Saturday What's Up?
Michigan has been just plain ugly the past week. Cold, rainy, dreary. Ugh. I got out into my garden a bit yesterday but can't do much because it is so wet. Who knows if I will ever be able to till the area for my dahlias. Oh well, it will soon be too hot to want to be outside. I tend to get a bit surly when cooped up inside for long. DH nearly lost his head a couple of times this week.

So, what are your plans for the weekend? Anything interesting?
Have a great day, friends. Sue
Sue, thanks for starting the thread
I'm up. It's not 7 am yet, and no alarm. I hope this is a fluke. I wouldn't want it to become a routine.
I mowed yesterday. It wasn't really dry enough, but I figured the lawn police would arrest me if I didn't get it done. I put the deck at the top height, and still had to empty both bags every loop around the yard, instead of every 3 or 4. It needed it...
I went to a retirement party last night, for a guy *****tired the week before I did. It was good to see everyone again. I had a glass of wine, which I didn't finish, from the open bar, and a tiny bit of food. For $25! It sure doesn't pay for me to go to these things, but several of my old co-workers assured me that they appreciated me covering their drinks. Many drinks. Many, many drinks. I was never much of a drinker, but I'm even less of one now. Oh well, the company was good, and it was nice to see them again.
Tonight is my retirement "get-together" with the girls I worked with at my last facility. I was there for over 12 years, and I've been missing some of them. It'll be dinner and a drink or two, and memories. That will officially be the end of my active service, I guess. Bittersweet, but definitely the right choice for me.
Today I tackle the yard work. It hasn't rained in almost 24 hours, which may be a record this year. I need to weed. A friend is coming over to help, so we'll get a lot done. She's a weeding fool! It always goes quicker with someone to share.
Nothing much else. Adjusting to retirement. I read the board, but seldom have much to contribute.
Everyone have a good weekend.
Your dry wit is always appreciated! And that in itself is a wonderful contribution so don't think it isn't!
We've had absolutely gorgeous weather here at my daughter's all week. I've worked in her yard and am anxious to get back to mine. We planted our vegetable garden weeks too early I'm afraid. The tomatos just sat there getting beat up by the wind. May have to replant some. Next year I told Mike we are not putting anything in until May!
Those retirement "endings" are bittersweet aren't they? But hey, they are also "beginnings" and I hope that you have lots of wonderful years ahead of you to go and do anything or nothing. Whatever your little heart desires.
Karen C
Good Morning Everyone,
Just a quick fly by. It's Saturday which means the weekend with Hannah and Clara is gearing up. They went to bed at 7pm and it's almost 6am. Probably have about an hour before the weekend circus begins. They wake up on Saturdays and talk and sing to each other for about an hour. Then we'll hear "Mommy, Daddy, dit up!" Then they start throwing things out of their cribs. If that doesn't work then they start bouncing and shaking the beds. . . Plan to take them to the park today.
Yesterday I vacuumed the house for Erin, cleaned the fridge and oven. Figured with Baby Briley arriving within 6 weeks it doesn't hurt to do those things early. Did the bathrooms the day before. Erin and I cleaned out the baby's new room earlier in the week. The stuff that we hauled out of the closet is downstairs by the door waiting to be put in totes for the garage. Every time Hannah and Clara go by it they say "Mema's mess!"
Josh is so busy with baseball, teaching, mowing both this place and the new place down the road. . . Life is never dull around here for sure. Erin says she wishes she had a "personal assistant/nanny" full time! Wish I lived close enough to help more.
Mike arrives back in port tomorrow morning. He got really sick for about 2 days. Sounds like food poisoning to me. He didn't report it as a friend had cautioned him that when HE DID he ended up quarantined in the infirmary for the rest of the cruise! Anyway, he is better and has enjoyed the trip with his friend.
Do something fun this weekend and don't forget to show yourself and those around you some love!
Karen C