It's Tuesday, what's up with you?
It's been a while since I have even been on OH for anything other than posting my prayer thread on the Texas Message Board.
Sorry, but I have been way involved with baseball. And doing a little reading. And playing games on the net.
Been a good couple of weeks. Mary and I both got bloodwork done and everything is fine and dandy.
Watched Eddie play in a baseball tournament this weekend. He did exceptionally well. The team lost in the bracket play 13-9. The team that beat them won the tournament and no other team scored more than 5 runs against them. Eddie had a double that he ripped to left center. He played very good defense. They played him in the outfield most of the weekend, a position he has not played much. He has always been either a shortstop or second baseman. But he is willing to play wherever the coach puts him. He just wants to play.
Not much else going on with me.
Will try to get on later to respond to everyone. Emphasis on the word try.
i'm up- soon need to get dressed=lazed around in the recliner with a blankie and roxie and my cuppa...
busy busy at the bank yesterday-good busy....i sold a CD! (it's a progress thing-sometime i'll elaborate)
better evening with michael-just so hard-he really does NOT want to be here and he knows taht i do.......
well- i have lots to say but most isn't worthy so will scoot to get out the door- stopping up at mom's for a few before i head to work... and out tonite to a mtg...
hugs and prayers............
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White
economy and health (his and my mom's) have both said not at this time--
thx for the hopes!
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White
Put Michael in a crate and ship him to Maui if that is what he wants....tell him to build a bridge and get over it...he is an adult....he needs to take charge of his own aren't his mother...if he wants to go so bad...then tell him to leave or be quiet about it.
I am glad you are where you want to be....sounds like the job is working out well for you...YAY!!!!!!
Love ya.....hugs.....connie d
I am sitting here eating a banana and drinking my vitamin supplemented water. Today, I am spending grading freshmen essays and final exams. After I finish grading and posting grades, I am doing so much needed professional writing for my summer projects.
Last night I found out that I still cannot tolerate sugar. Yeah but bad on me. My husband was eating a bowl of ice cream and I though, why not get a spoon of it, so I did, and then another spoon. I waited to see if I was going to tolerate it before getting a small bowl but suddenly, my head began to spin and my belly begin to hurt and then I spend the next thirty minutes lying on the sofa with a cool cloth on my eyes in between throwing up and spitting out foamies. So, somethings are still the same.
Well, gotta grade; these things will not grade themselves.

Glad to see you back on...let me know how you are doing ok?