Up Early - What are you planning today?

on 5/27/10 7:25 pm - Medina, OH
Hi everyone and TGIF,

Have lots of running around to do today and tonight.  Going to have company Sunday and Monday.  Truthfully, I am tired and would have wanted the weekend to myself.  Oh well...

Yesterday was so nice, met cousins and planned a family reuninon for July 24th.  The park we chose is so nice.  Lots of things for little ones to do.

I was up early and thought I would start the thread.  Have to take my sister to the docs, again.  Later, I am going to play cards with my art friends.  That is always fun.  We start at 6 and usually play until 3 in the morning! lol  I think we gab and laugh most of the night. In between going to finish my laundry and clean house.  Try to get ahead for the weekend.  Told the hubby we are getting up really early tomorrow and go to walmart, before the rush hits.

Other than that, I could go on and on, but will stop here.  Need more coffee.

Anyone know where Susan is?



I am on my way.  What a ride it has been.


Laureen S.
on 5/27/10 8:25 pm - Maple Shade, NJ
Good Morning MaryMargaret and the rest of the OFF family,

Today is the beginning of our summer hours program, which means the weeks we participate, we have to be in the office at 8 a.m., 1/2 hour for lunch and can leave at 3:30, of course, that is workload permitted, and today and next Friday I have the early departure, which is great, as (1) I live the furthest from the office and will have to transverse roads full of cars trying to get to their holiday weekend getaways and (2) tomorrow I have my 1st bbq in over 2 years and there is much to do to get ready.  Mostly food prep as we shopped and Diane (my roommate) has helped with the lawnwork and house stuff, as lately her job has cut her hours almost to none, so she is home and today she is going to make her yummy potato and macaroni salads, then tonight I will do the trim on the lawn, filet the chicken cutlets and put them in marianades and just kind of organize stuff so that tomorrow everything is ready for the friends that will be coming and Tony is supposed to be here too. . .

Then Sunday I have a friend from work coming up and we are going to the movies and will have either Japanese or leftovers from the bbq.  Monday is open and I am hoping to have a relaxing day.

Anyway, that's my weekend plans, right now I'd better get dressed and ready for the workday!

Wishing everyone a wonderful day, a safe weekend and the peace and strength to get through whatever life challenges are going on in your world.

P.S.  Anyone hear from Connie?

Hugs, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

on 5/27/10 8:40 pm
Good morning Mary and OFF,

I thought I'd pop in and say hello.  I haven't been on OH so much lately, but like to keep in touch and stay in the loop - lol

Has anyone heard how Connie is doing??  I hope her surgery went well and she is healing and getting stronger every day.

I made a decision to switch piano teachers after a two-hour interview with my "new" piano teacher.  I can't wait to start with her on Tuesday. 

Wishing everyone a Happy Memorial Day!  Have a safe, happy, and fun weekend!



on 5/27/10 8:41 pm
Oh, I wanted to thank Pat for chatting via the phone the other evening.  You gave some really helpful pointers about piano teachers/lessons!  Thanks so much!



Pat R.
on 5/27/10 10:06 pm - Sturgis, MI
You are very welcome, Debbie.   Glad I was able to give some help.

It was fun chatting with you and getting to know you better.   Have a great weekend!

Pat r.


(on MySpace, MSN, Web pages, Blogs...)
Done! Your Ticker: 
on 5/27/10 10:10 pm - IA
Off to work then off to the campsite.  Can't wait!  It will be a long day at work.  I'm worse than a kid. :o)
Everyone have a nice and safe holiday weekend!
Some people might not support my WLS decision. 
Those people remind me of slinkys. Not good for much but it would would bring a smile to my face if someone pushed them down the stairs.


Ticker includes Pre-op weight loss 24 lb. 

on 5/27/10 10:30 pm - Bradenton, FL
Good Morning!!!!!
Carla chimming in here. I got so scarred this morning. I was going to go down to the lobby of the Hampden Inn to get some much needed coffee.....I got stuck in the elevator for about a half hour with a college student!!!!! We are in Titusville near the Kennedy Space center on our way up to SAvannah Georgia. Phyllis and I.
I called down to the desk and they called the elevator company. Well I was glad this guy leaned on the elevator door and it opened.....I was freaked out!!!!!
Anyway I am having a blast with Phyllis.......
By the way my new Honda gets 35.5 miles to the gallon!!!!!
More later.....
image hosting site

on 5/27/10 11:01 pm - Somewhere in, NY
Hi All

Had a long day yesterday.  My WLS 4 year check up went well.  I weighed the same as 6 months ago, and a year ago.  The extra 5-10 lbs I'd like to lose were the oned I gained before that.  My body fat % has gone down, and all my labs are good.  He does want me to take a multi with iron from now on, which I hate because of the constipation side effect.  We'll see how that goes.  Then I shopped for hours, and bought a couple of summer dresses on sale.  Love dresses, even around the house!

