Eileen's idea of the beauty school is a good one. Ask for a senior student, and the supervising instructor will know what to have them do.
Or, you can bite the bullet and go to another salon. Any way you go, good luck!
I really do appreciate the helpful ideas....if my daughter can't do it I will just go to a shop instead and be save myself the frustration of this from ever happening again!
I wish you were closer too....you I would trust!!!
Hugs sweetie.....connie d
morning OFF....
well its raining here right now and sort of on the heavy side. just a yucky morning if you ask me. had some strong winds and tstorms over the weekend here. WOW is about how i can sum it up. no damage here at apartment except for the one branch that came down by our back fence. didn't even lose power this time!!
connie i hear you on the hair on how it turned out!! had my sister do mine once for the highlights and it turned out more blonde than anything and i also hated it!!! never did that again!!!
noticing that there are some pop-ups on this board WTH????? soon i won't be able to even see what is posted here!!! why is OH doing this???????? or should i say allowing this???? is it just another thing to **** people off so they don't post on here??? seems since they added the "share" buttons, posts have about come to a halt on here!!!! it really sucks!!!! i used to love coming here and seeing what everyone had to say for the day and now i don't care anymore...its not like it used to be. THANKYOU OH!!!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRR
nothing new happening for me except my hours will be back to a normal routine. all the extra hours are over with. the new mom is back starting today. yippee...can you tell i am thrilled?? haha just one more to clean up after. seems its only me and casey that do all the work around there. wish i could just stand around all of my shift and gab or just sit around. like that would happen....i am sure I would be in trouble big time if i did that at all!!! i need a vacation i guess to get away from there and re-group i guess. i am just not happy at my job right now. maybe it is from being in pain or over worked i am not sure. right now i do not see any difference in the hip pain since i had the last 2 shots last week. one day i am ok and then the pain is back again. i see the dr on the 7th for a checkup again. i hate being on pain meds all the time.
well guess i will take a shower and get cleaned up. maybe that will make my mood better. just feel so down and alone lately.
on 5/11/10 12:12 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
I'm on my way to my first Lymphatic massage this morning. I'm excited about this hoping it will help with the swelling. I hope I won't be disappointed.
I started sorted out my closet yesterday. I took out all my clothes that are too big and sorted them by size. So much money wasted on clothes that I never even wore. I should be finished this afternoon (I hope). I even found some sun dresses that I wore 25 -30 years ago when I was in my 20's and at my thinnest and guess what...they fit now and look really good!
Well I best get moving so I'm not late.
Hope you have a great day!
It's chilly and raining here and very windy. It was nasty all last night after I got home from the Pink Slip Party ... it was just windy yesterday but after midnight I could hear the rain. I was up several times in the middle of the night coughing up mucus and gagging, or with a dry throat. I could hear the wind howling and the rain beating down against the window. I knew the day was going to be a bad one. I woke up with a headache and my whole body aches. I'm having a very low energy day ... can you say fibro flare-up? I hate rainy days, snowy days, etc.
I had a nice afternoon with my friend Mary Kay ... haven't seen her in so long! We had lunch at Red Lobster (still have some left, of course), then went shoe shopping so I could find something comfortable I could wear on my interview and possibly wear after too. I have been looking for some sandals anyway, and found some at the New Balance store. I'm very picky about shoes ... my feet are so bad, I can't wear cheap shoes, not even sandals. These were $110, but were 15 percent off, so with tax they were $99. I know, expensive, but I can't buy cheap shoes because I'll get blisters and it'll irritate my bunionette and bother my flat feet and my knees and back, etc. We looked at one other shoe store Mary Kay suggested, but there were only two pairs of SAS shoes, and they were more expensive ... and I didn't like where they hit against my bunionette little toe. So then we went back to the New Balance store. I really hate shoe shopping, which is why I only wear my New Balance shoes. I may pay $100 for my shoes, but they last me 2 to 3 years.
In the evening, I went to a Pink Slip Party with another laid-off coworker; it was OK, but there weren't many opportunities for creative types. I did talk to one person from an ad agency; she gave me her card and said to e-mail her and that they hired editors freelance, so maybe there's an opportunity there. They had nuts and raisins and chex mix as munchies; I had one beer. Talked to some people, but mostly it was boring and a lot of standing around for me. Oh well, it was something. Then Rick, my former coworker friend, came home with me and had a beer here and we watched the Red Sox game (he's a Red Sox fan) ... he enjoyed that. Felt miserable last night ... it was harbinger of today.
Well, I don't think I'm leaving the house today. The cats are snoozing in front of the electric fireplace; I'm going to stay inside and cuddle under my afghan and keep warm and dry. I already ran the dishwasher; maybe I'll have some soup for lunch.
As for beds, Cindy, my brother tried out a Tempurpedic bed in a store and really liked it. I have a foam mattress topper and found it helped me with all my pressure points on my back. I think if I move, I'll ditch the mattress/box springs I have and get a new bed down there.
Have a good day everyone.
It's lunchtime here- I can hear the children outside my window at recess. They sound so happy! That is why I love this job- children make me happy! So why am I so ready for summer vacation? Because the work is hard at the end and has less to do with children and more to do with laws. The laws are to protect children but they actually take away. My time is better spent with children, not on paperwork and meetings. I'm sure I'm a broken record to all of you in April/May.
In reference to the mattress... my husband and I need a new mattress too, but as a stopgap measure we bought a foam topper at Costco and it is working great. When I go to SF for my oncology appts. I stay at a nice hotel and love their beds. The mattress is called "The Concierge"... that's all I know.
It's beautiful here in CA today... 72 degrees I think. Our cherry tree is absolutely loaded with cherries and they are starting to redden now. They are usually ripe on the last day of school/ my birthday.... I'm getting very close to both!