Gooood Morning Tuesday
Hello, my wonderful Dallas Sistah!!!
How are you? Still in your busy world, I see. Any plans for Dallas in your near future? Dinner maybe?
Looks like another hot day here. You've got humidity. We'll probably have some.
Today is Maui Karen's birthday so will post on hers to wish her much fun today.
Don't see you around much but figured you'd be doing something wonderful. Have you been on the boat?
How are you? Still in your busy world, I see. Any plans for Dallas in your near future? Dinner maybe?
Looks like another hot day here. You've got humidity. We'll probably have some.
Today is Maui Karen's birthday so will post on hers to wish her much fun today.
Don't see you around much but figured you'd be doing something wonderful. Have you been on the boat?
Just the same ole same ole. I will be in Dallas at the end of June for my grands B'day. Don't know exactly when we will arrive. I'll be there again in July when I babby sit for a couple of days. My daughter has several people looking after the kids a couple of days at a time while she and hubby take a trip.
was just mentioning the boat a couple of minutes ago. DH is having the engine serviced, He said he hoped it would be done this weekened. I said maybe one day he would actually sail the dang thing. What a concept. Since Ike we have been on the water a grand total of twice. I am ready to sell it and get something that doesn't take a crew to use.
don't know if you know but I rented a small garage apt in Louisiana so I can spend a week or so each month with my mother. Cheaper than a week in a hotel. It is sorta furnished so its easier to just pick up and go. My sister is coming through Houston in a couple of weeks and we will go back gto LA . She hasn't seen her since December.
I'll let you know about my Dallas schedule. We got to get together soon.
See ya
Happy birthday to Karen and Happy anniversary to George!
Nothing much today except going to work. I got a little bit of a sunburn yesterday afternoon. I used sun screen but my neighbor/friend came over and we sat outside a long time to visit. I guess I was out there too long. But we hadn't had a chance to visit for quite a while so it was nice. She brought me a plant just because she's a wonderful person and friend. I was so glad when we bought this house and Susie and I would be neighbors.
Have a great week!
Nothing much today except going to work. I got a little bit of a sunburn yesterday afternoon. I used sun screen but my neighbor/friend came over and we sat outside a long time to visit. I guess I was out there too long. But we hadn't had a chance to visit for quite a while so it was nice. She brought me a plant just because she's a wonderful person and friend. I was so glad when we bought this house and Susie and I would be neighbors.
Have a great week!
Hi Linda and my OFF family:
It really cooled off after it rained yesterday. Today it's 60 and very foggy. I have a couple of appointments: one with my psychologist at 10:30 and another with Social Security's shrink for my disability application at 12:30. Yes, I'm still going through with disabilty. Don't know how long I can work anyway, so it's best to see if I can get it.
Linda, pretty soon I'll be in Louisiana and you can come and visit me. I had another day of pitching and packing, although I didn't get too much done. Had a headache on and off most of the day, so every time I bent down the headache got worse. But I did go through my closet and pull out a bunch of clothes I don't wear. Plus a bunch of books on tape and other things from the rummage sale last year. Not much room left in the car; still have to pack my Aerobed, pillows and a suitcase.
Well, not much else going on here. More pitching and packing, I guess. I have some phone calls to make this afternoon after my appointments. Have a good day. George, congrats on 36 years. That's quite an accomplishment.
It really cooled off after it rained yesterday. Today it's 60 and very foggy. I have a couple of appointments: one with my psychologist at 10:30 and another with Social Security's shrink for my disability application at 12:30. Yes, I'm still going through with disabilty. Don't know how long I can work anyway, so it's best to see if I can get it.
Linda, pretty soon I'll be in Louisiana and you can come and visit me. I had another day of pitching and packing, although I didn't get too much done. Had a headache on and off most of the day, so every time I bent down the headache got worse. But I did go through my closet and pull out a bunch of clothes I don't wear. Plus a bunch of books on tape and other things from the rummage sale last year. Not much room left in the car; still have to pack my Aerobed, pillows and a suitcase.
Well, not much else going on here. More pitching and packing, I guess. I have some phone calls to make this afternoon after my appointments. Have a good day. George, congrats on 36 years. That's quite an accomplishment.
AHHHHHHH moving suh a mixed blessing. There's the promise of new beginnings and adventures but so much work!!!!!!!!!!
Hope you enjoy Monroe once you finally get there. I don't know much about that part of the state.
I beleive centenary college is there and they have a fantastic choir that travels all over the nation giving concerts. Once you get settled take a few day trips to eplore. Welcome to my home state.