Update on my Fear of Flying

(deactivated member)
on 5/15/10 11:21 am, edited 5/15/10 11:48 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
So I did the hypnotherapy this afternoon.  It was interesting for sure.  I went into it somewhat skeptical but willing to give it a try. By the time we were all done I think it helped some.  I feel very calm about booking the tickets and rather numb or nonchalant about the flying........can't wait to see the family and friends.  I can't book the tickets till Monday because I need to verify which day my Dr can see me...that will decide which day I will return.  I already have the reservation page up on my laptop...I just have to talk to my Dr and a couple of friends so I can figure out which days I need to be there.  

I plan on booking the tickets on Monday (I'd book them today but I don't want to have to pay a fee to make a change in two days).   I'm anxious to get it all scheduled and booked.

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on 5/15/10 10:19 pm - Interlochen, MI
Did you actually fly in that little plane?  I have reservations to go to Colorado in two weeks.  I don't like flying much either, but its a necessity to extend my vacation!  It's not even a non-stop flight.  I guess I'm a glutton for punishment, or a cheap-o looking for the best rates!  I'm going with a friend who flies all the time, so hopefully her calm demeanor will rub off on me. 
It's supposed to be in the 70's for the next week so I should be able to get out and get some serious walks in.  Finally, summer is definitely on the way.
Hope you have a great vacation Ruth.  Take care.
It is what it is.
If He brings you to it, He'll bring you through it...

(deactivated member)
on 5/16/10 1:19 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
I not only flew in that plane I took the controls....I did the taxi down the runway and I pushed the throttle in and pulled back on the wheel to lift the plane off the ground (of course the instructor had his hands on his controls too).  WAHOOOO!!!!!!  Gotta tell you feeling the plane go up while I was holding the wheel was a very exciting feeling!!!

I agree traveling with someone does make t easier....I have nobody to go with me so it's a solo flight.  I can do it, I can do it, I can do it.......

Enjoy Colorado......I have a friend there....maybe that's where I should fly off to next. 
on 5/16/10 1:23 am - Interlochen, MI
WTH, you're taking flying lessons now????????  Off to hypnotherapy I go then.  A friend of ours has a dual engine plane and I've yet to go up with him.  Deep inside I want to, but I'm pretty nervous.  How in the world did you get the guts to go in the plane, even with an instructor.  Was it part of your desensitizing?   I'm just amazed!
It is what it is.
If He brings you to it, He'll bring you through it...

(deactivated member)
on 5/16/10 1:39 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
LOL - I did the flying thing 2 weeks ago.....I thought I had to do something DRASTIC to get over the fear.  It really did help me...I just needed a little more help that's why I did the hypnotherapy.  Here's a link to all the pictures I posted of my flight. 

www.obesityhelp.com/forums/over_50/4167565/OT-Up-Up-and-Away -Update-on-my-fear-of-flying/
on 5/16/10 2:43 am - Interlochen, MI
Did you remember me telling you that I put myself into the situations that I'm most uncomfortable in, to try to overcome my fears?  It has help me in most things, except I still hate spiders.  Im doing much better with heights and flying.  Not good enough yet to do a hot air balloon ride, but I've got parasailing on my bucket list for this summer.  I hope I complete at least one of them.
It is what it is.
If He brings you to it, He'll bring you through it...

(deactivated member)
on 5/16/10 2:57 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
I'd take spiders in a hot air balloon with me before I'd do sky diving or para-sailing.  Now if there was a snake on the plane I'd jump with or without the parachute!!!!!!  Maybe I should get hypnotist for the snakes...lol
on 5/16/10 8:34 am - Interlochen, MI
I took a look at your pictures.  Beautiful up there eh?  Were some of thos pictures by the Keys?  I saw the long road thru the water...obviously I don't know a thing about Florida.  Did you fly over your house?  I think you should go again, for the experience.  I'll think of you when I board the plane on the 29th.
It is what it is.
If He brings you to it, He'll bring you through it...

(deactivated member)
on 5/16/10 11:30 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
No I was not over the Keys.....we flew over my house...the water is about 10 mins from me.
on 5/16/10 1:08 am - Alexander, AR
Good for you!  How long until your actual departure? You might think about going back to the hypnotherapist right before leaving for a little extra "ZAP". Couldn't hurt. I think when you get this one under your belt you'll be just fine.



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