Up with the rooster this morning. What's going on?

on 4/22/10 6:18 pm - Medina, OH
Hi Everyone and good morning.

Another problem sleeping and, getting up at 4.  You are right Margo, why do some of us have sleep problems since surgery?   No clue.  I never slept poorly before surgery. Like  a log.

Nothing much going on here today.  Hoping to get a walk in, haven't done it in a few days and feel guilty about it

I hope everyone has a good day.

Going to get another cup of coffee.

God Bless,


I am on my way.  What a ride it has been.


on 4/22/10 7:37 pm - Alexander, AR
Hi Mary,

I got up to potty @ 3:00 and woke Gary up. He got up, and I just laid there hoping to go back to sleep, but no luck. We're expecting severe thunderstorms tonight, which is bad enough anyway, but Gary's going to Nashville, so I'll be alone. Won't get any sleep tonight, either.   AGHHHHH

I made the baked egg roll recipe from a few weeks ago last night. Not as good as the fried ones, but still pretty good. Gary loved them and asked me to make them again. The leftovers are going to work today, along with the Asian Noodle salad I made, too.

Okay, this is just mindless rambling, so I'm going to go get more coffee. Hope you all have a good day.



on 4/22/10 8:06 pm
Good morning Mary, Susan, and OFF,

We're up early every morning.  DH's alarm goes off at 3:50 a.m.  I'm usually out of bed by 5, although from 4-5, I'm awake, just trying to catch a few more ZZZZ's.

Not too much news here.  Hope the weather is nice over the weekend so we can finally get our deck back in order....we're almost there - lol

Have a great weekend, everyone!




George T.
on 4/22/10 8:27 pm - Grand Prairie, TX
Good morning all.  Just a quick driveby.  Got a full weekend of baseball.  Rangers vs Tigers. 

I am getting real close to buying my Nook from Barnes and Noble.   Does anyone out there have one?  Wondering how you like it.

GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!                   

Pat R.
on 4/22/10 9:47 pm - Sturgis, MI
Sorry George -- gonna have to root for my Tigers!


(on MySpace, MSN, Web pages, Blogs...)
Done! Your Ticker: 
on 4/22/10 11:20 pm - Shelbyville, MI
HA! Me Toooooooo Pat...I'm rooting for the Tigers!!!!!!
on 4/22/10 11:26 pm - Jacksonville, NC
George,  I've been trying to decide between the Nook and the Kindle.  Our son just got the Kindle and I'm waiting to see what he likes/dislikes about it.  I'd love to hear the same about your Nook after you have had it awhile (when you decide to get it).

Grammylew in Jax


on 4/23/10 9:09 am - Alexander, AR
Hi there!

I bought Gary a Nook for Christmas and I bet he's read at least 45 books since then. I don't think I could pay him enough to give it up. As I see it, the only drawback is that it doesn't have a back light in it, so you can't read in the dark (like in bed). They have an itty bitty light that he bought through B&N and it clips to our headboard. Powerful little gadget, too! 

Anyway, I'll be interested to hear what George has to say



Nancy H.
on 4/22/10 11:33 pm - Traverse City, MI
Me too George!!!! Even though I am still in N. Carolina waiting for my son to come back. I love my Tigers!!!!!
Margo M.
on 4/22/10 8:34 pm - Elyria, OH
at 2something michael came to bed-i was then wide awake for a long while..got up at 5....i'm thinking seperate bedrooms really are not a bad thing???hahabetween michael and brody; the entire bed rocks when they get in and out of bed or rearrange!

so-it's friday-sposed to rain here tonite and all weekend- we need it so i won't complain if it does...

today is long day at work-open til 6----yesterday went well except going thru password hell...due to security levels; it took a very long time....hoping today will be better...sounds likei'll be working full time hours til 4th of july due to vacations etc-i'm good withthat!!!

long phone conversation with a gal about our worker's comp-it's still the dr's office holding us up in pprwork-and we have now passed the 6 week mark with no check..bummer,,,,,

i have a "mini" issue at work- stupid but i must get thru it- we have a coffee pot for employees-great! and they all drink it-ok-but the use hazelnut coffee-which i love but it's an allergy trigger---so--don't wanna say anything to upset anyone but cannot drink it regularly....take my own pot not practical--stop and buy coffee at the mini mart-can do but it eventually gets cold or empty!

well- need to hit the showers-jeans day! whooo hooo!!!
major laundry weekend...

hugs and prayers............

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


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