What's New With You? Saturday!
There are 15 days left of school. I see the light at the end of the tunnel now and the train isn't coming towards me!
Tomorrow I'm taking my Mom to lunch with an Elvis show. I've seen this impersonator several times and he's very good. I hope my Mom enjoys him.
What else is new... hmmm.... were having a shed built to house our "stuff"- mostly Christmas/ bikes/ lawn mower. The garage will be only for cars- what a concept!
I'm still missing my Darla - but the pain is much better.
I hope that all of you are taking time for yourselves this weekend! Happy Mother's Day to all... even if you don't have natural children your pets,nieces and nephews, neighborhood children, and godchildren count.
I've been immersed in trying to find the right care solution for my mom. She is ready to leave rehab as soon as I've found a place for her. We enjoy living in a small coastal town -- but it has proven to be very challenging when it comes to medical care. There just isn't much in the way of elder care nearby -- well, I should say that there are places but you probably wouldn't want to put your dog or cat in them.
Thank God for my husband, Ron. He has been by my side through all of these transitions with mom.
We are going to spend Mother's Day with Ron's mom. There is a family luncheon at the assisted living facility that she has invited us to attend. The day will be bittersweet for me as my mom is so far away -- she won't be joining us. I will call her and hope that it is one of her better days and that we can carry on a conversation.
I come here to read OFF daily and wish you all joy, peace, and happiness on this Mother's Day and every day.
Cindy P.
Good mornin' ya'll.
I'm off to Oregon this morning. This is one of the times I miss my DH driving. I have to depend on others to get me to and from the airport. Or take a cab, or pay to park. The DIL never complains, but I don't like to depend on others!! But, I am VERY flexible, I always have a good book, my Sudoku and some crochet, so if she has to drop me way early I'm set!
Our son was able to work his magic and get his PCS orders to CA cancelled. He will be staying here in NC. At a training squadron, so no more deployments. OOORAH!! He has been in the Marines for 26 years and knows MANY people of all ranks. He has known for awhile, but was gonna wait to tell his wife till her birthday on June 2. Another CWO4 told his wife, who told our DIL, so the cat was out of the bag. She said that would have been a great birthday gift, BUT... she is glad she knows now so the stress of thinking about 2 households etc. is over!! Now all of us in the neighborhood are putting together our honey-do lists!!
Gotta go. Have a fantabulous day!!
a massage?? ah julia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
nite before last, michael sent a disturbing email to friends- of both of ours--a ploy to get sympathy for me making him come here.....need i say any more about my feelings?
searching expedia for a plane ticket for him- cheaper for round trip even if he never uses it....
need to get dressed-post office and 50# bag potatoes from the Amish store..
hugs and prayers....for me; i'm asking for continued strength and courage.......
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White
Thirty years I started orange & grapefruit seeds & I still have the trees. They are only about 4 ft. tall & don't flower. I am also taking cuttings from those to see if that works. I am hoping to get more of my garden in by Tuesday!!
It is great to be home! My son made it Back to N. Carolina ok. He is going to take leave this summer & he will have his 4 girls too! Not much else going on, have a wonderful day!!!

Tom's BP is still dangerously high. The doctor put him on an additional med. It seems that a drastic change of diet needs to happen. Sure, it is different since my cooking has been altered. But he eats many things I won't touch. NOW he'll have to go to the grocery store and buy anything but what I can eat.
After all the times I complained that he not make comments about my eating habits, the worm has turned and I must keep my lips sealed about what he eats. That doesn't mean I have to provide his treats.
I signed up for another water aerobics class to ensure there is space for me. This class is the best. My coordination (rather lack of) is too funny. Slowly I'm learning to tighten my tummy muscles or get popped out of the water like a cork. Marcy and I have been crowned "trouble makers" by our instructor Jeff.

I was moping a bit yesterday ... upset that I didn't pass the editing test for the freelance editing job. Felt I was not good enough, it hurt my confidence a lot. Well, today that has changed because the woman in Monroe, La., contacted me and they want me down there for an on-site interview ... don't know when yet, but soon I expect. The only down side of this job prospect is they don't pay relocation costs. I suspect I will have to sell most of my stuff. Damn ... just when I got good furniture at last! Now I'm back to being a gypsy and having lousy furniture again. Oh well, don't have the job yet, so let's not jump the gun. They may take one look at me and decide they don't want me ... but then, I got the job in GR when I weighed 330 pounds or so.
Not much planned for today. I've stripped the bed and washed the comforter ... it's drying for the second cycle now; the sheets are in the washer waiting to get in the dryer. Scooter is sitting on the arm of the recliner, a little jealous of my laptop computer; he wants to sit with me. He just gave up and jumped down. Poor Scooter!
The only other plans are to stay inside, stay warm (it's 42 degrees and windy and rainy), watch baseball and read. Maybe I'll actually get ambitious and get the Easter stuff put away ... I know, I've been saying this for awhile.
Julia, the wine and massage sound wonderful ... I had some blackberry wine last night ... yummy! But no massage.
Well, have a good day.
Well, much to my deep annoyance, I've still got this virus. It's a gorgeous day and grandson Tomas is coming for his supervised visit w/his mom. I have to stay away while Ted goes with them to the park. I am really grumpy. I'm hoping to be feeling much better later as this is the last evening of my daughter's performance. Grrr...
I talked w/my brother a couple of hours last night and looks like I need to go down to Maryland and the two of us need to talk to my mom about bringing in a home health aid or companion. I think she won't like the idea but the alternative is some kind of placement. She needs a lot of assistance and my brother just can't be there as often as she needs. Wish us luck next week. There's other things I can do to lighten the burden on my brother. It's hard being far away.
Hope everyone has a wonderful day!