i THINK it's Thursday-what's new?????
My employee passed away the other day, so I will be attending the mass for him on Friday. It means getting up early. Go to bed at 7, get up at 9. Just a little early.
My grandson is costing me money. I have a deal with him. $10 for A Honor Roll, $5 for AB Honor Roll. This entire year there has been one grade on his report card under 90. He is doing pretty good.
Everyone have a great weekend. I'll be taking my laptop with, but don't know that I'll have much time for logging in.
Up earlier than I want to be but have an appointment this morning at the shrink and with the closure of I-196 (the main road into Grand Rapids) downtown, I have to take an alternate route, and that takes more time. So I have to leave earlier. Then I have a doctor's appointment later this afternoon to have him take a look at the rash I picked up in Virginia ... think I got a bug bite somewhere. The rash is almost gone, of course, but since I remembered what my friend Rox went through with Lyme disease and since I have an artificial knee, I don't want to take chances. Not sure what bit me, but I know I got bit because I saw the bug bite.
Got my unemployment, so it's shopping day, paying bills, etc. Not much else going on. Guy looking at the condo seemed interested; young guy with his mom. We'll see what happens. He has to get preapproved yet, so I don't think he'll qualify for the tax credit unless it gets extended.
Anyway, I have to get going. Got to get showered and dressed. Margo, sounds like the job is going well, I'm glad to hear it. Hope they offer you insurance soon.
Have a good day everyone.
I have an apt. at 0900 with my bariatirc surgeon Dr. Verseman. Should be short cuz I see him almost everyday walking in the hallways here at work...
Going to see stepdaughter's house she and hubby bought and will be soon moving into. Whhooot!!
Hubby has to do an inspection. They want Dad's input so that's great!
Going to lunch today with boss/friend to celebrate a belated Assistant's Day. Prime rib here I come!!
Had no ill effects from donating blood on Monday. I consider myself one lucky gal to be able to do this.
Granddaughter's kitty got stuck way up in a tree. I went out to go into our hottub and I kept hearing a kitty cry. Got everyone outside looking for kitty, then hubby pointed up into the tree.
He got the ladder out and coaxed her down half way then grabbed her and saved the day!!
Now, this kitty is suppose to be an inside cat...but she sneaks out when we let the dogs out. This kitty thinks she is part dog any way!
Have a great day and hugs/prayers all around for those in need! - Debbie
Good morning, ya'll.
Margo - glad work is keeping you busy. And it's always nice to get a decent paycheck.
Annetter - so sorry to hear about Tom's troubles. I hope he can get some help from VA. My BIL depends on them for his medical issues. They are very good.
George - what a great way to go broke. Congrats to your grandson.
Wanda - your parents are lucky to have all that help. Plus you get to touch base with everyone. Enjoy it all while you can.
Eileen - Lyme disease is nothing to sneeze at. It took my Mom months to get Drs to check for that, and then shsuffered from side effects the rest of her life. Best have that checked early.
Debbie - prime rib is my absolute favorite. Unfortunately, restaurants around here don't serve it til evening. My DH and I prefer going out to eat for lunch. I just asked my oncologist about giving blood, and she says I can't ever do it again. I used to give every 3 months. Bummer. There is always a need.
Had my CT scan yesterday. I'll pick up the CD with the pictures and report tomorrow. Have to take it to my surgical oncologist on Monday. So many doctors!!
Relay For Life is Friday!! Whoot, whoot!!! It's an overnighter. Not sure if I can last, but I'll give it my all.
Have a fantabulous day!