It's Friday -- What's new!
ok- so! happy friday!!!!
busy, long (9 hours on the line)day at the bank- love it!
moods at our house seem to be flipflopping...i LOVE flip flops (sandals aka slippas!!!!!) for my feet --do NOT love them in our atmosphere at home--he is trying to get me to up and move again and i am NOT going to-if he wants to go for real it will be by himself......too many good things falling into place for my security here and i am being selfi**** is , after all, all about me!!!!!!!! and i don't think he would survive very long by himself......ouch!
and i look for mother's day to be an ouchy one-mom is cooking bbq ribs (from their piggies) and expects a big family meal--even if it snows! but michael may just stay him ; however......he is teh one choosing to make life miserable for all of us....
well-need to act like i'm working here....feeling guilty...they won't give me offline duties and the night drops are done!
hugs and prayers.................
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White
Still raining here -- our spring salad luncheon is today -- afraid the rain will keep people away. I'm working a short shift so I can go and help at the luncheon.
Pt went well yesterday and I am officially graduated....have my exercises to do and also resistance bands to work with -- the bands seem to be doing the best right also walking inside w/o my cane (very carefully).
Work is slim to none here at the bank -- hate that.
Hope everyone has a good Mother's day -- those of us who have lost our Mom's just need to remember all the precious time we were able to spend with them -- the memories will get us through.
Pat r.
(on MySpace, MSN, Web pages, Blogs...)
Done! Your Ticker:
Good morning, ya'll.
This pop up thing is a pain in my neck. It's like the pop ups on TV. The advertisers are gonna get your attention no matter what!!.
My DH and I made a quick trip to Costco in Wilmington yesterday. Did pretty good at not going overboard. We had a rebate check we HAD to spend!! Of course, if we had just thrown the check away it would have cost us less money. But we had a good time.
I am pretty much packed for my trip. I leave tomorrow to go to OR to chauffer kids to and from everywhere. But one of the highlights of this trip...I get to meet Karen C who will also be in the west visiting HER daughter. It will be nice to put a voice to the tiny little picture I see daily.
Today will be a jammie day. The last one for awhile. I'll be leaving sunny and hot to drizzly and overcast. But I DO love OR. I'll be checking in on my daughter's 'puter.
I hope all you Mother's out there have a fantastic Sunday. I realize that there are a LOT of Mother's out there who never actually gave birth themselves. That doesn't diminish your impact on lives. This will be my first Mother's Day since my Mother passed. I miss her tons.
Everyone have a fantabulous day.
This is the 3rd mother's day with out my mom. I still miss her so. What I miss most is the love. I get it other places, but none like hers!
Enjoy your day and take care.
"Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you CAN do." John Wooden
I'm down 120 pounds - thanks to RNY! Working on the next 25. Then I'll tackle more...
Grannylew this is the first Mothers day without my mom too. I know it is hard. We are going up to take lilacs to both mothers graves then I am spending the day making my stepdad happy. We are taking him out to lunch and bowling and such. Helping take care of Ted is the last promise we made to mom.
Been gone for a long time is seems. Been reading but no time to post. I have had 3 young boys with major behavior problems that overwhelmed me. Behavior so bad they were banned from school so I had the educational thing to do as well as try to improve the bad behavior. I had to finally give up the first time I have ever given up on kids. The boys hadn't been sexually abused like most of my kids but had been in a bdsm home and obviously involved some of the sex games those kind of homes have. Not good!! The boys have been separated and sent to live in group homes with intensive therapy. I hope they can be saved. I cried when they took them but the boys hurt Ted my stepdad, deliberately hurt a gentle old man. I am sorry I couldn't help them but that was the last straw in a long frustrating month. Please pray for these poor boys.
Past that. life is good spring is here, mostly still have a good husband and loving family and good friends does life get better than that?
Prayers going up for all my friends here. HAVE A GOOD FRIDAY
Did anyone see Grey's Anatomy last night? The main story line was about a SMO man ... at one point McDreamy says, "Why should we bother caring for someone who doesn't want to care about himself?" Not the way you want to deal with a bariatric patient. Some of the jokes were awfully insensitive toward obese people, even though the episode started with sensitivity training.
Anyway, it's gray and chilly and raining today. I was warm last night so I cracked open the window and when I woke up, I was cold and it was raining. Looksl like it's going to be like this all day and possibly all weekend.
Margo, sorry you and Michael are having so many problems. You can't change a person, and I know you know that. He either has to want to be there or not. If he doesn't, well, you can't help that. But you have to do what's best for you and I think you know what that is. If you need to talk, I'm here for you.
I heard from the guy at the newspaper in Amarillo, Texas, yesterday, and I didn't get that job. Oh well. I didn't think I would, after they heard how much I wanted for salary. But I can't take that big of a pay cut. Even going down to what I have decided would be OK is a big salary cut. I also didn't get the freelance copy editor job I applied for a few weeks back. Still waiting on the job in Louisiana.
I'm not going home for Mother's Day; I was just home a copy weeks ago, and my mom understands. I sent a card and will be home in June for her birthday. I'll double up on the gift then.
My plans for today are to go to lunch with my former coworker Kim. Because of impending storms, I don't think the pool will be open, so I'll just come home. Anyway, not much else happening. Have a good day.