alive and kicking
Thanks Judy. I was reading some of the older post and saw where you are having back problems. I know how depressing that can be. I cannot imagine how awful for you to have to suffer through that pain. Back and hip pain, in my opinion, are just about the worst. At least you can get off of your knees and your arms, but the butt and back are always taking the weight of the rest of the parts.
Are you able to do any walking?

Glad you are doing well lightswitch! Congrats on the upcoming new grandson and 3 cats are saved!
I have 2 barn cats that are due to have kittens.
Damn stupid people that drop off cats in the country. We have 3 dogs and 2 house cats. I'll try and find homes for the kittens and after the mommy cats have their babies I will catch them and get them fixed pronto!!
Our second cat is one of those drop offs. My daughter lives in our house down in the valley and people are always dropping off their dogs and cats. One of the cats had kittens and when the kittens were big enough to walk, they would try and follow mamma cat and they would have been eaten by owls or hawks, so daughter found homes for two of the three and I took number three. She was less than a pound when I got her and the vet estimated her age at 4 weeks. We bottle and food fed her until she gained up to 2 pounds and now she is fat and sassy and way over indulged. Our older cat took to her like a fish to water and the two are insperable.
Is there a program in your area that does the surgery for free? My daughter is taking two of her drops offs in next week and she gets a reduced rate because they are feral. They do the surgery and give them their shots and test them for worms and leukemia and the other viral infection and it is 25 bucks. They ear mark them, literally, so they are not re captured and brought back.

This mamma cat is so friendly and now has gotten use to our dogs and other 2 barn cats.
She likes to lie on top of the hot tub, poor thing is about to burst with this litter. She is due anytime. She is a beautiful long haired mancoon or at least part and she is tiger striped.
I will try and find homes for the kitty's too.
There is a man who owns a candle store that said he'd take momma kitty after the babies are born and he's leave her in his store since she is so friendly and comes up to people. We will see if he follows through.
I am glad to know you have had the surgery and doing so much better. You went through a lot!!
A new grand baby on the way...such a joy!!
Hope we see you more often from now on. You were missed!!
Love ya....hugs....connie d