Exercise...."it's a good thing" - Friday

(deactivated member)
on 4/30/10 1:11 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
The weekend is almost here....yippee.

I'm still laying low exercising my patience, perseverance, and being balanced. 

Hope weather is nice by you if you are going for a walk.....
What's your plan for working out today??

Connie D.
on 4/30/10 1:18 am
Hi Ruth....

Went for my 3 mile power walk....now on to my crunches and other exercies.

Gotto get going.......

Hugs.....connie d
on 4/30/10 3:45 am - Shelbyville, MI
Hi Ruth and Connie,

I did my 3 mile walk and this time I challenged Juli and Chris, my work walking partners to work out with the bands while walking...I sure we looked funny to others but we sure did get a great workout and our heart rate was up the whole time we were working with arms.
Chris only does 1 mile with us then Juli and I really pu**** for the other 2 miles.

I so proud of Chris starting to exercise.
She is working on losing 50-100 pounds before she can get her boobies reduced!
(deactivated member)
on 4/30/10 4:13 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
You are obviously setting a very good example for the people around you! 
karen C.
on 4/30/10 12:18 pm - Kennewick, WA
Didn't get to the gym. It was nice after school and there was a plant sale at Home Depot. . .Guess where I went? Bought 10 more perennials (5 for $10), came home and planted them. Then played with my little soaker sprinklers in the flower beds, adding, moving, soaking myself completely! But I think I about have all of the flower beds covered. Am  trying to get the hand watering down as much as possible. Once it gets hot here we get very little rain so watering becomes quite a chore. Will get to the gym tomorrow morning for sure.

Karen C

(deactivated member)
on 4/30/10 1:02 pm - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
I'm going to Home Depot tomorrow....hoping to get my veggie garden in order this weekend.  Also need a few more plants to fill in some sparse areas that the winter freeze killed.
Nancy B
on 4/30/10 1:02 pm - Niagara-on-the-Lake, Canada

On Fridays (as well as Mon & Wed), I head to the city to do my water workout for three-four hours.  Today I'd also planned to visit Mother. 

However, JB had made arrangements for some town clerk to come here to check some flooding issues then went merrily out to get his hair cut, take the Caddy in for an oil change and other stuff and who knows when he would be back! So I had to adjust my day accordingly to be home at the right time..of course it conflicted with my swim time!

So instead of heading out to the city for the 11 am aquafit class, I got up at 8 AM!! *shocked look because this is usually about when I just turn over and go back to sleep*..and was in the pool at 9 am sharp!  Now I am NOT a morning person so this, I beleive, was a true test of my commitment to my workout.

After three hours jogging and arm pumping with resistance and 20 minutes in the hot tub, I hurried out to shower and dress...found out that I'd forgotten to bring a bra since I wore my outside clothes over my bathing suit ....and was home before the town people got here.

I started laundry (washing my bathing suit and towel and ended up tossing in alot more stuff and even had a second load...where does all that dirty laundry come from??? *suspicious glares to Katie and LilyRose*

I went outside to take cold drinks and a lunch to Derek who was working out in the shop and to his crew as well.   Got back inside and wrote an article about MANDALAS for the local community newspaper and sent that with an inspirational quote and a new mandala for next week....this is published weekly..each week I supply a short article about mandalas and the benefits of using them and a new original-art mandala from my stockpile of about 3000 now.  

Once that was done, I did some sewing on two long rayon summery dresses/shifts for Mom to wear ...they had slits that went up way too high up her legs for her comfort so I hand-sewed down each side for her, folded the hand-washed blouses I'd done for her and went back outside to cut a huge bouquet of fresh lilacs to take along. I'd made blueberry muffins, her favourite and, once they were cooled, put two in a small bag to take along for her bedtime snack, added that to the bag of reading material I bring each week and off I went..

Then I drove 45 minutes to Mom's assisted-living facility and walked from the far end of the parking lot and considered that extra exercise.  After our visit and supper there, I left and got home in time to make dinner for JB and Derek who was then headed out to his night shift job at the club.

I confess that I did feel a bit proud of myself for making that time adjustment today but I'm hoping that this won't be necessary that often...lol.

 Nancy B


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