Me first?!

on 5/28/10 9:33 pm - IA
I can't believe I'm starting the Sat. thread.  I was up earlier than usual.  We were at the campsite.  The camper bed isn't the most comfortable.  I always wake up with back pain.  So I just came into town to shower and gather a few more things we'll need for the day.  I could shower in the camper, but since I'm home, I'll do it in the comfort of home. 

Our group plans to have Italian night for dinner tonight.  Well we all know that means - pasta - which I don't eat these days.  So I'm going to do some meatballs by themselves and that will give me something to eat.  I'm also going to make a yummy vegetable casserole for my side dish contribution to the feast.

Tomorrow night we are having smoked beef.  We have a HUGE smoker out there.  It's probably 8 foot long.  It will hold a LOT of meat.  But there will be a lot of people there.  One of the campers raises cattle, so he is bringing the meat and the rest of us will chip in to help pay for it.  Nothing like fresh corn-fed Iowa beef.

There are 6 of us who have campers at the site this weekend.  We've had as many as 9, but some of our regulars are gone for the holiday weekend.  We have several people who will be coming out for socializing later tonight.  Some will bring food and eat too. 

This group likes to change things up a bit on food.  Through the summer we'll have "sea food night", Mexican food night, appetizers only night, pork night, beef night, chicken night.  When we have the "meat" nights, then men have competitions on cooking the meat.  We actually have a hand made trophy to give to the winner. Visitors vote on the best meat.  Good times.

Well I better get some things done so I can get back out there for breakfast.

Some people might not support my WLS decision. 
Those people remind me of slinkys. Not good for much but it would would bring a smile to my face if someone pushed them down the stairs.


Ticker includes Pre-op weight loss 24 lb. 

Jo W.
on 5/28/10 10:03 pm - Owosso, MI
Good  Morning off
Im not as early as  you  are!  But woke up awhile ago and decided I needed to get out of here.  Memorial dayl weekend was always a big one for my mom with a church related retreat she loved.  For several years We  had beening going up to manton to get their little trailer ready then Id go up with them to help get ready for the weekend.   I miss thatso much this year,
So we are taking our little charge off to the southeast corner of the state and finding  some new memories and making new advernures.    Everyone have a good day  and a great weekend!!   Prayers for all recovering and in need of prayers
Nancy H.
on 5/28/10 10:25 pm - Traverse City, MI
Good morning all. We have kids here this weekend. Hopefully we will finish getting our pool up. The guys went fishing & I have to help a friend , she is moving today.

Jo if you are ever near Manton, we are just a few miles from there. Let me know. We have lots of room & fun things for the kids. Have a great weekend!
on 5/28/10 10:39 pm
Good morning Wanda and OFF,

Wanda, we used to love camping....sounds like you're having a blast. 

It looks like the sun is coming out and it's going to be a beautiful day - YAY!  Our daughter came in from New York and I guess we'll have some fun in the sun, grilling and swimming in the pool.

Have a great Memorial Day weekend!



Judy G.
on 5/28/10 11:27 pm - Galion, OH

morning your camping sounds like alot of fun!!! wish i were there with you!!! BUT...i have to work ALL weekend and any plans friends have will not be seen by me....sighs

apartment complex is opening the pool today for use...yippeee a nice long list of rules was sent out to all tenants and sounds like if you are having fun in the pool you might be asked to leave...wonder if they will enforce these rules? hahaha like they do the only ONE pet rule...hahahahaa SO many have more then ONE pet in here and i see some have more then TWO!!!!! just ****** us off because we were told we could NOT have ricks cat here while she was dying!!!!!!! and YES we are looking for another apartment but so far none in a nice area like this one available in our price range. sighs

good to see connie posting and gald that she is doing ok since her surgery!!!

other than working thats all we will be doing..or should i say all that I will be doing this weekend. guess i will go play a few games of majoong (sp) and then get ready for work...yuck!!!

have a great weekend everyone and know i am thinking of you all!!!

on 5/29/10 12:14 am
Good morning, Wanda and everyone here at OFF!

It's after 9 and I'm just waiting for my eggs to finish boiling.  Feels like it's going to be humid today but we still have our windows open to try and shave more $ off our bill.  The kids want to try and stay in the house so all of us need to tighten our belts mightily to do this.  The mortgage company is letting us pay what we would if we'd gotten the reduction already so ... that helps.

