It's Tuesday, what's up with you?

Judy G.
on 5/5/10 1:01 am - Galion, OH

yeah i know what you mean....i will try harder i promise!!!

i love ohio!!! i love rick and my life with him!!! SO HAPPY with him!!! never a dull moment at all....we have some downs but then we wouldn't be normal now would we??

sorry about michael and i KNOW what you are going through with him!!!! (((margo))) like i told long time ago i am here for you if you need me!!!!

yeah i asked my pain dr if i had fibro and he flat out said NO that is NOT what i had. soooo hopefully the exray will help fix what is hurting me tomorrow morning!!!! i sure hope so!!! getting tired of sleeping on the couch away from rick!!! :-(

glad that you are liking michigan...and i am sure that where you are is far better than saginaw!!!!

thanks for responding!!


annette R.
on 5/4/10 3:35 am - ithaca, NY
Today I completely emptied my closet and weeded through the excess. My name is Annette and I am a hoarder. Sadly I Can't

There were so many clothes and shoes which are far too big, old or never worn but good for donating. Bags of pure JUNK too.

At one point I was imprisoned in the closet, surrounded by piles of unsorted God only knows what and couldn't move. Annie Cat 11 was delighted and not one bit of help.

It is done except for one small pile of "maybe". I'm too tired to do any more.

Thanks to all who sent kind words of support. I am finding it difficult to post much but appreciate my OH friends.


 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
on 5/4/10 4:56 am - Somewhere in, NY
Good for you, Annette.  It may have been tough to get started, but you did it.  I always seem to need that "push" to get started, but then I go like my butt is on fire!

If you have some things that are in good shape, or never worn, it might be worthwhile taking them to a good consignment shop.  It takes some work, but the return is usually pretty good.  And it's usually in cash.  If the things aren't quite as nice, I usually donate them to Salvation Army and get receipts and get more back on my taxes.  You have to itemize to do that, but I itemize anyhow. 

I still have piles of stuff to go through.  Or should I say...again.  I got a lot when I first lost all my weight, but then gained a bit back and went from a size 10 to a 12.  This seems to be where my body wants to stay, and I like it here, but can't quite give up the size 10's yet. 

I know what you mean about the cats.  I have to close myself in the bedroom when I do the trying on and sorting, or the cats and their hair are all over everything. 

You did good.   I hope the sense of accomplishment was worth the pain in the butt.



George T.
on 5/4/10 1:41 pm - Grand Prairie, TX
We are complete hoarders.  I finally convinced the wife to get rid of stuff.  She keeps saying we will have a garage sale, but it never happens.  I told her to give it away.  We aren't getting any money for any of the stuff right now.

This week Joey (the brother of a TMB friend) helped her clean the garage.  Previously, my garage was stacked at least 4' high from front to almost all the way in the back.  Ridiculous.  After they worked on the garage, I can almost park a car in there.  They done good.  Still more work to do, but it was a great start.

GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!                   

on 5/4/10 4:47 am - Shelton, CT
Lap Band on 05/21/07 with
Hi George and all my OFF friends,
Working on a training presentation for a web based database the company will use.  Trying to use the KISS method - Keep It Simple Stupid.
Cubs are tonight and I don't have a clue what we are doing yet.  I'm leaving work an hour early to go figure it out.
Going to my sister's on Sunday to celebrate Mother's Day with my Mom.  We are all bringing something for a simple cookout.
Hubby and I decided last night we don't want to be landlords.  We are going to give my brother one year to find another place to live - unless he wants to buy our old house that he is renting from us now.  The shower faucet had to be replaced this past weekend and hubby practically killed himself getting it fixed.  It involved removing tiles and wallboard and insulation and replacing everything.  Selling the house means we could pay off our own mortgage and just work on upgrading our house.  The housing market is improving and this is a fixer upper anyway so we won't get a whole lot for it.
My eating is under control.  Actually, now that I've been under control for a few days, I'm starting to have trouble getting things down.  Last night I spent a half hour eating 3 oz. pork chop and two spoonfuls of corn.  It turned out to be a waste of time because it all came up.
So I've been filling in with a protein shake when needed.  I've been taking my vitamins, calcium and vit. D too.  It's amazing what an impending visit to your WL surgeon will do for 'ya.
I spent two hours sewing all my patches on my new Cub Scout Leader shirt. I can't believe how dingy the other shirt was until I held it up next to my new one.  It is probably fifteen years old so I think I got my money's worth out of it.
Grammylew, with your attitude I'm sure you will beat the odds. 
Better health and many hugs to all of you.

