My iris are all in full bloom they are so pretty wish everyone could see them ...i have so many that it is like being in an iris farm.... so far i have counted over 70 different varieties. and more are blooming every day. I even have about 20 now that are reblooming iris. they will hopefully rebloom this fall.
we are suppose to get some cooler weather and rain and lots of wind starting tonight and going thru this whole week end. I planned on going to Mansfield to the Hiertage seed festival on Sunday. hope it is nice ....but doubt if it will be ...they have lots and lots of plants and all for sale plus lots of other vendors too. plus music and guest speakers this year they have some people from Mother Earth magazine suppose to be there.
Was wanting to go with my brother and his wife but he has been in the hospital and dont imagine he will feel like going. told him i would get him a w/c and would push him around. lol dont think he could stand it....
what are you all planning to do this week end.>????
your iris' sound beautiful! growing up, we had some absolutely gorgeous ones at our summer cottage--probly just run of the mill- a purple and a yellow but i thought they were beautiful!!! michael had planted some in ohio- a few were from my gramma's yard in sturgis, mich....i think he transplanted those to bring up here but i don't know if they survived the move....i can't wait to get some colors growing around here--- i'm not used to the chance of freezing until memorial day so i am ansty to get planting!!!!!
today is my long day at work--8-6 ish.....
the farmer's market is sposed to open tomorrow i think- and i need to go to the Amish store for some things...other than that i probly will spend the weekend trying to clean and straighten-seems neverending but many days i give up too quickly and just don't do it--i cannot stand it anymore --one issue that i have is that i am NEVER alone here - michael is ALWAYS here and i would just love to have some alone time- a weekend or???--several days in a row --to clean and put away where I think things should be---our garden shed was ordered yesterday- not sure how quickly it will come- now the question is how to anchor it --we are putting it up over gravel not cement so i am not sure--and we have mostly sand for ground here---i'll have to call lowes and ask the experts! do any of you have ideas?????if we were using cement it would be easy!didn't get the exact one i wanted- the finish on it was too expensive- (had been on sale i guess for over $200 less but out of stock--so!) but this will be nice and can always be painted to match the trailer--i'm so excited just to have a place to put stuff instead of it lying all over the porch and yard!!!!
process for putting up the shed sorta includes power washing the trailer after we scrub the siding (green mold) with bleach water and then a paint job which i will probly have to pay for to get it done soon.the 30 yr old siding really needs a boost and fresh paint always makes one feel like they are in a new house!
mom and i walked off the spot for the shed and then i have an area between it and the deck (and a small maple tree) to put my lawn swing and some chairs-she says "and you can face your swing here" to which i replied " i can face my swing however I want to"--sometimes the control issue gets to be a bit much-she got my hint..... the area between the shed and deck will allow nice shade this summer for outdoor sitting! can ya tell i am antsy to get teh yard straightened around??????
ah well- now i am rambling--hope everyone is safe with all of the "weather' we are getting--i worry about all of y'all out in missouri, arkansas, nebraska (my jean b?????????????) and etc....
hugs and prayers...........
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White
on 4/30/10 1:32 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
Friday already! Today is going to be hit or miss. Laundry and some light houswork to do and then out to the yard to work.
I am so glad I have nothing else planned for the day.
My husband went to the cardiologist yesterday, they are going to start testing him. First is a stress test. He is a little worried it comes out in statements he makes. I made him go for a little walk with me last night. He needs the excercise because he sits in a truck all day driving.
I continue not to lose any weight. In fact, I gained three pounds. I have no clue why. It is frustrating though. I want to reach my goal soon and I am only 29 lbs from it. UGH!
Going to my in-laws tomorrow to clean and go shopping for them. It is frustrating for them. Oh well.... have to do what you have to do.
I hope all of you enjoy your day and hoping it is a warm and sunny one. It is supposed to be beautiful here today but the weekend rain, again!
Prayers and ,
I am on my way. What a ride it has been.

Happy Friday OFF family...and it's payday Friday tooooooooooo! Wwhhooo (all though most of it's spent! LOL)
The boss is gone today and it seems like Friday's are usually quiet here at work so I can play catch up.
Plan on going for a 3 mile walk with Juli at break/lunch time. It's suppose to get to 80 today, now doesn't that make us Michigan people happy??? You betcha!