Today our grandson is coming over and we're happy about that.  Last weekend, his family went out of town camping.  Today I think we'll go to the park if it becomes too sunny (playground equipment gets too hot).  Not sure what the plans will be if his mom shows up.  He may be here earlier this morning because his speech therapist asked him to come in earlier than he normally does.  In fact, his dad just called and they're on the way.

Have a super Saturday, everyone!


P.S.  Wanda, sounds like you guys are going to have a fan-tas-tic weekend!

Connie D.
on 5/29/10 12:40 am
Good morning Wanda and everyone.....

Go**** feels good to be at the computer this morning!!

I had a very nice and relaxing evening.A friend picked up some movies and he ordered pizza from my favorite place. I eat one piece with the crust and then a couple with just the was such a treat!!!! We had a really fun night!

I am going to get out of my house for a bit today. My friend is coming over and we are going out for a drive. Not long just enough to get outside a little while and enjoy the sun. Then he is going to grill steaks for dinner tonight....yummy!!

Thank you all for the good thoughts,wishes and prayers.
I appreciate your kindness.You are all just awesome!!!!!

Have a great day....prayers for all in need.

Love and hugs for all.....connie d 
Eileen Briesch
on 5/29/10 3:09 am - Evansville, IN
Hi Wanda and my OFF family:

I'm not much of a camper, Wanda. My idea of camping is a motel with a TV and a shower ... and a pool and a hot tub would be nice too. I used to enjoy camping a bit, but not anymore ... too hard on the back and knees. Give me a bed anytime. But I'm glad you enjoy it.

I drove an hour and a half this morning out to Okemos, Mich., to have a drug test for my new job, only to find that the lab was closed (it was supposed to be open on Saturday; I called and listened to their recording and it didn't say it wasn't closed for the holiday weekend). It wasn't hard to find, but when I got there, the parking lot was empty. Really pissed me off. So I spent three hours in the car and all that gas for nothing. So I picked up some coffee at Dunkin' Donuts (couldn't find a Starbucks, Carla), emptied my bladder and headed back home. Not exactly my idea of a fun morning.

I'm supposed to meet with a friend (one I met on OH who lives in Grand Rapids) this afternoon at a Mexican restaurant in GR. We haven't seen each other for a couple of years. She's really nice. She was one of the first I met online when I started looking for new friends.

My friends Mary Kay and Kim and former coworkers are throwing a farewell party for me June 13 ... Kim wanted to, and I knew Mary Kay did, too, so I told them to get together and decide on a date. I figured it would be a Sunday (I think that's the Sunday) because it's the only time all the Press folks are off during the day. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone (I hope) again one more time before I leave. 

I decided to do some touring on the way down. Got a good deal on a motel in Memphis: two nights, king-size bed with a fridge and microwave, $55, the motel accepts pets with no extra fees. I'll go tour Graceland and whatever else I can think of. Then maybe I'll visit Susan in Arkansas. I told the apartment complex I'll be there June 23. 

Well, that's all for now. Have a good day. 

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




on 5/29/10 6:36 am - Manteca, CA
Hi All,
I drove to see my best friend yesterday and went to a store to try on clothes too. When I got home I was worn out. Slept all night, then got up for breakfast and went back to bed. I just took a long hot bath and I'm getting dressed for our little Memorial Day get together with our good friends. They rent a block of cabins in the same place every year. We won't be spending the night- just having dinner and enjoying a few beers or wine. I'm not taking the pain meds during the day anymore. I still hurt, but it's not horrible. The weather is feeling a bit more summery today- around 82 degrees today. I'll wear long pants to cover my bruises- plus it gets pretty cool toward the evening at the river.
Take good care of yourselves!
karen C.
on 5/29/10 9:16 am - Kennewick, WA

Hi Wanda and Friends,

Typical Memorial Day weekend here. Wet and windy with more wet and windy forecast for the next few days. I'm packed and ready to head out early in the morning for Erin's. I'll be there all week and come home on Friday.

Packwood, Washington a small town on the west side of White Pass has a Memorial Day Flea Market that covers both sides of the highway all through the little town. I plan to get there about 10am tomorrow and spend a few hours scouting for treasures before heading on over to my daughter's. My son in law has spring football starting Tuesday after school for the next two weeks so I'll be helping Erin with the twins.

So yesterday was my last day of subbing until fall. I've enjoyed most of the days and certainly like it much better than substitute teaching. Been there done that not looking for  a teaching job. I'll leave that job for the youngsters trying to find permanent teaching jobs.

Not much else to say. I have a friend stopping by in a few minutes so I better straighten up a bit. Hope you're having a nice relaxing weekend.

Karen C

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