Sunday already?
I'm headed for the shower and bed... I'm ready to try that '95' out...
Wow! Once you got the fire under your cute lil buns, you sure work it well, lady!! You must feel like a million bucks now, to get all that done and taken care of! We are all entitled to a pity party now and then, as long as we don't party on forever like that. But you got your "big girl panties" on and you DID deal with it...YAYYY!
I totally "get it" about paying extra for "service/assistance" is well worth it in the long run. I've done that myself.
As for working "OUT", yes! I find it more energizing to keep "in the loop" and be associated with others and the extra few $$$ are well worth keeping your "freshness" and sanity by "getting out there"...that also keeps you up-to-date with shoes, news and fun instead of becoming a mushroom hiding at home. Again, I totally agree with your decision. I would do the same.