - Kennewick, WA

Good Morning,

 It's just 6am and one of the twins is already stirring. Josh and I changed them both and Josh put them back down saying "It's not time to get up yet, go night night!" We'll see if that works. It's too early for them to start their day.

I love the quiet of early morning whether here or at home.  It's raining which isn't unusual around here. More unusual if it weren't!

I'm staying very busy here at Erin's. We went to the doctor yesterday and she treated me to lunch. We shared Mexican and it was yummy. Everything still looks great with Erin and the baby. Baby Briley is now over 5 lbs which is such a relief given the nasty accident she and Erin were in in mid March. Less than 4 weeks until her scheduled C-Section if all goes well. Erin is tired of being pregnant but is still getting along much better than her twin pregnancy. She's at the stage where she isn't comfortable anywhere but I always figured that was in the maker's "plan" so that we'd be ready for those sleepless nights to come!

Not getting as much planned exercise as I should but staying busy all day with cooking, cleaning, laundry, grocery shopping, and then of course playing, feeding, changing, after daycare until bath time. Love those "baths" which involve everyone getting soaked even those not getting cleaned!

Erin and Josh are both very hands on. Josh teaches 6th grade and leaves about 7:30 so he is often gone before the girls get up and coaches high school sports after school. Last night he was home by 5:30 and he "daddy played" which involves a lot of wrestling, chasing around the house, playing catch. Dads sure play different than this old granny. I'm into cuddling, playing house, building blocks, and reading stories. I made little aprons and pot holders so I get lots of "cookies" from the play oven. And they serve me tea from their little cups. We have picnic and pretend camping trips. Can't wait until I can take them camping for real. Figure we might be able to really go camping by next summer.

Think I'll have a cup of coffee before the day gets going. All is quiet upstairs so it sounds like Daddy was taken seriously. Warm thoughts of friendship to you all.


Karen C

Laureen S.
on 6/2/10 12:23 am - Maple Shade, NJ
Morning Friends,

Just a quick pass through this morning, as I have a busy day here at work, but wanted to jump on and say hey to all of you. . .

Hoping your day is full of the joy of living and that there is at least one thing that you can focus on that is about living and enjoying your life. . .

Wishing everyone the peace and strength to get through whatever life brings your way. . .

Hugs to all, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

Judy G.
on 6/2/10 1:27 am - Galion, OH
hey laureen...i found this in my womans world magazine last night and thought of you...RELIEVE POISON IVY with impatiens!! you slice the stem and rub the inside on the exposed areas, OR boil it into a tea and freeze in ice cube trays then whenever you get a rash, rub the ice cube over it. sounds like a good idea to me. you can grow them in either sun or shade just make sure to water them thoroughly. :-)

Laureen S.
on 6/2/10 1:59 am - Maple Shade, NJ
Thanks for thinking of me Judy, hopefully, I won't EVER have that hellish experience again!!!

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

Eileen Briesch
on 6/2/10 12:39 am - Evansville, IN
Hi Cindy and my OFF family:

It's raining and has been raining since early this morning. I woke up several times to thunder. Plus, I woke up sweating several times. Not a very restful night.

I had my disability examination yesterday ... the psychologist said I wasn't depressed. Well, he didn't see me back in October. Yeah, I'm not depressed now ... I have a job again and things are looking up. He asked why I couldn't elevate my leg under the desk. I said, "Have you ever tried it? It doesn't work well."  What a joke. This guy talks to me for one hour and thinks he knows my life. This is like the bariatrics center behaviorist who thought I wouldn't be compliant when the one thing he asked me to do was seek counseling.

After my appointment, I stopped in at the Press to see my former coworkers and tell them about my job. One of the graphics guys said good things always happen to good people, and that's why I got the job. I don't think that's necessarily true, but it made me feel good. Even some of the reporters, the people who I was told didn't like me, were congratulating me, telling me how I deserved this good break. I feel so fortunate for knowing these people. The best kind.

One of my former coworkers, Phil, who used to do the schedule and attend production meetings before he took the buyout in the first round, is taking me out to lunch today (his wife Melinda is coming too ... I really like her ... they invited me over for Christmas a couple of years). After that, I really do need to get back into pitching and packing. I don't have much room in my car to take with me to Gary's rummage sale, but I can pack some stuff for the movers.

Well, I need to get going here. Have a good day.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




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