Good Monday to you

on 5/2/10 7:31 pm - Lake Odessa, MI
Revision on 08/21/12
Good morning friends, How was your weekend? I was busy so I never heard about the terrible storms until my sister called from Tenn. Wow! I pray that Susan and all other OH members are safe.

We had two of our grandsons Fri. pm to Sat. pm. They helped me with yard work and some things inside. I had them pot up a bunch of pansys to take out to their mother's grave site. Now they think their florists! Having them here is wonderful and tho they only live 20 min. away they are busy with friends and activities so we don't have them as much as we'd like. Also, being 13 and 9 years old they fight. So, sometimes it is easier to have one at a time. I am missing their mommy so much lately. It hasn't been 3 years yet and as I get ready for surgery tomorrow for some reason my thoughts have been on her a lot. One minute I think of some goofy thing she did, the next the pain is so raw it seems like it has only been days.
How did I get off on that? I was thinking about other things this morning. See how I am?

I'm not at all nervous about surgery, just about the dreams about Cheri that I get with general anesthetic. They get so bizzare and they are very rough emotionally. I find that during that time it is also difficult to seperate from them when I wake and sometimes they continue when I sleep again.

On that dreary note let me ask, What are Your plans for the day? Lets get moving, moving, moving! Sue


Highest weight: 212.8 Current weight 135 Lost 77.8 pounds


(deactivated member)
on 5/2/10 10:06 pm, edited 5/2/10 10:13 pm - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
Glad you got to your enjoy your grandsons.� I know what you mean about it being easier to have 1 at a time...I always felt that when my nieces &�nephew would come for the weekend.

Sorry I don't know this already.....what kind of surgery are you having?� I hope it all goes smoothly for you!

Supposed to hit the mid 90's here today!!!!!!� YIKES....too warm to fast!

Going out for lunch today...looking forward to it.

For me today....much of the same yet very very different.
Later this morning I'm taking another step in trying to face my fear of flying. A�BIG step. The video's I've been watching have been helping somewhat.� Talking about it definitely is helping. �� I'll post more on this later.....

I did a fashion show yesterday......LOL.....Don't get too impressed or excited.....all I did was try on all the new clothes I bought last week and Matthew took pictures for me so I could share with family and friends I don't get to see (many of them in other states and even overseas.....if I could fly I could see them!!!).

Hope you all have a good day and are safe with all this stormy weather.
Pat R.
on 5/2/10 10:19 pm - Sturgis, MI
Morning Sue:
First, prayers being said for your band surgery tomorrow.   You are with the greatest bunch of WL surgeons in the world!!  Dr. Baker is awesome -- did you know he and his whole family sing?  He  also  plays  piano.  I saw them in concert a couple years ago.  You will do great and be in the best of hands.

I don't post here often, but read everyday.

Off to part time job shortly, then pay bills and do a load of laundry this afternoon.   Did 25 minutes on the recumbent bike this morning....hurrah!

Have a great day friends,


(on MySpace, MSN, Web pages, Blogs...)
Done! Your Ticker: 
on 5/2/10 10:23 pm, edited 5/2/10 10:25 pm - Jacksonville, NC

Good morning, ya'll.

Looks like just us Grammas are up and around and on this morning. Sue, my heart goes out to you and your family.  Hold those grandkids close.  They grow so fast.  Luckily, the older they get, the less they fight.  At least that is the case with mine.

I have a follow-up appointment with Dr. Z this afternoon.  He is my surgical oncologist.  Last week was Dr. A, my chemotherapy oncologist.  I am going to ask Dr. Z's opinion on when I can get this shoulder repaired.  Dr. A said 6 to 12 months.  I don't think I can last that long.  It seems every day it gets worse, but it just may be my imagination now that I know what the problem is.  Stuff that I need my left arm for, is beginning to be a challenge, like: getting dressed in the morning, closing the car door once I get in, reaching up to use the turn signal, reaching down to pick something up on the floor, washing my hair, reaching out the window at a drive through. Sometimes I wake myself up at night with something I have done. OUCH! I'm OK if it just involves my left hand and forearm and I can keep the rest of my arm tight to my side.  But as soon as I move the shoulder, yikes!! 

Yesterday my oldest NC grandson asked if I'd come down and help him put up a ceiling fan.  His fell!!  His dad is deployed.  We determined that he needs a new outlet box.  The screw holes on the old one are stripped right out.  PLUS, it is supposed to be anchored to a support from above, (like a 2X4 between 2 studs), this one has 2 screws on one side, into a stud.  NO OTHER SUPPORT. I'm surprised it hadn't fallen before. He'll take care of getting the new box today, so maybe we can get it up this week.

I leave for OR on Saturday to babysit grandkids.  More like, ferry them to and from school, scouts and sports things.  Next year the oldest will have his license, hooray!!  Half the work will be done for me. I will also have baking and cooking to fill the freezer, mending, sewing on patches, all things I truly do love to do!!

Have a fantabulous day!  

Grammylew in Jax


on 5/2/10 10:35 pm - Shelbyville, MI

Hi grannymedic and OFF family,

The weekend was wonderful for me, it was quiet cuz grandkids were at their dad's house and SD was at her hubby's. My hubby went Up North to Baldwin 4 wheelin' and I read a book in peace and quiet.

