Rowing, sailing, and just paddling along. What's on your plate?

on 5/18/10 9:21 pm - Alexander, AR
Good morning!

I didn't get here yesterday because I had to leave early for my appointment with the Nutritionist. It's about 40 minutes away, but because of a wreck on the interstate, it took me nearly 2 hours. AGH!  Fortunately, the friend that was going with me couldn't even get onto the interstate, so her slot was opened up to make up for my tardiness. She'll go next week, thank goodness I was still able to be seen after all of that!
My resting metobolic rate has improved from 940 (which was shockingly low 2 years ago) to 1140. This is the amount of calories needed to just keep your organs operating. Then, the activity level is factored in along with height, weight and age. So.....bottom line is I still need to get 1430 calories in a day, and yes, my 1100-1200 isn't enough. She also threatened to beat me about the head and shoulders if I didn't start some sort of weight training. She said that our metabolism doesn't slow down with age, it slows down due to lack of muscle tone. Hmmmmm. There you go.

Kelly said in order for me to increase my calories without adding volume I need to start using 1% milk instead of skim, add in olive oil, more nuts and avocados. I can do that. As long as I don't have to constantly keep cramming food into my mouth, I'll be okay.

That's it for me today. Is anyone eating anymore, or is it just Connie and me?



karen C.
on 5/18/10 11:04 pm - Kennewick, WA

I suspect there are many of us out her in lurkerdom who are certainly "eating" just not reporting. sorry, just can't get beyond that WW memory of those damn weekly food reports! I know it's a great way to make sure you are getting when you need but I keep remembering the negative aspect of it. I do enjoy "visiting" and getting your wonderful recipes.

Karen C

on 5/18/10 11:07 pm - Alexander, AR
You know, it doesn't have to be about journaling your food. How about situations where you turn to food for comfort/support and want to talk about that? Or, if you find some great new way to get some additional protein in?

It's not always about what you eat, but WHY you eat it, right?  

Sorry there's not more consistancy in my recipe posting. Sometimes I just loose track of time. Like right now!  Gotta calls.




karen C.
on 5/18/10 11:10 pm - Kennewick, WA
I do like the "head" stuff. what a screwed up one I have regarding food. I guess most of us do. It's early here just after 6am. but I need to hit the shower and be ready as I'm sure I'll get called to sub today. I've been unavailable for almost 2 weeks. I'm sure I'll get a call today. Have a great day Susan. Thanks for being a positive influence in my life.

Karen C

on 5/18/10 11:30 pm - Medina, OH
Hi Susan and Karen and those yet to report in,

I have been doing pretty good on my food intake.  I have added more cottage cheese, string cheese and think now I am on the right track.  Still didn't drop any weight but I think it is the weather keeping me from walking.


Proetin drink with w banana
S- Cheese stick
Lunch  -Bean soup
S- string cheese
D- More bean soup
S- cottage cheese with pineapple


I am on my way.  What a ride it has been.

on 5/19/10 12:21 am, edited 5/19/10 12:22 am - Hollywood, FL
Hi Susan and everyone:

Funny you should mention weight training.� I have been doing some freeweights (10-lbs. dumbells) at home, but Saturday decided to get serious and joined a gym.� It's 3-5 minutes from my house depending on traffic and it's open from 5 a.m. to midnight on weekdays, and 8 to 8 on weekends.�
They have lots of machines and also cardio equipment, but no classes, just personal trainers -- really hardcore.
Anyway, I'm still experiencing the typical first-week aches and pains, but also feel a lot lighter, even my posture has improved.

Here is today's plan:

4:30 a.m. (Pre workout) 8-oz VPX protein shake
B- 8 a.m. one slice ham and poached egg
L- black bean soup and string cheese
S- Muscle milk light
D- Turkey Spinach casserole
S - Cottage cheese and yogurt

Happy rowing y'all,

Connie D.
on 5/19/10 1:02 am, edited 5/19/10 1:03 am
Hello a hurry today...meetings to prepare for.

B-High Protein Drink
L-High Protein Drink
S-Pure Protein Bar
D-Turkey Meatloaf and green beans
S-honey mustard pretzels pieces....a handful!!

Hugs sweetie....connie d
annette R.
on 5/19/10 4:20 am - ithaca, NY
Sorry Susan,

I kind of crawled into bed and stayed there. Damned panic attacks have been rearing their ugly heads lately. Then sleep takes over.

It continues to baffle me that we need to eat so much to keep our weight down. After a life time of consuming very little food we have to concentrate on eating more.

Muscle tone - hmmm is right. If you can find time (good luck there) get a work out buddy. That makes it a good time instead of a chore.

Food - same as every other day. Boring to make you read it.

 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
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