Up with the rooster this morning. What's going on?
They only brew regular coffee at the bank where I work -- it's not flavored,and I only allow myself one cup a day because of the caffeine. I guess I'm surprised that your bank, Margo, goes to the extra expense to buy flavored coffee? Our snack supplier does the coffee and we have hazelnut and french vanilla creamers (not sugar free of course). I bring my own s/f creamer and keep it at my desk.
I really love my bank job -- some of my dearest friends are those that I work with....the administration has treated me with great respect and caring, for which I am truly grateful. Plan to work there for the long haul (80 or 90) ha ha
For those who are interested, my foot is now progressing nicely -- have 5 more PT sessions scheduled and beyond that I'm not sure. Of course still doing stretching exercises at home. Seems like every session I am able to do things I couldn't do the session previously.
We need rain desperately here -- the grass is green, but the ground is rock hard a few inches down....
My best thoughts and wishes to all who post here and those who lurk too. Even tho' I don't post often anymore you are all part of my support system that continues to keep me on the right track.
Pat R.
(on MySpace, MSN, Web pages, Blogs...)
Done! Your Ticker:
Hi Pat R. and OFF family,
Pat I'm so glad your foot is healing and that you always look on the sunny side of things.
I connect with you and am I glad I met you in real life. How's your son doing? I thought he was a real sweetheart!!!
We are suppose to get rain this weekend. I volunteering at the Borgess Run. My station will be at the corner of Gull and Riverview and the police/fire station. It's the 7 mile section for the people who are running the half marathon. I will be cheering them on. We pass out Gu, which is like frosting to the runners then give them water, so I have teams set up to pass out Gu across the street then they run around the corner and then they get their water.
I admire runners but it's not for me. I love to walk fast, but no running, my Ta-Ta's don't like that nor my back and I'm sure it wouldn't be good for my knees at my age...even though I don't look 54, running is something I will not start at this age...but ask me to dance!!! LOL
Hugs and prayers to all in need, everyone have a great weekend and Pat I think you will get your much needed rain! -Debbie
It has been raining cats and dogs since last night. Our power went off for a couple of hours last night. It is supposed to be rainy all day today and tomorrow. My niece is coming to stay with us from central nebraska. Nothing too much going on. Have a great weekend. Mona
Veteran Bandster 2002
Nothing tastes as good as thin feels!
So glad your foot is getting better.
About single serving of coffee. I took an on-line survey and received a FREE Senseo coffee maker. While I did not like the Senseo coffee pods, you can make your own out of whichever kind of coffee you want. I use my Senseo mainly for instant hot chocolate mixes.....it's a super little machine. I've listed the link below for you. Keep in mind, the more social you are, the better your chances of getting one - lol - I believe they want the machine to be exposed so people will purchase them.
http://www.suite101.com/blog/judyzwo/free_senseo_coffee_make r_offer
about the coffee- i was truly surprised that they bought hazelnut-am thinking mgr bought it and wrote it off??? they both use creamer- i have some hazelnut creamer -not sf-i may take in and takesome reg coffee -suggest they "humor me" but not for a week or so...so far theyare great to work with- haha! only two days at "home" branch but i can see retirement thru this company! my branch is mgr and one teller there 30 yrs-another teller 1.5 yrs and me--sooooooo don't wanna ruffle feathers !
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White
Have you tried the single-serve coffee bags? Just like a tea bag, and you can make the coffee as weak or as strong as you like. They aren't as good as brewed, in my opinion, but then I'm a coffee snob, as many of you know. They worked for me for years when there wasn't a pot available (hard to believe, no pot available....!) They're cheaper than even the mini-mart coffee, and more convenient. All you need is a microwave.. And they come in decaff or high test....
Just an idea.
i'm a black with splenda gal (too many carbs/calories and expense in creamer ) and really picky about my coffee so if i have to make it at home i will!!!!!!!!! i like it strong and tasting like coffee!!!!!!
but thx for chiming in!!!!!
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White