Good Morning Its Monday. What is on your plate?
Went to the in-laws yesterday and spent most of my time trying to scare away three cats hunting a baby bunny. That is one thing I hate about cats. My mother in-law locked them in the garage and the poor bunny was sitting in front of a tree petrified. I ran through the rain. Tapped it a few times and off he went into the neighbors yard. After about an hour in the garage, the cats came out, still looking for the bunny. They seemed to have lost his scent. One of the cats grabbed him and that poor little bunny was screaming. It broke my heart.
Nothing else new here today. Wanted to plant some bulbs and get out in the yard. Once again it is a crappy day. Cool, raining and a cloudy sky. I guess that I have to find something in the house to do. Believe me there are plenty of chores to do. Think I will tackle the fridge today.
Hope everyone and their spouses are doing well.
I am on my way. What a ride it has been.

Hi everyone. We spent the last few days in Houston and got home right at midnight last night. It felt good to sleep in my own bed. We went down to bury my Aunt Toni that I have been taking care of in the nursing home. I can't remember if I told ya'll she passed away last Tuesday or not. It was a really horrible week for me. She was like a mother to me and I will miss her dearly. We did meet a whole slew of cousins that we haven't seen since we were kids. They seem like a really nice group of people. I need to go in to work but I am exhausted and I just might stay home one more day and gather my wits about me before I tackle the mountain of paperwork I'm sure will be waiting on me when I get back. The eating thing was a little rough. My sister that just got her lap band was no help either. She isn't very tight yet and she still will eat anything that strikes her fancy. I managed to stay pretty much on track. I must confess that I did eat some homemade tamales. They were wonderful though. I managed to get two down during the day eating a few bites here and there. I'm home now and away from the temptation, lol. It was really good to see all of my sisters. GUESS WHAT...I am now officially the "skinniest" one in the bunch! This is something I never thought I'd ever see, lol. Ya'll have a good day.
hi carla and OFF....
well i am here and i am upset to say the least....wanted to go to WW this morning but rick HAD to go to the cafe to help his mother because she isn't feeling well....if she is so dam sick she shouldn't even be near food for the public!!!! but that is my opinion....sighs....
its raining here today and had some tstorms a few photos of the storm front coming and they look pretty...missed a huge bolt of lightening tho...grrrr oh well i got to see (both rick and i love to watch storms) as for the tornados that happened over the weekend the one in yazoo city i was in that little city back in the mid 80's gary and i were visiting his son that was stationed there in the navy seabees and then trying to out run the hurricane!! we got to gulfport mississippi just in time for them to tell everyone to evacuate immediatly!! hell we had no clue where to go or where the shelters were at that they were talking about so we drove and drove til we found a vacancy in motel in yazoo city....and OMG the next day the destruction we saw from the hurricane and the tornados and all OMG!!! that is what scares me the most in living down sad that so many were killed and homes and businesses were destroyed. GOD be with them all. (we saw more of mississippi in that day/night than his son did the whole time he was stationed there lol)
went to chuckie cheese saturday afternoon for ricks grandsons birthday party...can't believe he is 2 already...well he will be on the 29th...first time i have ever been to chuckie cheese and it will be the last time!!! waaaay to hectic for me....utter kaos (sp) not enough room to breathe let alone move around!!! good gravy how would it have been if i was still 334lbs??? OMG!!!!!! but anyhow it was nice seeing the baby again and he got alot of nice gifts.
got the time off from work for the michigan NASCAR race in june...WOOOHOOOOO!!! be my first live NASCAR race and i am excited!!! calling today for the tickets :-)
well that is about all my news...have a great day and know i DO think about you all.....:-)
Work has been really keeping me busy. Not much time to post. Today and tomorrow we are testing a new web and teleconferencing system. It should save the company a lot of $$$. We are global so we need to get everyone on board. Its difficult sometimes with locations in at least six different time zones.
We are making kites tonite at tiger cubs. Hubby cut dowels for me and cut slits in the ends for the strings. We will use freezer paper to cover them. This way they can color the paper side and the plastic side gives it more durability than tissue or newspaper. I also have some cheap dollar store kites to give them and they can use the string in the packages for their home-made kite.
Tuesday I'm going to supper with my cousins, one is visiting from GA. Saturday it's sisters day. The four of us are going to the Mohegan Sun casino. They have a great buffet, shops and we'll get in a little gambling too. Fortunately, I plan out what I can afford to lose and stop there. Just want to keep it fun.
We're still waiting on our new car to arrive (GMC Terrain). The dealership said it could take five to twelve weeks for it to be ready. GM laid off a lot of people and so there are not a lot left to put together our car. I am so ready to get rid of my current car (2005 Buick Rendezvouz). I went in to get my oil changed and have my tires checked before a trip. I ended up having to have the wheel hub bearing replaced for the second time on the left side. The right side was also replaced a year ago. I want to get it traded in before something else goes wrong.
SIL had to have her macula repaired in her eye. She has to look down for the next ten days. Luckily they rented a massage chair to help her out with that. She had to miss a reunion with her sisters and brothers because she can't go above 1,000 feet elevation. They had rented a place in the mountains at 1,400 feet elevation. If she had known, she would have waited until after the reunion to have the eye repaired. She is bummed.
My girlfriend is bummed too. Her alimony payments were scheduled to decrease and she forgot. She is getting a reduction of $200 a month starting in April. It's going to make it hard for her.
I'm hoping all with troubles of any kind find relief and comfort. Hugs to all.
