talk to me-what's new Tuesday?
My grandmother was half Indian, back in those days you didn't admit to your heritage. She passed herself off as a French woman. She burned all her papers. Very sad indeed.
I like to think of myself as more Spiritual than any certain religion. I keep my doors open and always am learning about others religion and spirituality.
I connect with what you are saying. You have a great day! Hugs- Debbie
After surgery, the scales were up 6 pounds! They are moving downward each day, but still up 2.5 pounds more than the day before surgery. UGH. I know it's the IV liquids, gas, etc. but I sure don't like those scales these mornings.
The sun is shining today so I'm going to walk up the block and back. Not sure I could walk further than that. I would hate to get a couple blocks from home and not be able to make it back. I'll try the short walk more than once today if it works out ok the first time.
I'm bored to death being home all day. Not able to do a lot, and daytime TV is a bore. When I try to read, I fall asleep! I'm going to look thru my closet again this morning and see what clothes are there that might just fit me now.
Have a great day!
morning OFF...
getting heavy rain here this morning and i hate it!! so sick and tired of this cold wet spring!!! now they are calling for rain over the weekend!!! so there goes all my plans for fun outdoor stuff if it does rain!!!! GRRRRRR
talked to my mom last night see if she heard how my sister is doing since her arm surgery. nope...not even a call to let her know anything. so she will call her today and see how she is doing. i will find out tonight after i get home from work.
had some sweetcorn last night. found out i ate that to fast and it was stuck!!! felt miserable rest of the night. even had some reflux while it was trying to move out of the stuck spot and that wasn't fun at all!!! guess the pouch still works for me huh?? i will be more careful when eating sweetcorn thats for sure!!! having sauerkraut and sausage tonight for supper so that seems safe enough i guess.
laureen great shots of your weekend fun!!!! :-)
mopar...good to see that you are doing better now since GB removed!!! just don't ru**** with doing to much.
well crud!! CRS striks again...sighs...well i AM thinking of you ALL!!! just can't remember right now who posted what...grrrr
well i am getting out of here and shower then clean up few things before work today. have a good day!!!!
Hope you had a good day!
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
It's dreary and looks like rain ... feels like rain, too, my body doesn't like this weather. Not as bad as last week, but still not good either. I just noticed today my multivitamins were down, so I checked my supply in the spare bathroom, and I'm out, so I need to buy some of those today. Unfortunately, they're not on sale.
I have to get ready today to head to Chicago to my mom's. Tomorrow I fly to Louisiana for the interview. Next week I'll have an interview on Monday over the phone with a physician's association in Maryland for a communications specialist and on Wednesday in Bay City, MI, for a copy editor at Grand Rapids' sister papers in Flint-Saginaw-Bay City ... don't think I want that one, but what the hell, might as well go for it. I don't think they're paying enough. Keeps me busy at least. Bought a GPS yesterday so I'll get to try it out next week.
So the next few day I'll be busy traveling ... taking the computer to mom's but not to Louisiana because I don't have a carryon that it will fit on. I'll get back home on Saturday and then off to a fundraiser for a friend's group at a winery ... a soup and wine tasting. On Sunday, another fundraiser at a brewery where a former coworker's band is playing. So I'm busier than usual.
Well, that's all for me. No sitting around watching baseball for a few days. I'll catch up later. Have a good week.
Wishing you safe travels and a landing somewhere you will find being productive and useful with all your years of experience. . .
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
Best of luck on the interviews. There will be someone out there that will see you for the talented writer you are and will appreciate that talent. Hang in there.
Have fun at the fundraisers and the traveling.
RNY Surgery Date: 7-9-08
Dr. Manfred Chaing, Bariatric Institute of WI

We had another good support meeting. Most people want variety in their menu and keep trying to find new recipes. Not me - I am content with the same stuff, day after day.
My client is supposed to have PT but she complained that it hurts too much and refuses to continue. I casually mentioned a new gym and asked if she might like to check it out. Ha - she is excited and said that I need to exercise. Gee thanks. Same client guessed my age at 82 years old.
Better get to the house work.