Went to see stepdaughter and hubby's house they will be getting. Very nice but needs some work but it's move in okay.
I have alone time this weekend. Hubby is going Up North 4 Wheelin' with his 2 poker buddies.
I have support group tomorrow so I will have to rush from my hair apt from Wayland and head to Kalamazoo. I love my support group, we really get into "head issues" and a lot of us that go are more than 2 plus years out. We try not to scare the newbies with regain crap but they like to really hear what we have to say.
I'm very open about my lifestyle and Jen the psychotherapist really appreciates me putting "myself out there". Often she refers one of her clients to meet with me who has questions about WLS or exercise and how I live my life. I'm honest but always tell them that they know their body best but honestly they will have to exercise...no free train rides with WLS and don't we all know that one????
Everyone have a great weekend. Do something special for yourself! Hugs- Debbie
It's a bright sunny day and for a while, all was peaceful in the cat world ... Scooter and Nettie were sunning and grooming each other, then something got one of them riled up and there was the start of a cat fight ... MEOW ... Hissss! Now they're back grooming each other.
Well, whatever the rash was on my right arm from the bug bite in Virginia, it wasn't a tick ... or at least my doctor didn't think so. It's almost gone anyway. I didn't want to fool around with it ... I remembered all too well how my friend Roxane waited until she was so sick before she got help (and she's a nurse!). He said I would have noticed an infection already (fever, etc.), and I haven't. Just want to protect my artificial knee. Hurts enough as it is ... don't want to make it worse.
So the folks at the newspaper in Louisiana have called my references already (or at least one that I know of ... the former exec editor at the Grand Rapids Press). Things are moving along.
I want to have a day today that I'm not leaving the house other than to get mail and take in the garbage can. Too much running yesterday, and I was tired. I'm still tired from vacation, but it's a good tired. My knee was really bothering me yesterday ... we're going to get rain, I can tell. Plus, my allergies are bothering me, even with four allergy meds. My eyes are itchy and my nose is runny ... it's a gorgeous day, but I don't dare open the windows, it's so windy.
Well, I hope everyone has a good day.
Good mornin', ya'll.
I DO NOT enjoy yard work or planting things. BUT, I love lilacs. Yesterday my DH and I went to a local nursery and got 4 lilac bushes, and 2 gardenias. Made the mistake of wearing my Birks. Yuck, mud between my toes! Now I have to decide where to put them (the bushes, NOT my toes). I will confer with my DIL who could make cement sprout flowers!
Relay For Life begins at 4:30 PM. The survivor walk is at 6:30. It's an overnight thing, but I REALLY don't think I'll last that long. I'm taking everything I need if I decide to stay.
My DH and I have both been retired for about 15 years. I very seldom get time to myself. When I go babysit grandkids in OR I have days to myself. But not at my house. Last year my DH went to visit his brother and I think that was the first time I had time alone in my own home in 10 years!! It was heaven. Why don't men understand we want this time? When I go somewhere and my DH is home alone for more than 2 days he feels like he has been abandoned. It doesn't help that he doesn't drive.
Have a fantabulous day!!
I had a great thing happen yesterday that I have to share. The local School of Pharmacy students were doing free screening at Kroger. I've been getting a little "shaky" during the day and have been concerned about my blood sugar. Also, since I was having trouble with the Foximax and have been so good about taking my supplements, I wanted to get my bone density checked again. They also did a BP check, which I wasn't worrie about.
So...BP was 117/ 72
Two hours after eating, by blood sugar level was 80----pretty low for that soon after eating sweetpotatoes and chicken, but the best news was my bone density has gone from -2.5 to -1!!!! It's now barely "at risk" for osteoopenia!
I'll be checking with my doc about the blood sugar and the density test. I do worry about this blood sugar drop during the day. Shaking and cutting hair isn't easy, or very pretty!!
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend.
I have had a blast with my son! I cooked & baked for him, filled his freezer & even baked for his soldiers!!! fifteen of them.I also unpack a lot of his stuff. I think he wanted to do most of it himself.
I guess it is time.Well I am all packed& when he gets home we will leave. I do miss DH & all the puppys. In the summer he will be back to Mich. with all his girls for a few weeks.
Not much else is new. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!!!!