Pat R.
on 5/4/10 5:46 am - Sturgis, MI
Just a quick fly by regarding my foot -- had evaluation today at PT and got wonderful only one more session on Thurs. then I'm done! I will continue the home exercises tho' == that's what making the whole thing work, afterall. She was concerned about me doing steps -- I told her I would probably never be able to climb stairs properly because of both knee replacements/hip repl. and she was ok with that. I am delighted this surgery worked and am thumbing my nose at my orthopedic surgeon who said "it never would".....fooled him!
on 5/4/10 5:54 am - Shelton, CT
Lap Band on 05/21/07 with
So happy for you that your foot surgery worked.  Second opinions are always a good idea. 
I'm going to need a podiatrist, I have something going on between my pinky toe and the next one on my left foot.  I don't remember doing anything to break it but it's been hurting and swelling for a week now.  Just this morning the hurt went away but there is a mysterious bump that has formed.  Sometimes I just look at things that happen with my body and say "what is up with that".

I hope you continue to be able to do all you can with your "new" foot.

Judy G.
on 5/5/10 1:02 am - Galion, OH

wooohooooo!!!! you go girl!!!


Karen S.
on 5/4/10 10:05 am - Wailuku, HI
Aloha George and OFF family,'s almost 2:00 in the afternoon on Maui, so it's way late on the mainland and I'll probably not even be read by many. That's OK...just had to pop on and say Hi.

I'm waiting for the San Jose Sharks playoff game to begin. Looks like Versa channel has a different game on, but hopefully Shark's game will come on mid game or something. Since both my sons play hockey, and have since they were little guys, the Sharks have been "our" team. My son just called from his car on his way to a sports bar to watch the game in Santa Cruz. He was telling me about my little grandsons and their current "doings". Brocky, the oldest (5) is playing baseball and is a "hustler"...which doesn't surprise me. He is FULL of energy and this game will get him used to cooperating which he doesn't do too good yet...Ha! He's also doing Tai Kwan Do and spends most of his time there looking in the mirror.....oh dear! Middle grand (Brady) who is 4 is playing soccer and will start Tai Kwan do soon. Baby, Zaney (will turn 2 on May 13th) jus****ches for now. I'm getting a box ready to send for his 2nd birthday soft whale, yellow hat with a whale on it, some Hawaiian cookies, a little shirt that says "Someone who loves you sent this to you from Hawaii." And lots of other little stuff. I wish I could be there.

My son and DIL get the key to their new house in Scotts Valley (near Santa Cruz) on the 12th. They are having a wall removed to make kitchen bigger so won't be moving in for a few weeks, but they are excited. Big house for all the kids, dog, etc. I'm happy for them.

Judy......I always look for your posts....please don't go. I know how you feel sometimes......especially if I stay away too long.

Margo, hang in there........whatever is supposed to happen will happen.

Yeah, Annette, for posting.....I miss you

Candy.......please send some of the closet cleaning energy my way. Mine is pulsating and might explode if I don't do something soon. My cats think I'm doing it just for them when I get out the boxes and bags.......Ha!

Weather is warm and beautiful, except there is a fire between where I live and Lahaina and the main road is closed for awhile. Hopefully they will have the fire out and the road open before I have to go to the hospital in the morning to meet and greet new babies.

Here comes a big warm Hawaiian hug and kiss. I hope you enjoy tomorrow and don't waste time worrying.........that is coming from a chronic worrier who is trying to change!!

Aloha nui loa,

Maui Karen

Judy G.
on 5/5/10 1:06 am - Galion, OH

thanks many times i come here and just feel like an outsider...i promise to try harder to feel better in here.

i read your posts but don't always respond...not sure why...just a funk i guess.

thanks for responding!!!

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