Just another manic Monday!
morning mary and OFF...
yes it sure was a beautiful day here yesterday!!! but saturday...YUCK!!!! so many plans i had for fun stuff on my weekend off and couldn't do most because of the rain/storm!! we did make it to the horseshow at the farm park and saw alot of horses there. :-)
saturday afternoon ricks mom brought nicole and anthony over to see us. that baby sure is getting big!! and talking so much more now also!! he just turned 2 and looks like he should be 3...lol he loved the popper we got for him and also the horse and cars!! he played really nice with them and even made bandit run from the popper....lol had a nice visit with them for a couple hours. what a nice surprise that was...they usually stay about 1/2 hour and then leave right away. on june 4th nicole finds out what her arraignment will be. hopefully it will be probation only. seems what they are talking about is more for a killer than for the piddly thing she did. so we shall see. keeping fingers crossed for her.
watched the NASCAR hall of fame induction last night and had tears over dale earnhardt sr....i sure miss seeing him on the track in his black #3!!! racing hasn't been the same since he died....also watched the brooks and dunn special for them...gonna miss them.
nothing else here so i will get going. work today 1-9 and already i hurt....sighs
Just stopping by to say hello to you all, my weekend was good and last night I watched the end of Lost, I think they tied things up ok, then I had a hard time going to sleep.
Got a call from my daughter in Florida this morning, the older one, seems her bf had yet another incident which creates financial insecurity and chaos in their lives and she called to say she is done, that no matter how good a guy he is, she just can't survive this latest round of crisises and I can understand her feelings, he has truly had one thing after another since they've been together and it creates an environment of constant stress. But now she needs money to move into a more affordable place to live and since their finances were all tied together and it appears his are now in jeopardy, she may have to declare bankruptcy, not to mention her ex, the childrens father has not been dependable with his end for the past year due to the fact that since the economy tanked, his business fell way off. Both great guys and very sad that things are in this condition. Wish my dream that I had last week would come through, I dreamt I won 3.7 million dollars (lol). . . I have to see if there is anything I can do, but my finances are extemely tight since last year, everything goes up, but salary at the new job is 12k less a year and I am stretched, wish she lived closer and then she could move in with me until she got on her feet. . .
Anyway, I am at work and better get back to it.. .
Prayers to all in need for peace and strength to carry you through.
Hugs, Laureen
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
It's 10:30 a.m. and already 82 degrees here. I think Michigan is trying to prepare me for Louisiana weather. Yesterday I went to hear the band of former coworkers play at the brewpub. Since it was so nice, the bar opened up its patio doors so it was hot in the bar. And the one beer I had (8% alcohol beer called Dirty *******) really hit me hard. I had a half a turkey sandwich on whole grain bread, but even that didn't sober me up much. Plus, it was so noisy I could barely talk with my friends over the din. We had to wait to talk between songs. My one former coworker, Charley Honey, had written one song called "China" about all the jobs going to China from Michigan... good song. I told him he needs to write one about the demise of the newspaper industry. Charley is the religion columnist at the Press (was the religion editor) ... and a songwriter ... very talented man.
Driving home from the bar, I realized my air conditioning in the car wasn't working, so by the time I got home I was really miserable. I made an appointment at my mechanic's tomorrow to have them look at the AC and do an oil change. An AC recharge is $98 ... if that's all it takes, that's not bad, but anything more, I think I'm going to look at new cars. I've put enough money into this 14-year-old car this year.
The traveling and lack of sleep has caught up with me. My right leg is still swollen, my back hurts, my knee hurts, I'm so tired. Today I'm staying home. I'm doing laundry, making phone calls (movers, U-Haul, etc.). Got to figure out how I'm doing this move. Got to start packing, pitching, selling, etc.
So did anyone watch the finale of "Lost"? Interesting ... took me a while to soak it in and figure out what happened. Did you see the alternate endings? I didn't stay up to watch "Jimmy Kimmel" bu****ched it online ... pretty funny.
Well, have a good day. I've already applied for my unemployment benefits, turned down the other interview I was supposed to have by phone this morning ... think it's time to get the laundry going.
I think the rest of the day I will just relax.
Marc thought it was funny about me getting the tiller stuck in the fence. He does have to fix the fence though.
Mu daughter & her family are coming up this weekend. I am really looking foreward to that. They are bringing the boat so the guys will be fishing. I love girl time, if I cojuld talk my daughter into going with them, I would enjoy that to.
Have a wonderful day all!!!
on 5/24/10 2:04 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
Been real busy this morning.
Got up extra early, did a 3.5 mile "wog" (walk and jog), came back and cooked breakfast, vacuumed the whole house, cleaned 2 of 3 bathrooms, mopped the kitchen, vacuumed the pool, power washed the patio furniture and the lanai.....had all that done by 10:30 am.
Going to mix up a bunch of turkey burgers and veg to be grilled for lunch (freezing leftovers).
Have one more big bag of larger sized clothing to sort through and then can get rid of it all. Will be happy when this is done.
Going to start loading a bunch of pictures and music into a new MP3 player I bought for my parents...want to load it with lots of their favorite music, also a version of the Bible, and lots of old pictures of us kids that I scanned in....I think they will enjoy this. I have less than 2 weeks to get it all done....better get busy.
More planting and weeding scheduled for tomorrow.... fun fun fun.
Hope everyone is doing well.
I have to put my 5 yr old cat down today. She is getting sicker and sicker. So at 430 I will make hat decision.
Carl is surviving in chicago. but will e there till Augest the way things are looking.
on 5/24/10 4:42 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
Sorry to hear about your cat. Tough decision. I know you've tried a lot of stuff to get her better. I'll be thinking of you.
so it's almost 9 PM and i am whooped---work was pretty good- as i left i was told that i have tomorrow off-that's great cuz i truly have things to do here with michael--just kinda bothers me that i was on the schedule for a full day--is this a sign of future?i really think it's cuz it has not been busy ..thinking positive!
am praying that my brother gets the 220 run tomorrow and the ac into the window--michael and the dogs were just about roasted today.....he's outside now on the mower...i have a 7am coffee date with mom and we (mic and me) are hoping to get that shed roof on before noon tomorrow....
mom and i are planning our cemetery tour this weekend-i booked us into a motel with pool--oh yea! and ac and it will be great-we have had to work hard to squeeze this weekend in and so tomorrow off to be home with michael is really a good thing...i guess...oh-the cemetery tour-just following "Decoration Day" traditions PLUS it helps us both to know our ancestry--have to still count how many we expect to see this year! (gravesites, i mean!)
well- sticky and hot and tired...
hugs and prayers...swinging a wild Michigan turkey for eileen to sell the condo!
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White