It's Tuesday, what's up with you?
George, you are one busy man, that's for sure!!....Now Play Ball!!!! Wwhhhooooo! Enjoy!
Work is busy, we are doing annual training for our volunteers this week, then I get to enter all their education in the computer AND in their paper file. Ugh!!!!
Going to see mom after work at assisted living, she is adjusting fine. Then on home and will go for either a bike ride or a long walk.
Hugs and prayers to all those in need. Everyone do something special for YOU today! Maybe just some quiet time, a short walk or a bubble-bath...that's all free!
Saturday is much of the same. LOVE IT!!!
Sunday, spending Mother's Day with my wife and daughter..... AT THE BALLPARK. The women in my life are WONDERFUL!!!!
I went to my granddaughter's spring music concert at work last night. She's such a sweet young lady and I am so very proud of her. She'll be 13 next week. I just can't believe it. In my humble opinion, she was the prettiest girl in the 7th grade class. :o)
I've got to throw a french toast casserole in the oven in a few minutes to take to work. We are celebrating the 6 wonderful nurses that I work with by having a breakfast buffet. I am very lucky to work with such a wonderful group of women. There are only 16 of us, so we're a close knit group.
Nothing much else to report. the downed tree is still laying in the back yard. My DH couldn't get his chain saw to work yesterday. We paid a lot for that brand of chain saw and it doesn't work any better than the cheap one he had before. In this case, we didn't get what we paid for.
I'm up before 9:30 again! It's been easier than I thought to get out of the 2 am bedtime rut and into one that lets me get up between 7-8 AM without an alarm clock. I don't feel I waste so much of the day. I'm still not getting much done, but knowing I have lots of time makes it easier to put things off. y
Yesterday I wandered around the house with a bowl of (unlabeled) keys and tried them in all the locks, and marked them. I got some to fit every lock, but I still have about 20 that I have NO idea where they go, but am afraid to throw them away. What if I need them???? I know, I know.......
Yesterday I had my 4 year post op blood work. 17 tubes of blood! I still get it drawn every 6 months, but if it's all good, I'm going to see if we can cut back a little. My insurance covers it, but that's no reason to do it if it's not necessary. It'll be interesting to see how it comes out. I've maintained my weight loss for over 2-1/2 years, and I seem to be in a good routine food- and vitamin-wise. I think this is how it's supposed to be. We'll see what the labs say.
Today....Yard work! As soon as it warms up a bit and dries up more, I'll be out weeding. Haven't touched anything this year, and it shows. I've mowed 3 times, and that's nice and neat, and makes the gardens look even worse. Not sure how much time I'll tolerate, but I'm gonna get started.
Edit: I just went out for the paper. Colder than a witch's t** out there! Guess today will be spent staining wood trim instead. Inside!!!!
That's it for me. Tomorrow night I have tickets for "Jersey Boys" with some friends. That should be fun. Weather should be nice during the day, so some weeding.
That's my life.
Everyone have a good day.
Good morning, ya'll.
George, your Eddie sounds like my Brooke and basketball. She loves playing and doesn't care what position. I hope they both realize their dreams of being able to play as long as they want.
Yesterday was my follow up with my surgical oncologist. I posted about that visit separately. My DH keeps asking how I'm doing? How I'm feeling after seeing the Dr.? I think he is more worried about the 50/50 thing than I am.
We didn't get back to J-ville until after 4. HOORAY!! We love Outback, but they are never open for lunch and we usually only go out to eat at lunch time. So we had a great dinner before coming home.
Today God will be watering my plants most of the day. I may sit on the porch amd watch awhile. Can't take my crochet out there though, it'll get dirty. I was gonna go to the bank and WM for a few things. But it isn't anything that can't wait until tomorrow.
Everyone have a fantabulous day!