What's new with you from Chehalis, Washington?
I really DO try to have some life of my own while I'm here at my daughter's. . . but it is difficult at best and impossible on some days! Not complaining; I'm loving it. Lots of time with Hannah and Clara on the weekend and after daycare each day.
Yesterday Erin and I got Baby Briley's room ready. She is "sharing" a space in the spare bedroom until they move into their "new" old farmhouse probably about the time she arrives in late June. Being little sis to twins she has more than enough of everything except diapers and wipes! Erin tells people that and it really is true.
We cleaned out the closet and dresser in that room, put newborn stuff in the drawers, made room in the closet for the totes of all of the little stuff that Briley will quickly grow into. Erin is scheduled for a c-section on June 28th if nothing happens sooner. We took the girls for a walk around the "loop" about 2 miles. Erin said that will probably be about the last time. The weight of her stomach is getting pretty miserable.
Today's plan includes planting some impatiens in the front flower box on the porch, cleaning bathrooms, and making clam chowder.
Tomorrow we have a baseball game (Erin's hubby is a high school coach and they are in the regional tournament) then I'll watch the twins while Erin helps with a Relay for Life. She'll help with the accounting end.
Grammylew and I did NOT get to meet for lunch on Tuesday. We were both so disappointed but both of her grandkids got sick and it sounded like she was catching the bug too. Hope she was able to go to Tijuana for her band fill today.
Got a call from Mike who is on the Alaska Inside Passage cruise with a friend this week. He got really sick Tuesday; sounds like food poisoning. Was feeling some better last night. Today they cruise Glacier Bay National Park which was my favorite part of the cruise.
Before I know it Sunday will be here and time to pick them up.
Sending healing thoughts to all who need them, comforting thoughst to those dealing with personal issues. Eileen, channel that inner strong confident woman and let her shine in your interview!
Hope you all have a great day. I'll try to check back in later after the girls go to daycare.
Karen C
Gary's on a not sleeping kick, which means I'm not getting a lot of sleep either. I woke up at 3:20 to find him out of bed, fourth night in a row! He's so OCD that when he gets up to go to the bathroom that's all she wrote, he's up. I finally told him today he must call the doctor to get a RX for temazapam. It's what I take to sleep, and it's great! No ill side effects, it's generic, so it's cheaper than dirt, and it works. If he doesn't call the doc's office, I will! Dog gone it, I'm up posting on the boards and now he's sleeping in the chair. Damn!
Lots of things to do on my day off today, not all of them things I WANT to do. Oh well, such is life, huh?
Sure hope everyone gets things in their lives going more smoothly. Feel better, good luck with job searching/troubles, and have a great day!
Love and hugs
Hi. After months and months of being out of control with my eating and lack of exercise, we are doing something about it. Both Ron and I are emotional eaters and these last few years have been stressful to say the least. Reading OFF every day has given me the gumption to do something for myself. We joined Weigh****chers a couple of months ago and have started an exercise program. My joints give me problems so I ordered exercise videos that focus on exercising while sitting down. It's amazing that you can do aerobic exercise while sitting down. My hips bothered me a little bit but not enough to stop.
THANK YOU to those who participate in the eating and exercise threads. Reading those is what finally pushed me to making changes. One never knows whose life they might have a positive affect on -- and sharing challenges and victories with eating and exercise -- well, reading about those made a difference for me. Thanks, again to all who post on those threads.
I am also feelng a bit better about mom's future. She is still in the rehab center. We have found that adult foster care will not be an option for her so we are focusing on other residential care situations. The state social worker we have now is wonderful and she is open to actually helping us find a solution. Consequently, I don't feel as overburdened and alone in finding the right setting for mom.
BTW, thanks to those of you who gave input regarding mattresses. I got some good input and I think we will be mattress shopping soon.
Take care and have a great day.
Cindy P.
Karen sounds like you have a lot of things going on. I bet you are happy about the soon to be little member of the family.
Susan, I too have problems sleeping. I take trazadone. No problem and i have taken it for three years. I am like Gary. Once I am up, I am up for good.
Today I have the usual things to do. I didn't go shopping yesterday. Too much running around and got tired. Last night went to the outreach program for a meeting about the food pantry. I volunteer there and really, it is very rewarding. People are humble and appreciative of the help.
Our weather is really crappy. When they say April brings showers, they must now add May to that saying. We sure have had enough. We also had a tornado touch down here near our township.
Nothing new here. Hoping I can get out in the yard and work on it. So many leaves and so little time.
Prayers to all..
I am on my way. What a ride it has been.

Karen....you are one busy lady. I am so glad you get to spend time with your granddaughters. Setting up for the new baby would be so much fun!!!
As for me I have an appointment this afternoon to get my hair FIXED!!!!!!! Hope they don't make it worse. A friend of mine recommended her.....guess I will have to wait and see.......
Hope you all have a good day. Prayers to all in need. Maybe a few for myself too!!!
Love and hugs to all......connie d
Baby Briley will be born the day b4 my 55th birthday. . . OMG! I can't believe I am actually going to be 55! Can someone tell me where the last 30 years of my life have gone to? Nice that you guys are getting things all situated for the new baby and I can just imagine how Erin is feeling in the home stretch of a 2nd pregnancy, I remember all too well, when you got one to chase after it's tough enough, when there are twins, oh my! I remember I was given a date for delivery and then after they did an amniocentsis (sp?) they determined that her lungs were not ready (though we did not know it was a her) and pushed my date back, I was not a happy camper and went into labor on Easter Sunday, a couple of days later and they gave me something to stop the labor, I spent all of Easter in the hospital and went home 2 days later, still very pregnant and Marlene was delivered 2-1/2 weeks later.
Everyone was talking about sleep issues and I only ever had them prior to surgery, now I can sleep like a rock, though I do wake up for potty breaks and so long as it is not close to 5 a.m. I can usually go back to sleep. However, Foxie Roxie has been my sleep issue lately, as she wakes me up some days to go out, others just because she wants to be petted, this morning she did not wake me, I woke up at 5 and figured I might as well get up to dye my hair, as it was seriously in need of it, I was afraid to dye it too soon because of the staples I had in my head this past month, well it turned out ok and now I don't look like I have tinsel head, but I am tired. . .
So here I am at work, today they are doing this team building thing, FISH is what they call it, we shall see what it's all about, my time is from noon to 2, right now most of the attorneys are in the first one, so it's an easy morning. This evening I meet with my friend Owen and a couple of other people and we go to a meeting, then I will come home ready for sleep.
Well, I guess that is about it. Wishing those of you facing challenges the peace and strength to get through and hoping you all have a wonderful day!
Hugs, Laureen
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland