What's New Sunday Edition
Have been so busy I have not been able to stop by lately. Thought I would write.
Not too many exciting things to share.
Seems like life gets complicated sometimes. I am in one of those times now.
Hope to have time to read over the last few days of posts.
Have a wonderful and thoughtful day!
I am on my way. What a ride it has been.

We're in Des Moines. Celebrated Sena's 4th birthday yesterday. She'll be 4 tomorrow. Our oldest granddaughter will be 13 tomorrow.
We've had a nice weekend here but I'm about ready to head home. I have laundry, etc. to do before getting back to the grind of work for 3 days. Then gall bladder surgery on Thursday.
Everyone have a nice week!
Happy Mother's Day to all moms here! Happy Sunday to all!
In a couple of hours, our grandson is coming over so we can go to the park again. This is a treat for me since Imissed out yesterday. :) Linda was supposed to come too but she just cancelled out. Her loss.
Well, she is moving to TN. I wonder how can a mom with a young child move out of state and leave him behind? Oh well...
There's a wildfire not far from our home. It was practically right behind us yesterday and we spent some time watching helicopters going back and forth to ge****er from our lake, which is across the street from us. I never felt like I was in danger though although the newscasters sort of made a big deal out of it. I'm just sorry to lose so much woods. It's still burning some today but not like yesterday.
Have a great day all.

Happy Mother's Day, ya'll. I'll be spending the time with my daughter and her kids. Trying to keep my mind off the fact that this is the first Mother's Day without my own Momma. I'm sure I'll be getting a call from my Sis and we will spend some time reminiscing.
I flew into PDX last night. Plane was almost and hour late and my phone got no signal in ATL to warn my daughter. She drove around and around.
It was 10 PM before I crawled into bed (1 AM in NC). But here I am up early as usual while everyone else is still in bed. Except the cat.
Our grandson has gotten a few inches taller since October. My granddaughter says she has grown 2 inches, but it doesn't feel like it when I hug her. She said when she gets to my house in June, we will put her 'on the wall' and we will see.
Mani's and Pedi's all around today (well not Blaine) then lunch somewhere fun. After lunch I'll be shown how to get to Br's basketball practices in DOWNTOWN Portland!! Oh, happy day! I have to pick her up from school with her gear and a sandwich. She eats in the car, changes on site and is still 15 minutes late! Probably more with Grandma driving!
Supposed to be a lovely day here. I hope it is. I didn't bring any kind of sweater or coat. Luckily my daughter is about my size.
Have a fantabulous Day.
Even you George...
I haven't been on too much lately..school is very very very busy. Last two months of school are full of testing, special education meetings and lots of other things.
Then Annette and I have been busy with our pool aerobics twice a week...busy busy.

Hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday...those of you who live in warm states..PLEASE send some warmth here...its SNOWING!!!!! HERE IN NEW YORK !!! AND ITS MAY !!!
Have a great Mothers Day !!

Hope all the ladies have a blessed contented day whether you are moms or not!
I am one of those missing my mama on the first year without her today. We went to both moms graves with lilacs yesterday and it was tough but I survived. Was harder when I had to go a second time the same day because my stepdad wanted to go but couldn't go alone. It was fine, we are still keeping that last promise to mom to take care of the ornery old critter!!
I'm getting a new little charge today but only gonna have her a short time. Gramma is going to move from a senior place to where she can have the little one.
Prayers from our house to yours to who ever needs or wants them!
I hope you all have a great day
I'm having lunch with my Mom (just she and I today) and then we have an "Elvis" show. My Mom is 83 (going on 16 I swear!) and she has very poor hearing but I think she'll get a kick out of the Elvis impersonator. Nothing else is on for today.... we do have the beautiful weather (75 today) but I think it is impossible to send it to NY.....