Feeling what you're feeling
Posted: 04 May 2010 04:00 AM PDT You might be amazed at how many clients tell me they hate the feeling to being hungry. I am not talking about starving -- I am talking about the 2-3 level hunger. They don't like it! They have to stop it from happening!!But what about the rest of us? The ones who are eating, not to prevent the discomfort of the physical sensations of hunger, but those of us eating to stop feeling uncomfortable feelings. Are you quieting your feelings with food instead of dealing with the feeling directly. One of the most powerful sentences I have read lately is "Are you avoiding yourself by avoiding your feelings?" A huge component of mindfulness is to be able to let yourself feel what you are feeling without judging it. If you choke out what you are feeling with a bag of chips (or carrots, for that matter) are you cultivating mindfulness? |
on 5/4/10 12:20 pm - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
For the past week or 10 days I've been working on feeling my fear so I could understand it and face it. So far it is helping...
No more avoiding for me! Now I have to apply this in all aspects of my life......
Thanks, and God Bless
Wow...are you me?????
I too was afraid of my stepfather, I still came around for family Christmas stuff after my mom died. I no longer do that now. I have taken the toxic out of my life. It's very freeing, I just had to deal with the guilt of not seeing him. Hell, his own 5 children never really see him and my mom had 5 of us kids so we had 10 kids around. Not only did he ruin his own kids but us 5 too. He was mean, mean and very verbal. Still my siblings try to get his approval as adults???? Why???
Not me.
Very heavy crap to deal with. I finally realized every time I went over there I was eating non-stop after my visits. No more. Sigh...the stuff we have to deal with as adults, letting go and just Let God. Took time and therapy but I did it!!
Sweetie, just remember you don't need your step-father's validation that you are a wonderful person and deserve to be treated with love and respect. He has no power over you, and sorry but what an ass he is. He doesn't matter, he is out of your life. Hopefully confronting him helped you in some ways. For me silence is Golden. I have let my stepfather go. Now he is just a lonely old man with some dementia. When he dies I will not go to his funeral. I will not be a hypocrite and pretend to mourn. He has been out of my life now for 10 years...
Yes, think of us as "Butterflies are Free" we are indeed free my friend. No guilt. Just a wonderful life now! You have emerged as a beautiful butterfly, just fly above your ex-stepfather's crap...and poop on him!
Now, always remember you have a tool. Emotional eat we all do. That's part of us and always will be. I'm 3 years out and I have taken off 7 pounds and the rest will follow that I want off...by practicing mindful eating and exercise. It's my life...forever!
You touched my heart with your post. You are not alone. Always remember you are loved and appreciated! -Hugs Debbie
Great big hugs to you. At age 54 I'm set free.
My 2 brothers are alcoholics and did/do drugs...I ate like you. My sister is just plain screwed up, is not a nice person and also drinks but she goes and sees him...in fact just lives 2 houses away...Go figure!
Thank God, I got over my "daddy complex".
Don't get me wrong, I love men, they are very special, I have a wonderful loving hubby and I was lucky to have a "father figure" in my life and he just passed away.
My real dad died at age 52 from a heart attack and he was a recovered alcoholic. That's why I'm a social drinker...I said I would always prefer a hot fudge sundae to alcohol...now I don't even do ice cream!!
You have a blessed day. You have a great head on your shoulders and are a success!
I too feel that I have gotten over my daddy complex, and have been with the love of my life for nearly 6 years, He has been just awesome to me in everyway, and supports me in everything I have done and feel that I need to do to set myself free.
I am sorry for the loss of your father, but at the same time I relize that though mine is still living he too is like posion to me, and we hold a very rocky relationship at best, I feel with time that relationship may be heald. I love him, I just dont like him at the moemnt. He drinks like a fish, and an angry one at that, I do not drink any more and havent in several years because I reconize what it can do to people. It can devistate their lifes in so many ways, interpersonal relationships, and in physical asspects too like you seen with heart and liver problems.
Thanks for the compliment, I would love to add you as a friend if you dont mind. It just seems as if we may have so mu*****ommon, and hey I could always use another friend.
Thanks again, and God Bless,