Good morning!!!
My DH went fishing this weekend so I have finally have some me time. Boy do I need it! If the rain holds off I need to use the tiller to make my garden bigger. I have a mulch pile that is ready to use, so now I can increase my space. I have almost all my flowers in I have to say I am pleased. I also need to grocery shop.
Two of my grands want to have Birthday party's here, actually a campout. They were here yesterday planning. As long as Dad is supervising it's ok. Their stepmom is not working out as well as we all wanted. Thats a story for another day.
Well I hope you all have a great weekend!!!!
Our daughter came in from New York and has been visiting the past two days -- what a pleasant last minute surprise she gave us. It's always great to spend some quality time together. We went to Park City Mall yesterday, and today we're going to a friend's house to see her beautiful pea****s. Tomorrow is my Pouch Party, so I have some last minute things to do in preparation for that...I hope the weather holds out, although they're calling for PM showers.
Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
I have to go into work in about an hour for a teleconference. I really don't feel like going in and will have a hard time getting away once I get there. I'm sure my boss will have several things to "run past me" while I'm there. I don't know what the woman will do when I retire. She really depends too much on me. I guess that's my job, but her lack of confidence in making decisions without consulting with me first can be tiresome. I appreciate her confidence in me, but I don't make her salary. LOL
Our regular camping group is finally going to camp this weekend. I'm really not up to full blown camping, so we're just going to go out this evening for dinner and tomorrow too. We'll enjoy the best part of camping - cooking over the fire and sitting around the campfire. We got so much rain yesterday that my DH doesn't think it would be a good idea to try to pull the camper out anyway - he would probably leave deep ruts in the yard. We really need to get some cement poured where we park it.
Everyone have a nice weekend.
Productive day yesterday I have food in the fridge and cupboards! My little charge informed gramma that she wasn't ever gonna live with gramma again cuz daddy hurted her! That's a breakthrough for one of my special little ones.
Need to get to the housework and laundry today,before it over takes the house. We are heading up for home to marrow to help my stepdad with his housework and yard work. Made the mistake of letting him know so of course I get the phone call this am telling me what kind of homemade bread he wants next week! gonna cheat and get out the bread machine.
Prayers continue from our house to all of yours!
Hope all of you have a great weekend!
It's always nice when someone who hasn't done the thread before jumps in and gets us started.
Sounds like you have quite a garden there Nan.� Not sure how much property you have, but I imagine if you are using a tiller, you've got quite a good size one. . .� my backyard is a nice size for suburbia, it is about 80 feet deep since I put on my addition and added a deck, obviously it used to be bigger, but like I said, it's nice sized and something I can handle fairly well, with my life as busy as it is, work, family, friends, etc. . .� so this year I am finally getting to landscaping the backyard, as prior to WLS I was not really up to the task, nor did I really have a clue as to what to do, but slowly I am learning, obviously with the posion ivy experience, I am really learning slow (lol). . .� so my friend Owen, who professes to be a "yard ape" and loves all things garden related including bugs, birds, bats and so forth, is helping me along and he has a friend who buys and sells plants at wholesale and what some folks overorder and don't want is finding it's way into my backyard for free!� I�am very excited at how the vision of my home is coming together, first the addition and now the yard, it really does feel like home to me and I just hope and pray that the high taxes in my state do not force me to sell.� Anyway, I planted a small patch of vegetables this past weekend and can't wait to see how well I do with that.
Well my weekend is slowly taking shape in the form of projects and social activities, some of what I� hope to accomplish is to get my outdoor dining set cleaned up and ready for the summer, hoping to find some cucumber plants and get them in the ground.� Then there is dinner with friends and trying to plan something for a friend of ours whose birthday we missed last week.� Lest not forget, Roxie the Queen Bee needs her time at the dog park. . .Also the usual housekeeping, laundry things and I better do some serious cooking, as my freezer supply is gone. . .
Well I guess that's it for me, hope that all of you have a spledid weekend, hope to hear something good from Eileen on her job hunt and to those facing life challenges of a serious nature, please know my thoughts and prayers have you in them!� May you each find the peace and strength to face life headon!� Julia, hope you are feeling better today!
Hugs, Laureen
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
Tonite is my company's "reunion". We have had many lay-offs and now there is more alumni than people who work at the company. Many of us worked together for more than ten years and we were like a family. We have a yearly gathering to catch up. Some who were laid off a year ago have not found jobs yet so it's also a way to network.
Tomorrow we have to go to a college graduation party for my nephew. Sunday, I'm having brunch with my aunts, sisters and cousins. One cousin is visiting from NY and one from GA. It will be nice to see them.
Monday is my Tiger Cubs graduation. We do a nice ceremony.
I have a few doctor appts. next week. Just check-ups.
I'll be marching with my Tiger Cubs in the Memorial Day Parade. That is something I had to stop doing before WLS. My knees couldn't do it. Now I can walk all I want. Yay.
Happy Friday Nan,
I'm a gardener too. We planted our vegetables way too early this year and they have just been sitting there getting beat up by the wind. Will we never learn? We think we'll see results earlier but that rarely happens.
I ordered a daylily catalog and oh how beautiful the many colorer varieties are. All I ever see in the stores around here is yellow. Now I don't mind yellow for accents but I'd like to get some really different colors. They are pricey but in time I think they can be divided.
Some lovely quotes in the catalog. This one reminds me of my mom. She planted things in her yard right up until the spring she passed away when she was well into her 95th year. She said "If I don't live to see the necatarines or the grapes someone else will get to enjoy them."
Here's the quote: "Gardening is a way of showing that you believe in tomorrow." author unknown.
One more? I liked this one too: "A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they will never sit in" Greek proverb. I am thankful for all of those beautiful old shade trees that I enjoy so much all seasons of the year.
Have a wonderful day all.
Karen C
i am itching to get veggies and flowers in--i had wanted to order many flowers from a catalog -which my mom lost- so---i'll wing it with local nurseries--
we kindof are waiting til we paint the trailer cuz of the bleach we have to use to clean it....
need to finish the shed roof -hopefully tomorrow if it's not raining...then i can get stuff outta the trailer....
work til 6 tonite and 8-noon tomorrow
much still to report-obviously not important if you've all managed to sleep without my news!! haha
hugs and prayers..................
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White
I am gearing down to leave next Wednesday. Phyllis is flying down here to drive back to Michigan with me. I have to be in Chicago on June 3rd for my daughters engagement party.
My cousin is getting married next Thursday morning on the beach in Ft Lauderdale. I am picking up Phyllis in Clearwater on Wednesday on my way down to Ft Lauderdale. After the wedding we are going to be traveling up I-95 to Savannah Georgia, Then Asheville North Carolina then to Floyds in indianapolis. Then to Muskegon michigan to pick up my cousin then to Chicago. I plan on camping a lot along the way.
I have been a grass widow this past month as Carl is in Chicago dealing with his crazy sister. We are selling the house in Chicago and moving on!!!!!! We had to put his sister in a nursing home.
Nan you sound like you are very busy!!!!! I will try to call you later to catch up.
My cat Pitt isnt doing well again. I have to take her to the vet and see what is what. She is skin and bones from her kidney infection and cant gain weight.....
Carl baught me a new car before he left. I got a Honda Fit.