I have another appt this am for a thyroid ultrasound and labs.  We're tracking the nodules they fpund last year.  Doc doesn't think they're anything, but we're staying on top of them.  Then this afternoon I'll be playing in the dirt, cleaning up and deadheading...already.

I think Sunday I'll have a few friends over for a cookout.  Nothing fancy, just chicken and salads.  Probably play cards for a bit.  I don't enjoy entertaining the way I used to.  It all seems like such a hassle now.  I'd rather sit and enjoy the quiet and my yard.  Too many year of working with too many people, I guess.  

I hope everyone has a good holiday weekend.



Eileen Briesch
on 5/28/10 2:06 am - Evansville, IN
Hi Mary and my OFF family:

I had to go get labs drawn for my 6-year bariatric checkup ... can't believe it's been six years June 29 since my life changed dramatically! I was supposed to have the appointment June 30, but changed it to next week because of the move, so I had to quickly get the labs done. So I had to fast this morning, not take my vitamins for 24 hours (although I took them yesterday morning, I didn't take them the rest of the day or this morning, so I should be OK). I'm trying to change my pain doctor's appointment too so I can have that finished and get prescriptions in writing before I go.

I got the apartment I applied for in Monroe; it's at a place called Shadow Wood Apartments. I have a 2-bedroom, 1 bath unit on the ground floor near the office and the pool. It looks very nice. Here's the website:  http://www.shadowwoodapts.net/

I'll be living next door to the woman who hired me, the one who took the buyout in Saginaw. So at least I'll know someone.

Got the package to have the drug screen, so I'll go to Okemos tomorrow to have that done. Anyone out that way from here? Maybe we can get together tomorrow after my drug test.

My brother Gary and I talked yesterday, and I'm going to help him out with his rummage sale next week, taking some of my stuff out there. And Gary said he could sell me his washer/dryer for $75 if we could figure out how to get it from Hartford, Wis., to my house and load it on the moving van. A half hour later, he called me back and said our older brother, Ed, asked how I was moving, and then said he might be able to take time out and drive the truck, if we could find enough people to load the truck (which I could) and unload it (possibly, but not sure). So I later talked to Ed, and he said he didn't think he could do it. He didn't even think he could move the washer/dryer from Hartford to my mom's and then have me get it from there to the Grand Rapids area. Oh well, it was a good idea.

At this point, I think I'm going with the movers, but I'll do some packing myself and that will save me a little money. It'll be less stressful knowing when the truck is coming, that they will unload for me at the new place. They'll put everything where I want it so I won't have to move it around. It's going to be stressful enough to move with the cats, so I want to have as little stress as possible when I get there.

I think my headache is finally gone! It sure took awhile. I plan to get some packing, pitching and moving stuff done today. I wouldn't mind going to the pool, but I really need to start taking charge of things in the house here.

Well, everyone have a nice day. Stay cool and hope the Memorial Day weekend goes well for you ... no big plans for me.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




on 5/28/10 2:37 am - Shelton, CT
Lap Band on 05/21/07 with
Hi Mary and all my OFF Friends,
Not much going on here.  I'm glad it's Friday.  I'm not feeling so well.  Just daily annoyances with eating, acid reflux, constipation, blood in my stool, stomach aches, lower back pain, etc.  I've gone to the gastroenterologist and we are trying Benefiber and Nexium to see if that helps.   They don't seem to be worried, I had a colonoscopy in 2008.    I left work yesterday with a stomach ache and lower back pain.  And I'm really tired.
I take two multivitamins with iron a day.  I get in my calcium and Vitamin D and today I had my monthly B12 shot.  I'm going for my blood work next week.  All the docs are getting copied on it.
I'm marching with my Tiger Cubs on Monday in the Memorial Day Parade.  Sunday we are visiting my husband's shut-in Aunt.  Tonite we are going to see my SIL who had back surgery.  But first I'm going to pick up two clumps of Stella D'oro yellow daylilies I'm getting from a Freecycler.  Tomorrow is taking care of the house day and maybe a little planting.
I seem to make big plans for myself these days and then don't have the energy to fulfill them.  We'll see . . .
I'm making a pact with myself that I'm not starting any new television series for the rest of the summer.  I have a bedroom office, a basement and a garage that needs cleaning out.  I'll never accomplish anything if I keep plunking myself down in front of the TV every night.
Thinking of Connie and Susan.

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