It's Tuesday, what's up with you?

Connie D.
on 5/4/10 12:36 am
Good morning George and everyone.....

Wow I have been swamped with work already this morning...after the crazy day yesterday I had hoped for a slower day today...guess not!!

Nothing new with daughters and grandchildren seem to be doing okay right now...hope I didn't just jinx that!!

I better keep on working...have a wonderful day everyone....I will check in again later.

Prayers to many...hugs to all!!

Love and more hugs....connie d

George T.
on 5/4/10 1:35 pm - Grand Prairie, TX
I am so glad I don't work hard.  I have an opportunity to transfer to another department.  Shift is about the same.  It is tempting, but with the company sale I don't know what might happen.

GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!                   

Judy G.
on 5/4/10 1:50 am - Galion, OH

hi george and OFF...i also have been missing here and not sure why i am here now...i just feel like i don't belong here anymore....BUT for those that want to know what i have been up to here goes...WORK...been getting close to 40 hours last few weeks and love that big paycheck i get!!! i hurt like hell but i get through it...went to see my pain dr yesterday for a check up and was sent in for a hip xray to see what that shows for my pain. i go back thursday for another injection in my hip area for this pain. dr also gave me a script for a temporary handicap card for the car. hopefully this won't become a permanent card but if it does so be it.

my sister had her arm fixed AGAIN (where they took out the port that had clotted to end of port) and its still NOT right!!! this is the what third or fourth time they "fixed" it!!!! now she will be going to U of M for yet another try to fix it right!!!!!!!!!! this will be on may 19th. she said she has staples all the way up and down her arm this time and can't use her arm at all. i told her she should call a lawyer and see what they can do for her on this mess!!!

my older brother is still not feeling well. last i heard he was peeing blood and throwing up blood and he DID go in to the hospital for that. they wanted to keep him bet he refused said he was ok but if it happened again he would go back there.

mom is doing ok...she had more blocks done in her back again and so far feels a bit better. she is just worried about the 3 of us that are having health issuses. she said if joe gets sick she will go nuts...he is my younger brother and is so far no health problems. (knock on wood) she doesn't want to come here yet because she can't leave bill...afraid he might get worse. i understand that.

i think i might have mentioned that i bought a bike a couple weeks ago. actually rode it once. hurt the hip so bad i didn't want to ride it again....but then the weather got colder and rain all the time so that is another reason i guess...sighs.

went to QUAKER STEAK AND LUBE last night hoping to see the hot rods there but that starts NEXT week....and i am sure this was the last monday night i have off because another co-worker will be back from maternity leave. and also there goes my extra hours. any how we had a great time and the food was good!! i tried the atomic hot sauce and my mouth felt like it was on fire...LOL couldn't taste the food after that but after a bit i could taste again...LOL

well thats all of my news need to get going work ya know...seems all i do is work anymore. but thats a good thing!! just wish i didn't hurt so much.


on 5/4/10 3:15 am - Shelton, CT
Lap Band on 05/21/07 with
...i just feel like i don't belong here anymore....

What???  You are a mainstay of this board.  Why would you feel like you don't belong here anymore.  Please, please don't leave us.

Sorry to hear you are in so much pain.  Soon I hope you'll be able to take pleasure in the things you enjoy.


Judy G.
on 5/5/10 12:43 am - Galion, OH

just feel so out of place here is all...maybe with all that is happening in my family back home its making me depressed?? not sure the reason but best i can come up with for now...

hopefully the pain will be taken care of when i see the dr for the next injection tomorrow morning and also with th results of xray we can figure out what is wrong.

thanks for responding to me!!

Eileen Briesch
on 5/4/10 3:46 am - Evansville, IN
Judy, of course you belong here ... we all belong here. I don't want to hear any of that crap.

Wish I could say all I do is work anymore ... but then I don't.

Sorry you are in pain, but I know how that feels. If your hip is bothering you it might be from the nerves in your back. I had X-rays on my hips but found they were fine, it was the back that was the problem. I had discs impinging on the nerves.

I know what you mean about the bike ... I'm glad I found this pool to exercise in ... it's made a world of difference ... it's the one exercise I can do.

Hang in there, Judy ... I hope you get some relief. And don't feel ashamed of getting a handicap permit ... I got a permanent one and I know I deserve it.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Judy G.
on 5/5/10 12:50 am - Galion, OH

thanks eileen...just in a funk i guess....

hopefully you WILL get a job again or disability soon!!!

my back is doing great since i had the nerve blocks done and the facet (sp) blocks done...its the sciatic nerve that i bothering me yet but will find out results of xray tomorrow morning then hope we can get to fix what is wrong!!!

riding the bike was fun but then the pain afterwards OMG!!!! can't afford the indoor pools here and when the pool opens here at apartment its WAY to cold til about mid july for me to get in it!!!

not ashamed of the handicap permit...i think its pretty cool...haha now i can park closer to where i am going and not hurt so bad after i get there!!!

thanks for responding!

George T.
on 5/4/10 1:38 pm - Grand Prairie, TX
I can not believe you do not believe you belong here.  You went through everything we all did.  And we are family here to support each other.

How far did you ride the bike?  Take it slow.  And don't give up on it.  I wish I had a bike sometimes.  But then I wonder when would I ride it.

GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!                   

Judy G.
on 5/5/10 12:54 am - Galion, OH

thanks george.....but sometimes i feel like i am an outsider here....just how i feel i guess.

sighs....i guess i rode the bike maybe a mile give or take....all i know is when we got to the front of the apartment complex it was a LONG ride back!!! then to carry it back up the steps...i couldn't do it...rick had to do it for me...GOD i love that guy!!! he is my LIFE!! he has brought so much happiness that i lacked for so many years!!!!

i will try harder to feel a part again here i promise!!

thanks for responding!!!

Margo M.
on 5/4/10 10:58 pm - Elyria, OH
i just feel like i don't belong here anymore....

ya know- there are days that i feel this way too--and then i know it's a boo hoo me i have to work hard at feeling like a part of the gang again---many days lately i read but don't post-busy busy too--

so many of us really need the support of this group- and you are a big part of that group!

i enjoy your posts and find it interesting you learning of life in "ohio" as i am learning life in "michigan....

i am sorry to read of all of your aches and pains-watching my michael as he is going downhill- he now thinks he has fibro and the docs don't have a clue.....anyhow-watching him i can relate to all of the pain everyone here talks about-


I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


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