What's New Wednesday Edition
We've been exercising doing chair aerobics. These DVDs were recommended to me because I have joint issues. They are wonderful. You can find them on ChairDancing.com. We got the three aerobic DVDs, two strength training DVDs, and one chair yoga. Haven't tried the chair yoga yet -- thought I'd wait until these old muscles are used to moving first.
Well, I guess that's about all that's new except for what is going on with our moms. I won't bore you with that today.
Take care and have a great day.
Cindy P.
After days of playing phone tag with Carla, we finally talked yesterday morning. She should be arriving here sometime this afternoon or early evening and we're really looking forward to seeing her and Phyllis again.
Had a sweet message from Karen on FB this morning. I hope she had a wonderful birthday yesterday. She's one of those people that gets better with age. I may be absent on here, but no one is forgotten.
Work has been hectic, but what else is new around here. They are working on upgrading my position, but I'll have to apply for it. They are only doing it so I won't try to leave for a better job. It's nice that I'm thought of so highly. I really do love my job......most of the time anyway.
Hope everyone is doing fine. I sure miss having the time to keep up with everyone on here.
Brotherly hugs to all,
Just a quick hand wave this morning.
Lots of running around to do and have to wake up, it seems like it is going to be a morning that is going to take awile.
Have a great day where ever you are.
I am on my way. What a ride it has been.

Good morning Cindy and everyone who follows!
Yesterday was such a beautiful day. Ted and I celebrated out 8th anniversary with a day trip to the shore and it was just lovely ... except there was no access to a restroom unless we went into a restaurant and ordered a meal, lol. So those trips were "planned" around breakfast and lunch!
Ted and I are each other's best friend. Even though we were married a long time to our first late spouses (me--16 yrs; Ted 28) we feel like we've been together as long. That's meant in a good way, not a bad one. :) I'm really surprised that Al & Tipper Gore are splitting up!
We got back in time my son Bill to make us a delicious steak dinner. He went all out to do it, presenting the meal like we were in a restaurant. It was so great!
No special plans today other than the usual doctor appointment.
I'm really sad that Ted will probably have to re-install the dread Vista on my computer. I hate that system and had Ted uninstall it (the computer came with it) to install XP. Everything was great but now I'm getting the blue screen of death several times a session since Ted fixed the sound & CD/DVD on the thing. So it could be since the computer came with Vista it just won't run with XP. Waaaaah. Oh well.
Have a wonderful Wednesday everyone!

Good morning OFF family, happy "Hump Day"...I love short work weeks! LOL
Happy 8th anniversary Irishcoda! Wwhhhooooooo!!
Yeah, I'm not surprised Tipper and Al are getting a divorce. She wants more time with the grandchildren and her family and is tired of Al's globe trotting around the world. I have always liked Tipper, she seems real and honest to me.
It's raining really hard here in Michigan. Hubby was up early this morning on the roof cleaning out the gutters!...in the lightening! Yikes!! He is such a sweetheart, I sure do love and appreciate him.
Granddaughter's BD is Friday, Rozzie is pure sunshine, she had fun on her school trip yesterday. Remington will be 4 in July and just got eyeglasses, he looks so cute, they are blue "like Thomas the train"...the boy loves trains!