Is anything new Saturday????
Running around today, picking up new glasses this morning. Then to a friend's house to dig up a bunch of perennials that she no longer wants, to keep them from the compost pile. Because it's not acceptable to throw plants away.
Which is why I spend my summers in the garden instead of on the deck.....
Then after I dig up the plants and bring them home, I'll stick them somewhere until Monday and head to my niece's to celebrate my other niece's birthday for the rest of the day.
Tomorrow I'm doing my annual greenhouse run with a fellow friend who also gardens a lot. I'll come home with another load of plants, I'm afraid, 'cause I can't seem to resist new ones.
On second though, I may just go back to bed.....
Carry on, all. What are your plans for the weekend?
Thoughts are with Susan and her horrible weather conditions.......
Hi Candy and Friends,
So I can "edit" my post but can't find a delete button to the post I started. I have a "plant fetish" too. Last weekend I went down to my mom's house which is now taken care of for her (and owned!) be a wonderful 75 yr young lady. She loves the terraced rock gardens that my mom so lovingly cared for. I brought home starts of many of the perennials that she grew there. Lots of little hen and chickens to tuck in the nooks and crannies in my little granite rock garden on the side of our yard. She had a lot of coral bells and many other ground covers that I have no idea what name they have.
So now I'll try to get them to grow in my hard clay soil. I've been adding little soaker hoses and bubblers and basket sprayers to my sprinkler lines. There's this wonderful little hole maker that lets you add them anywhere along the line. Added a line to my grandmother's cast iron wash kettle (think witches brew). I have the black kettle on a tripod on my front porch but it's a pain to remember to hand water it as it is easy to overlook. Now I just have to find a way to hide the black plastic line that it now on the concrete porch. Will try to tuck it into the bottom of the rock on the side of the porch.
Sounds like you're "adjusting" to retirement just fine. Maybe "overachieving" just a bit? Candy, don't kill yourself having fun these first few weeks. Remember when Monday comes around this week that it's just another day to do whatever you want whenever you want to do it!
I'll be heading to the gym early this morning as I planted instead of going to the gym yesterday. The scale is at a stall again. I've managed to take off about 7 lbs since Christmas but for the last week or so it hasn't budged.
Hope you all have a nice weekend. It's windy here again today but the temp at least will be around 60. Our gardens are slowly starting to grow but we need sunshine and warmer temps!
Karen C
Never "overachieving". Not me. This is my typical Spring pattern. Share, dig, or buy all kinds of new stuff in April and May, put in on a corner (or half....) of the driveway so it's easy to water, and spend the rest of the summer trying to get everything planted, and curse myself .. yet again ... for getting carried away with new plants.
It's a sickness....
on 4/30/10 11:30 pm - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
Not much new here. Hoping the rain holds off at least till noonish so we can get the citrus trees moved/re-planted today. Also need to mow the lawn but Matthew will take care of that. I really want to get this done today so fertilizer can go down and then the rain will give it all a good soaking.
While he's working outside I'll be doing some chores know, all the fun stuff, laundry, windows, etc, etc. Nothing too strenuous.
I really need to clean out my closet. I have so much clothing that just do not fit ....I need to find a new home for them all. Many still have tags on them. Wonder if I should have a garage sale or post them on ebay...hmmmm
Finally heard back from my other brother about his work schedule so know I finally can solidify my travel plans (not sure about the mode of travel yet but at least I can schedule all my appointments).
Actively working on my fear of flying......keeping positive thoughts is helping and so is watching all these on-line videos. I've got some radical steps learning to swim by jumping in the deep end of the pool. I'll keep you posted...
That's it for me.
Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.
Geez, where is everyone? I'm certainly no early bird. It's after 9:30 a.m. here, gloomy and rainy. I sure wouldn't have gotten out of bed if Miss Nettie wasn't meowing up a storm (feed me, mama!). Then Scooter started eating my hair. That's a new behavior. I knew we were going to get rain ... knee hurt a lot the past few days.
Well, here's my big news ... I got an offer on the condo! A lowball offer, but it's a start. Now we start the short sale process. We'll see what the lender will allow. Wish me luck. I have to get out of here before October when I have to start paying mortgage again (I'm paid until then). Plus, it will be cheaper to live in an apartment on unemployment ... especially if I can get a Section 8... or I get a new job somewhere or get disability or whatever.
