Good Morning Tuesday

on 4/26/10 5:54 pm - Lake Odessa, MI
Revision on 08/21/12
Good morning all. Well, here I am awake since 2 so I decided I'd wake everyone else up, too.  What are your plans for the day?
I am going to finish my kitchen painting project that has gone on forever. I have a huge list of things to be done before surgery.
One more week! Whoot! I figure I can rest without guilt after. I even survived my first day of pre-op diet!
Well, I just thought I'd get this started but I think I will try bed again in a bit. Funny how I used to be able to get up like this and would start right back in painting, not a chance now. These stiff old bones aren't up to climbing a ladder at this hour.

Have a great day all, see you later.


Highest weight: 212.8 Current weight 135 Lost 77.8 pounds


Nancy B
on 4/26/10 6:53 pm - Niagara-on-the-Lake, Canada

Good morning, family!

I had an awesome time last night at the Jesse Cook concert...Spanish flamenco guitar...FRONT ROW SEATS!!

I flirted outrageously with Jesse's guitar man.....ahh, I've STILL got it!! : }

Danced in the my legs are killing me, but ohhh well worth the fun I had!

and now to bed..I'm wiped out.

Nancy B

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George T.
on 4/26/10 7:44 pm - Grand Prairie, TX
I'm not telling Mary, she would be so jealous, having lived in Spain for 20 years.

GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!                   

Nancy H.
on 4/27/10 12:40 am - Traverse City, MI
Hi George, haven't been ablr to watch baseball here in N. Carolina but I see Tigers are winning. Good luck th the Rangers after the Tigers leave!
Marti O.
on 4/27/10 6:00 am
I LOVE JESSE COOK"S MUSIC...[.I bet Darlene does also...the Dancin' Queen]

I wish I could see him also...but the only time he comes to Wiscxonsin is WAAAAAY up north in Wisconsin.....a 5-6  hour drive.... It is quicker to go to Chicago...1.5 hours....but I can still listen to his music......It would be hard not to dance in the aisle if you are given the opportunity...
Love, Marti

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle"



(deactivated member)
on 4/26/10 7:29 pm - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
Good morning!

I'm up early, much earlier than I want to be but instead of just laying in bed wide awake I got up. 

I wish I was not up so early...I'll be regretting this later.

Today I plan on doing a little light yard work....mostly just weeding the flower beds in the front yard, shouldn't take too long.  Then I put down some Preen weed prevention and hope that will help.Other than that I'm going to try to take it easy.  I've got to get this post-op swelling down...I'm up 3 lbs in the last 5 days and I know it's all fluid/swelling....I can see it and feel it in my calfs, feet, and right hand.

I think maybe I'll bake some bread for breakfast since I'm awake so early....I know Matthew would like it but I kind of have him in the dog house so I'm not sure I want to do anything "special" for him right now......I'll decide in a couple mins. 

Well that's all I've got at this early hour........
Hope everyone is doing and feeling well.  Have a great day!
on 4/26/10 7:35 pm
Good morning Sue and everyone who follows,
How's everyone doing?

Sue, I found with that pre-op liquid diet that once I got into it the days just went by so quick and I didn't even feel hungry anymore.  Best wishes to you!

I haven't been around in a week I think.  I'm not sure why other than I get into things just after I have my coffee and by the time I think about OFF, it's usually late in the day.  :P    My week's had it's usual ups and very stressful downs.

This morning my hubby's got a gastro type test at the hospital and I'm just waiting until it's time to go.  It's still pretty early.

Hope you all have a terrific Tuesday.

George T.
on 4/26/10 7:46 pm - Grand Prairie, TX
Good morning all.  Not much going on in my life.  Rangers all the time.  A friend has been working on my garden.  5 tomato plants, 5 cucumber plants, 5 strawberry, 4 bell pepper, a couple of squash, and a couple of watermelon.  Wonder how much of it will actually take.  I personally think we have too much for the small area it is planted in.  8' x 8'.  We will see.

GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!                   

Margo M.
on 4/26/10 8:22 pm - Elyria, OH
good morning! wonderful day off yesterday with michael-good dr appt much shopping and enjoyment-about time!!!!
looked at 900 pics with mom til we both almost nodded-will try again earlier today!
backto work and some routine- a good thing i guess....
hugs and prayers.............

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


on 4/26/10 8:44 pm
Good morning Sue and OFF,

I have to shout out loud this morning, I'm down 80.8 pounds - WOO HOO!  I went to have my hair trimmed yesterday and the beautician told me that I looked thinner than I did just 5 weeks ago -- WOW -- now I know why!  I'm so excited.  I noticed my clothes were getting loose, although the scale didn't seem like it was moving.  YES!

I want to give each of my OFF friends a BIG thank you for sharing your knowledge, for offering your support, and most importantly friendship!  Have a healthy, happy, peaceful day! 




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