What's New Thursday Edition

karen C.
on 5/20/10 12:19 am - Kennewick, WA
All I can say is those poor chickens. I vow to have mine "free range, no added hormones" from now on. I'd rather have them walking around, eating whatever, than having them in cages, so "enhanced" that they can't stand or breathe. . . nuf said.

Karen C

Jan C.
on 5/19/10 11:09 pm - Cedar Creek, MO
will take some time this morning from my Ark building to stop and say hi to all of you. Not a lot going on here except rain. it has rained and rained and then did i tell you it has rained....last night alone we got 2 1/2 inches. horrible ....my poor chickens are floating in the chicken yard lol  they are spending a lot of time in the coop and it has been so dark and dreary that the egg production has been down. two days ago we hung a light bulb out there and are giving them 12 hours of light so we should see a big increase of eggs starting today...they lay these big huge beautiful brown eggs that are great , well except for two hens i have that lay green eggs lol they are a lot of fun.

My flowers are growing wonderfully even in this rain. and the garden is growing and producing. I pick a big mess of sugar snap peas yesterday , have put up several packages of them for stir fry....think that is what we will have tonight not sure ....

well going to get and see what all we can get done today ....cleaning cabinets and closets probably since cant work outside much. altho is a good time to pull weeds if you dont mind getting wet lol



karen C.
on 5/20/10 12:28 am - Kennewick, WA
They may be wet but they are happier! (See above post to Susan)

Karen C

Connie D.
on 5/19/10 11:25 pm
Good morning Cindy and everyone.....

I agree more and more people are on Facebook. I know I spend more time there. However, I will not leave OFF...this is where I feel the most support and caring and I need you all!!

I have to get my job/work all caught up today as this is my last day to wor****il after my surgery on Monday. I pretty much met with all my clients and got that wrapped up yesterday. Odds and ends to do today.

I want to get outside and try to walk a bit if I can. If not I will sit outside and enjoy the sun anyway.

Have a wonderful day everyone....prayers for all in need.

Love and hugs to all....connie d
karen C.
on 5/20/10 12:29 am - Kennewick, WA

Connie, Sending positive thoughts your way.

Karen C

Margo M.
on 5/19/10 11:50 pm - Elyria, OH
i'm here-at work-but feel so weird doing this-
not really spending any time on comp at home --and can't do fb here- mainly i write to my kids there-

lots going on- nothing special---lots to tell you but --last weekend's escapades etc.....well-anyhow-
michael is driving me nutso....

carla-email me......

hugs and prayers.............

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


annette R.
on 5/19/10 11:51 pm - ithaca, NY
It is supposed to be warm for a change. I might sit on the deck, soak up the sun, while watching the humming birds and gold finches. The cats will push noses against the screen and curse me for making them stay inside.

Anybody want a super stubborn, slightly used husband? Tom has what appears to be gout and refuses to see the doctor. Even asleep he moans and groans. With all that pain you would think he'd stop being such a mule and get it checked out. He is really ******g me off.
 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
karen C.
on 5/20/10 12:26 am, edited 5/20/10 12:35 am - Kennewick, WA
Mike has periodic attacks of gout. More and more we realize that it is gouty arthritus. When he overworks an area that is already weak he gets an attack. He has gout pills that he takes for flareups. Tom go to the doctor! But, he also takes ibuprofin for flareups and that helps him a lot. Now these are 800 mg ibus so not a small dose. Seems to reduce the inflamation overnight. His other gout pill is called: Indomethicin 50 mg 2 times a day. Annette, I wrote down the wrong pill. This is the right one.

Karen C

on 5/19/10 11:55 pm - Shelton, CT
Lap Band on 05/21/07 with

Hi Cindy and all my OFF friends,
I've been missing because I'm supporting my sister and her battle with cancer.  Tuesday night she called me to say the doctor had just called and told her the breast biopsy came back positive for invasive ductal cancer.  I went with her yesterday to the doctor appt.  She is scheduled for her Uterine cancer surgery on June 7 and the doctor has said her breast lumpectomy will have to wait until after then.  So as you can imagine, my sister is a wreck.  All looks promising for both because they have been caught early, but it still feels bleak to her.  She is strong and she knows the family will all stand by her through it so she will do well.  Both doctors have deemed it curable.
Work has been supportive of me with my leaving work to accompany her to doctor appointments.  For that I am grateful.  My sister has never been married and has no children so she needs me right now.
I know some of you are flying without insurance but please find a way to get your yearly gynecological check-ups.

Laureen S.
on 5/20/10 2:56 am - Maple Shade, NJ

Sorry to hear about your sister and her trials. . .  but glad that the prognosis appears to be good for her and I will keep her and you in my positive prayers and thoughts!


My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

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