Went to support group Saturday after I got my hair cut and colored, it's now short like a "bob" and it's so cute. I have only to "scrunch" it and just go or I can set it in electric roller's for a more polished look. I'm lucky, have lots of hair and they even had to thin it out. Of course my hubby loves me in longer hair but I don't and I'm tired of it. He will get use to it. The front is chin length, back is shorter.

Support group was nice and we discussed mindful eating along with exercise and dealing with head issues. Just what I needed.

Sunday sang in the choir for the 1st time. I ended up singing alto just cuz there are too many soprano's and I have a big voice range.

After church Jan, one of the pianist asked me to also join the praise team, they just practice before church so I'm good with that so I guess I'm jumping in full force to the music section in our new church. Well at least I got to go to church 6 months before joining. It was nice to just sit and not have to worry about music/singing for awhile but God is telling me to use the gift that was given to me.

We now have 2 litters of new born kitty's. 4 black and white's in one litter, they all look the same.

Lilly who was dropped off in the country and really was someones pet gave birth to 7 kittens, 3 are all white, 1 striped, 1 grey, 2 back/grey/striped. Because I know Lilly was an inside pet at one time, she always comes to our door and wants to be let in...but she doesn't like Ms. Kitty my SD cat and that's not fair to Ms. Kitty. I plan on getting this one fixed ASAP just because she is special. I'm going to put a post on our bulletin board at work for Free kitty's! My granddaughter now wants one of the white kitten's and plans to leave her kitten from the last litter was us. Tiger likes my hubby and me better anyway and gets along with our dogs. So she will need to be fixed also. Tiger thinks she is a dog!

on 5/2/10 11:22 pm
Good Monday morning to Grannymedic1 and everyone here at OFF!

We just had a thunderstorm that washed away a layer of yellow gross looking pollen.  I'm sure we'll get some relief before the new stuff settles on everything again.  I wonder if we'll get back to spring weather or if summer is here to stay?

After having such a great day with Little T on Saturday, yesterday ended up being pretty quiet.  Grandchildren are such a blessing!

Sue, wanted to send along my very best wishes for a speedy recovery from your surgery tomorrow.  I also wanted to say I'm so sorry for the loss of Cheri.  It'll be 9 years since Rich passed in just a few weeks and sometimes a jolt of pain will still hit like a lightning bolt.  Fortunately, most memories now are sweet, good ones.  It's like the other folks said on the grief support board I used to go to regularly ... you just learn to live with it.  I wish you well.

Have a marvelous Monday, all!

Connie D.
on 5/2/10 11:47 pm
Good morning Sue and everyone....

So much bad weather everywhere....hope all our OH/OFF friends are okay...I have been very concerned.

I have a very busy workday today. Meetings from 9:30 to 3:00....UGH!!

I took Kyleigh (granddaughter) back to Minneapolis yesterday. I hate having to leave her. It is always so emotional. She sent me a text last night and said she had such an awesome time and can't wait to see me that girl!!

Ladies....are any of you taking Boniva?? I take it once a was the day. This is the 4th time I have taken it. Do the icky feelings ever go away. I feel like I have the flu for the whole day after I take it. I get achy, nauseous, diarrhea and lightheaded for the whole day. How does this medication effect you?? It says in the pamphlet that it could cause some of these problems after the 1st time taking this medication. This is the third kind they have had me try. Let me know if any of you have any of these problems . Thanks so much.

Best get going...have to somehow get through the meetings today....I am the facilitator so I have to be there....wish me luck!!

Prayers to all in need. Have a good day everyone!!

Love and hugs....connie d

on 5/5/10 5:28 am - Lake Odessa, MI
Revision on 08/21/12
I have tried several types too. They all make my stomach HURT. I have been on Evista for several months and that has been fine. It works differently than the others.. Sue


Highest weight: 212.8 Current weight 135 Lost 77.8 pounds


Mary M.
on 5/2/10 11:59 pm - Minneapolis, MN
All is well in Minneapolis.  We went to our WLS coffee group Saturday - always fun.   Such a lively and enthusiastic group of people.  I just love being with them.  In the afternoon, we shopped and prepared food for dinner at Michael's sister's house.  She and her husband and daughter and us were also joined by her twin sister and our other brother-in-law and 2 of their kids and spent a great time visiting.  We don't get together very often, so it's treasured time.

Yesterday we lounged in the morning, then went to a gallery in Hudson Wisc. (about a 45 minute drive) - it was really fun.  Then we hit a consignment shop (I got a green blouse) and then Trader Joe's and home again.   Nothing too exciting, but a relaxing weekend.

This is my last full week at this job and I have lots to finish up.  I work here on Monday and Tuesday next week, then off to the other office on Wednesday.  I'm excited.
  Have good days, everyone.

"Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you CAN do."  John Wooden

 I'm down 120 pounds - thanks to RNY!  Working on the next 25.  Then I'll tackle more...
karen C.
on 5/3/10 1:00 pm - Kennewick, WA
Mary, You're just getting prettier and prettier! I know you've always been pretty on the inside but the outside is turning into a real "looker." Tell Michael I told him he better keep you close by his side!!

Karen C

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