Love you folks with your gardens. My dad was a big gardener ... I loved having a veggie gardener when I lived in South Dakota but have never been big on flowers because they make me sneeze too much. And now I can't stand to get down on my knees anyway. And here at the condo, no place to do veggies ... so I'll go to the farmers market instead. My allergies are really bothering me ... the lilacs are in bloom, and I'm terribly allergic to lilacs. I love 'em, but they really bother me. I only know this because I had lilac bushes ringing my house in S.D. and woke up once after a nap terribly stuffed up and sneezed for the rest of the day so badly. Had to keep the windows closed after that.
Candy, are you enjoying the first days of your retirement? I hope so. If I could travel more and wasn't in so much pain, I could enjoy being retired.
Well, have a good day.
Good mornin', ya'll.
Well, last night was Relay for Life. It was very well attended. Unfortunately, I haven't worn my tennies in quite awhile. I am a Birkenstock gal. I wear my slippers when I do my elliptical. By my 6th lap (with rest after every 2), my hip was killing me (the hip that needs to be replaced), the balls of my feet were very sore and my toenail dug into the toe next to it. BUT, I did have a very good time. Saw all the folks from my oncologist's office, including my oncologist. Saw many of the gals that were at the Hope Lodge with me while we all had our radiation. Had a very nice time. But left before bedtime.
Today my hip is still aching, no blister on balls of my feet, but still sore, and I trimmed that bad nail and have a bandaid on the toe next to it. DIL and grandsons are going to watch a baseball game of a friend who graduated last year. He plays for his college. They'll be gone all day. When I won't be seeing anyone, and I have nowhere to go, it is a jammie day for me!!
Have a fantabulous day!
Oh if any of you have Facebook i have posted a lot of my iris that are blooming right now...if you would like to look...
I am going to have to do some thinning this year dont know what i will do i have about ran out of room lol maybe start making some of the flower beds bigger i dont know.
I am working today but then off for 9 days again unless some one needs off. tomorrow or monday we are going to the flower festival in Marshfield....Candy you would love it. you too Karen probably any one else that is a flower and plant lover. it is like a big huge farmers market of plants and then there are seminars you can go to with speakers from places like MOTHER EARTH and COUNTRY LIFE. and others. love this and wait all year to go to it. ....
well got to run need to take camera in hand and go see what is new outside. lol
I wish we lived closer to each other. I have a huge amout of stuff that needs splitting, and my friends have locked their doors to me. NO MORE!!!!! They all told me to give it to someone else unless I want to put in the beds for them and keep them weeded. I'm all about the planning and the planting. Not crazy about weeding, but it's a necessary evil.
Travel all over these United States is in my future. I don't forsee a road trip to Missouri, but you never know! I've driven pretty far for plants before., but I don't think quite that far.
Get down and dirty and enjoy your gardens.
We're having a beautiful (but it will be hot) day here in the Pinelands of NJ! I'm just waiting on my grandson and his dad to arrive. TB and I will take him to a nearby playground and enjoy ourselves until it's time to get daughter Kristin from the high school. She's rehearsing for her drama class's performance of "The Winter's Tale"--it's Shakespeare!!! Opening night is Thursday.
Once we get her home we just have to wait for Linda (Little T's mom) to show up and then we'll go to another park either to walk or one that has more playground equipment. The little guy has so much energy!
Apparently Linda called the little guy's dad Thursday and announced she was moving to TN. We don't know if that's for real or not. How can someone move out of state and leave a child behind? I know sometimes it can't be avoided but ... wow. So far she hasn't said a word to us about it but that doesn't mean anything. Being truthful and forthcoming is not exactly on her list of attributes. Oh well.
Otherwise we are hanging in and same old same old.
I like the chat feature and didn't know we had it until Eileen contacted me. I really enjoyed talking to her. It's a nice way to stay in touch isn't it?
Have a good one all!

Just came in from my walk. I did about two miles. I have a goal of three miles next week and I would like to get up to five soon. It seems I have fallen into a good routine.
Karen, I have been at a stall for about three months now. It is really frustrating. I play with two pounds. Up one day and down the next. Don't get it.
Today, I have to go clean my in-laws house and go shopping for them. Someone has to do it?
It is raining here today and cool. I got caught in a little rain during my walk. Wasn't too bad though.
I don't know about anyone else, I hate this new thing they have done to the website. I keep having this thing at the bottom of my screen saying - reconnecting and signing in. Anyone else have this problem? Why can't they just leave things alone, if it isn't broke, don't try and fix it!
I am on my way. What a ride it has been.