Sunday already?

Nancy B
on 4/24/10 3:52 pm - Niagara-on-the-Lake, Canada

Hello, everyone!

I've been working late creating several flyers and getting my groups organized online so I thought I'd start Sunday up before heading to bed.

It's quite cool outside but I sat out on the verandah in the dark with a heavy coat on, just listening to the sounds of country wildlife....owls, frogs, birds and the occasional coyote.  It's so peaceful out there even though I was surrounded... and covered with... many furry bodies- my outside kitties.

We have a reservation for tonight...dinner at "The Keg Steakhouse"...not a place to go alot..too pricey.  But this time we are going to have dinner together to celebrate our birthdays and the fortieth anniversary for JB and myself.  It's so hard to get everyone together as Derek works usually night shifts and two jobs and Dan works long hours too but tonight we will all be together for dinner *s*.

I already know I will be ordering the salmon...I've had it before, moist and just enough fire to be delicious without overdoing it.  So I feel in control of my eating still.

This coming week is crazy..everyday meetings and appointments..sometimes even three a day so I have to be cautious and plan ahead.  Thank goodness for my daybook!  But one thing I won't compromise is my water workout. I build my day AROUND my pool time.

The trees are popping their leaves now and some of my lilac bushes are ready to bloom! That's pretty early because they usually don't flower until May.  And I'm keeping an eye on my beautiful black irises...they seem to be growing nicely.

Derek is at the club working his shift til 4 am and JB is sound asleep. I'd taken my new bathing suit in...several inches off the straps ...and sewed up the front a poor boobies were floating!  When will my head ever get wrapped around the fact that I do NOT need to buy the BIGGEST size anymore?

Well, I'm going to try to sleep away! *s*

Nancy B




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George T.
on 4/24/10 8:09 pm - Grand Prairie, TX

Until this season,  I had never heard of the Keg.  This season, they are a sponsor of the Rangers and give out a gift certificate to the "Fan of the Game" every game.  Like yesterday it was a 99 year old woman who was at her first Rangers game.  They also give a $25 gift certificate to everyone who is sitting in the same row of seats.

It has been another good weekend.  Weather is beautiful, I have been in shorts all weekend, except when I worked.  I am working a 4 hour shift right now, with only 25 minutes left.  I will go home and grab a 3-4 hour nap, then, out to the Ballpark again.  Yesterday I got there at 2:30 and left at 10:30.  Just hanging around, enjoying the atmosphere.

GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!                   

Margo M.
on 4/24/10 8:33 pm - Elyria, OH
i'm here for a few minutes-went to bed earlier than i wanted due to mr verbalcrapola now i am checking emails and had a sammich-grilled swiss cheese on raisin toast with peanut butter-yummo! and protein!

taking mom for coffee at 930--then not sure what-raining and windy -quick power outage--

praying for folks in tornado areas...

where IS my sweet JeanB?????????????????

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


on 4/24/10 9:36 pm - IA
I'm up earlier than usual for a Sunday...but not because I want to be.  I had the most horrific cramp/pain in my foot, so I got up to walk it off.  As soon as I stepped on it, I went to my knees.  It was almost like I was fainting.  It was the strangest sensation in my head as I went down. And I layed there for a few seconds while I got my wits about me.   I managed to get myself up with the help of a chair.  My husband was already up and didn't know this was happening.  I didn't call out to him since I figured I could get myself up.  Both knees have rug burns and my left hand/wrist too.  I'm still shaking from it but I think I'm ok.  I sure hope I didn't do anything to my knees internally.  I haven't had knee pain since the 2 weeks before surgery.  I just can't stand the idea that I may have messed that up...especially since I can't take NSAIDS anymore. 

I do hope to finish the clothing venture in the bedrooms today.  I have 5 boxes full of things to take to Goodwill.  A tote to take to Mom and another to give to a co-worker.  As I "ungrow" the things in my closet, I'll take them to Goodwill too. 

Otherwise, I think I'll take it easy on the knees. 

Some people might not support my WLS decision. 
Those people remind me of slinkys. Not good for much but it would would bring a smile to my face if someone pushed them down the stairs.


Ticker includes Pre-op weight loss 24 lb. 

on 4/24/10 9:41 pm - Lake Odessa, MI
Revision on 08/21/12

Good morning all. I'm still sitting here with my coffee, just zoning. The first 45 minutes after I get up I kick back in my computer chair and stretch out my back so I can begin to move. I'm not sure what I'll do when I have to give up coffee tomorrow. It is supposed to continue being rainy and cool today so I will be indoors for the most part. I am going to try to get out to my garden and plant a few perennials I started from seed. They are hardened down but I haven't been able to plant because we haven't had rain in 2 weeks. We had nice rain last night so it will be an ideal time to plant. I've found the glorious sunny days when you love to be outside aren't the best for planting plants, they suffer too much stress. Seeds are fine. A gray, misty day is perfect. They don't even know they have been moved. I'll get my wald in and some regular exercise, too.

I begin my pre-op diet tomorrow so we went out to dinner last night, of course, and I think it's pizza tonight.  I haven't had those types of things since early Feb. and I'm down more than 17 lbs. so I decided to cheat a bit, only at dinner.