It's raining and damp this morning. I can't wait until the sun comes out and I can work in the yard. I bought some dinnerplate Dahlias to plant. I'm hoping they'll do good for me. I only tried them once with canna lillies and neither took -- perhaps the bulbs rotted from too much rain or something. Anyway, the colors are so beautiful on the package and I can't wait to plant them. If anyone has any tips, please pass them along.
Well, I had best get back to work here. Have a wonderful morning. Prayers going up for each of you for good health and much happiness!
Well the Borgess Run went well, we had 1,400 runners doing the half marathon. I was team leader at the 7 mile marker for the 1/2 marathon. Wow...the energy!! The first 2 male runners were way ahead of the pack and they were lean, mean fighting machines!
We had a blast and we will do it again next year but I will get an additional 8 more volunteers for my's a learning curve, this is my 2nd year as a lead volunteer for the run.
We have my MIL transferred from the hospital to assisted living. She is in a good place but when we visited her Sunday afternoon, she looked like she was dying. Guess what? The siblings that moved her in didn't leave her with a TV or radio, hell it was like jail. I would have been curled up in a fetal position crying and wanting to die too.
By the time hubby and I assessed the situation, we went to Sam's Club and brought her a 32 inch HDTV with one remote, easy to use and a DVD player on the side, it fits beautifully in her room. I got to visit alone with mom while hubby made trip #2 to get rabbit ears until cable can be hooked up for her. I told her she was perfectly safe and she was normal and that she was in charge of her life. I told her I was so sorry I didn't come sooner but I had to step back (didn't tell her that) because I'm having issues with my SIL thinking she is in charge because she is assigned as patient advocate. I will be keeping a closer eye on the situation but again I am the "outlaw" so to speak. My hubby was fit to be tied and will be talking to his sister. What was she thinking?????
Okay, she probably thought she did just fine but she didn't. I gotta let that go...
The sun is shining today and I promise to lighten my mood...especially after my walk. I need to de-stress.
Hugs and prayers to all in need.
Special prayers go out to Nik...Wow...he turned 17, he is a miracle.
Not much time to post this morning. Heavy work load already and it is only a little past 10 AM.
Glad to read everyone is doing okay. I know some of you are dealing with mothers and MIL's in assisted and nursing home situations. I have been there and done that...I really do understand!
Hope you all have a really wonderful day.
Sending prayers to all in need.
Love and hugs to all....connie d
Just a quick drive by to see how you all are doing and let you know how I have been doing. . .
Glad to see that for the most part, everyone is doing ok, minus the usual things that touch our lives at our ages

As for me, I had a busy weekend, got up early on Saturday to drop off my roommate at a friend's house, where they were having a neighborhood yard sale, took Roxie for her morning walk over there and then went home, to mow the front and back yards, after which I took a shower, drove to the outlets, met Tony for lunch, after which I shopped with the gift card I got from my boss for Administrative Assistant's week, as well as spent a little of my tax refund, came away ok, feel a little more confident shopping, as I've been at this weight (up/down 5 lbs) for the past year now, not to mention I needed some new shoes, went into Rockport and came away with 2 pairs of shoes for $41 one a pair of flat, open toe, black patent leather, the other a pair of slip-on, summer sneaker type of shoe, a good walking shoe for sure. . . then off to Anne Taylor Loft, Liz Clairborne and a few other shops, where I came away with a few good deals, all told, I spent about $120 of my own money, the rest was the gift card, oh and I breezed through Coach (my weakness) and came away with nada, zip, zilch (lol). . . then home, dinner and my AA meeting, bed and yesterday I got up went to an early morning AA meeting, stopped at the supermarket and produce place to pick up a couple of items I needed, went home and did food prep for my week, then visited with my son, his wife and hung with the grands while I sent the parents off to look for whatever they needed for their shore home, which my son is almost done renovating, most of which he did himself, courtesy of HGTV. I just love hanging with the kids, I get to chase them all over and have fun while the parents are out, then the best is when they come home, the kids actually don't like when they get home, because they know I will be leaving shortly, nice to be loved. Anyway, after that I met up with friends to celebrate one of our friends birthday's at dinner, went home did laundry, while Roxie and I watched television. . . guess you can tell why I had no time to come by and say hi over the weekend ;)
Well I am at work, been writing this in between the many things I have to do, so you all have a great day and I wish you strength and peace amidst the storms that life can bring your way. . .
Hugs, Laureen
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
I went to my 3rd meeting/interview as a finalist for the director job. YIKES - just thinking about it is daunting. I thought I'd spend the rest of my career (another 4-7 years) here. This change could rejuvenate me with challenges - I think I could handle it. It went really well, and not sure when they'll decide. I'm not counting on it... BUT I want it! LOL
We had a busy weekend with shopping, clothes swap (YAY), and a haircut/visit with my sister (she is a hairstylist). Today work is busy, then I leave in the afternoon for my 6 month check up - even though my surgery was almost 7 months ago, it was the soonest they could schedule me.
Other than that, I'm trying hard to minimize my carbs and move more - - want to keep losing. Hope I can really swing into action. With Michael on this path now, it really helps. He thinks of good things for our meals and is really focused on protein. That helps me, too.
Our dog, Jack, was licking his paw raw last week and I assumed allergies, but the vet said it was something they treated him for 6 years ago (Michael didn't tell me what it was), so they gave him a steroid injection on Thursday, and I'm hoping it will help. Poor pup.
Otherwise, not much else to report. Have a good week everyone.
"Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you CAN do." John Wooden
I'm down 120 pounds - thanks to RNY! Working on the next 25. Then I'll tackle more...