It's what's new with you?
on 5/14/10 8:49 pm, edited 5/15/10 12:12 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
Well well..... I guess we have a bunch of sleepy heads this morning.....can't believe the thread is not started. I'm on my out for a walk but thought I'd start it for a change.
This afternoon I'm trying hypnotherapy to overcome my fear of flying. Hopefully I'll be ok or good enough so I can book airline tickets today.
I'm going to stop at Home Depot and Lowes on my way home to see if they have any annuals veggie plants worth picking up so I can plant them tomorrow.
I'll stop back later update this.....going to drink some protein now and get out the door
So, what's new with you?
Hope everyone has a great weekend!!!
Good morning OFF
Its too early to be up on a sat morning! But what a beautiful morning finally after a week of yucky weather! I am sitting in a hotel room with a close friend who had emergency surgery yesterday
She works for the govt and travels a lot so is a long way from home. She didn't want to be alone so here I am. Happily so I will add as she was the one I stayed with a lot so I could spend more time with mom. My little charge is loving the hotel! first time she has shown any interest in anything.
She climbs on the chairs and loves the jacuzzi, really enjoyed running the halls last night to wear herself out! I make sure she doesn't bother other patrons! Today we get to eat breakfast here then in the pm gonna check out the heated pool!! oh wow! If my friend is OK I am going up to Fremont for city wide garage sales with sisters today wonder if I can leave the kid running up and down the halls?
Prayers going up for all my friends here on OH
Have a great day!
on 5/14/10 11:05 pm - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
on 5/15/10 10:13 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
Yesterday afternoon I went to see my friend who lost her husband to cancer . I didn't stay long.
We drove out to the local state park last night. All of our kids/grandkids are camping. We haven't even gotten our camper ready for the season yet. I hope to be able to go within the next couple of weekends. Our youngest granddaughter, Jett was a handful around the fire last night. She's 18 months old and made everyone very nervous. She's awfully fast and wanted to get close.
On the way out there, we had to stop for 2 deer. It was still daylight out, which is unusual. Coming home, 2 more. Thank goodness we saw them in time to stop. Don't want to hit one with our new SUV.
The kids will probably come into town today to see us and we'll go back out this evening for supper.
With the exception of the tenderness of the incision areas, I can't believe how good I feel. Both my daughter and DIL have had their gall bladders out within the last 3 years and neither of them would have been out and about the next day. I guess I'm a tough old broad. LOL