The daughters announced yesterday that we are having a party for all the May birthdays next Sunday. At my house. With all 9 grandchildren (that's the youngest in my avitar, his name is Bob Bob, his brother named him after sponge bob). And cake. And ice cream. Two days from surgery. Oh, and eldest daughter, claims she needs one of my carrot cakes for her b.d. Ha! She's crazy! I may be old and senile but I'm not crazy!

Have A wonderful week!


Highest weight: 212.8 Current weight 135 Lost 77.8 pounds


Eileen Briesch
on 4/24/10 11:34 pm - Evansville, IN
Good luck on your pre-op diet ... I see you're with Dr. Baker (Grand Health Partners, used to be MMPC) ... good folks! If you're in Grand Rapids, let me know, I live nearby. Maybe when you're in the hospital I can stop by to see you.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




on 4/25/10 7:44 am - Lake Odessa, MI
Revision on 08/21/12
You are so right about the people at GHP, love them. Dr. Baker only keeps his band patients in the hospital the day of surgery. He will cut me loose late afternoon if all goes right. (I have no doubt). I'd love to give you a shout when I'm going to GR.
Enjoy the rest of your vacation. Sue


Highest weight: 212.8 Current weight 135 Lost 77.8 pounds


on 4/24/10 9:50 pm - Medina, OH
Hi Nancy and all those here and yet to come,

Gee Nancy you sound really busy!  I don't think I have too many things pressing this coming week.  I am thankful for the rest and catching up on things I have to do around the house.

Unlike you George, our weather is crappy the last few days.  Including today.  Cold, rainy and a steel colored sky.

I did get my walk in yesterday.  It was extremely windy and chilly.  Don't think I will make it today.

I have to make an appointment with my PC physician tomorrow.  My back is getting worse.  I think I really have something wrong.  Maybe a slipped disc or something.  I hope it is not osteoporosis.  My mom dies of that.

Going to my in-laws today.  Nothing too much at home I can do since the weather is not co-operating.

Oh!  I watched a movie called 'The stoning of Saroyan'  It is a foreign flick but worth the watch.  It is really a true story and leaves you with a sense of how women are treated in other countries. If you don't mind reading mostly subtitles, I suggest you watch it.

Well, that is my movie revue for the day!

Have a good one.


I am on my way.  What a ride it has been.

on 4/24/10 11:11 pm - Jacksonville, NC

Good mornin' ya'll.

Well, it's a quiet gloomy Sunday here.  I think it is a PJ day.  Had a grandson spend the night and he is up already!!  Of course, my DH and I have been up for hours.  Fixed the bacon and made him his BLT. I'm sure his Momma and brother will be down soon for theirs.  My DH and I can't eat them.  But Sunday is BLT mornin' at Gramma's no matter what.

Our son is deployed and that is when my DIL's car decides to act up. The good part is, she has his truck to drive while her car is in the shop. Two weeks ago it was in there for $320 of work.  Then that Friday it died at a baseball game.  We called AAA and had it towed to the dealership.  They had it ALL week.  Cost her $800, she got it back Thursday night, drove it home and it did the same thing (just didn't die).  She took it back Friday AM and they said 'it's the fuel pump, but we will replace it no charge'. That is what my DH thought 2 weeks ago.  So she gets it back Friday night and yesterday the check engine light is on!!!! She will be dropping it off this afternoon, AGAIN!!  She test drove a Camero yesterday.  I wonder how many years she will get for Suburban-cide, if she decides to shoot the dang thing? 

Relay for Life is Friday!! I am doing it for the first time this year. I will be walking as a survivor!  My DIL and grandson do it every year.  It has the breast cancer pink ribbon as the theme.  I wish they had a ribbon for ALL cancers.  There are a lot of us participating who have had other cancers.   

Tuesday night and Wednesday AM I have to drink a bunch of chalky tasting crap (you all know the stuff), so I can have a CT scan. I take the results to my surgical oncologist on May 3.

I am trying very hard to build up my stamina so I can do more on my eliptical.  So far, I can only do 7 minutes before my legs turn to limp spaghetti. After all the travelling this summer I think I will begin going to the gym again. I don't want to pay for a membership when I will be gone part of every month. I can go to the gym on base for free, but I am a little uncomfortable putzing along with all those big, young, buff Marines (men and women) cruising along on everything! I like to kid myself that I can get this extra 20 pounds off WITHOUT exercise, but we all know that ain't gonna happen!

Have a fantabulous day.

Grammylew in Jax


karen C.
on 4/24/10 11:43 pm - Kennewick, WA

Hey Girlfriend,

 You are alive and kicking. . . What would be wrong with planting yourself BEHIND some of those tight little tushes? What a view! Might even be good for the heart! J/K (kind of!).

 I go to a Gold's Gym and was nervous about the young, buff ones too but everyone is there for the same purpose. Unfortunately I don't think the "young 'ens" even notice this old lady!

 I learned the hard way this last year, that without sustained regular exercise of at least an hour about 4-5 days a week I not only don't maintain I gain.

 You have done so well through all of this you are my hero.  I think If I were you I would add a special t-shirt to your outfit for your walk. Put your picture on it and anything you want to say. You've earned  it.

Karen C

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