Helloooooo. Where is everyone this Thursday?
hi grammylew and OFF...
had yesterday off and had a family emergency get together in the afternoon...seems either someone got into the house or it was ricks step dad that took his moms jewelry and a few other items of value because its now missing!!! we tried to tell her to call police file a report etc...told her to go to pawn shops and see if her husband had pawned anything lately....will she do it?? probably not....so why all the fuss if you aren't gonna do anything????? sighs like talking to a brick wall!!!!
went to walmart after that fiasco and bought a new top to go with my new pink jeans for the birthday party saturday afternoon for anthony. looked at bikes again as usual and i ended up getting one for me. its a mongoose 20" BMX type bike. its grey and white with some black. got to the check out and found out it was on sale!!!! WOOOHOOOO!!!! got it home and rick raised the seat up and then he got his bike out and off went went for a ride....OMG am i ever sore today!!! LOL am thinking i need a different seat for sure because it sure hurts my behind sitting on the little seat!!!!! OUCHIE!!!!! but it felt good to have the wind in my face....
called weigh****chers and will be going to my first meeting monday morning. need to get back on track and just maybe having support again will help me get these unwanted pounds off.
connie i am so happy for nic that he scored high on his test!!!! i can feel the love and happiness you have for him!!!
again cr****s and i forgot who else i wanted to post about...sighs but i did read the posts and hope you all know that i AM thinking of you all!!!!
time to get ready for work and i need to get some gas before that so off i go.....:-)
Sorry you are still having to deal with so called family crisis'.....does seem like a waste of time. I think maybe you and Rick need to move away from there so you two don't need to deal with all that crap!! Such a waste of time!!!!
Have a great week end....good luck w/Weigh****chers!!
Love ya....hugs....connie d
connie thanks for responding to my post!!! ;-)
yeah if we could move we would in a heart beat for sure!!! but then she would call ALL the time so we really wouldn't "get away" from any of this crapola!!!! we are so sick and tired of the same old crap we just don't answer the phone when we see it is his mom calling...sad isn't it?
hope you start getting out of that depression you are in!!!! i am starting to think maybe i am in a funk also...my old friend "food" found me again and i hate that friend so bad!!! grrrr WW is on my agenda for monday morning to get started....hope it helps curb this friendship with food again!!! will keep you posted on how it works.
love you too connie!!! HUGS
Well, I think I emptied my last file cabinet this morning. All the cabinets I was responsible for have either been moved, scanned, trashed, shredded or sent to archives. Now they can come and build that wall to take over the leased space we have vacated. I went from 18 cabinets to 7! All this in 3 1/2 days. I'm going to try to get five of the remaining to be paperless (by scanning) as well in the coming months.
Need to put in an on-line order for my photos to be printed at Walgreens from our visit this past week. I'm going to a scrapbooking meet on Sat.
Sun. one of my past Tiger Cubs is getting his Eagle badge in Scouting so I'm going to try and stop by.
That's it for me this week. Hugs and best wishes to all.
So... I'm off to work to meet with students who are handing in assignments. I'll finish what I can of the marking and wait for tomorrow when a deluge of paper should come my way. It may take me until Saturday to mark everything, but it will all be done on the weekend so I can enjoy my first week off in peace.
Prayers to all who need them.

Work is busy and I'm doing well. Last night we went to a local restaurant with Michael's cousin and her partner and he and I ordered an appetizer and a salad - didn't eat all of either one! Cheap dates, we are.
Michael took Jack, our Australian Shepard, to the vet today to check out why he has been licking a paw until it's raw. They gave him a steroid injection. His weight is down 5 lbs (he was a bit overwt at his last check up) - so the whole family is losing weight! LOL
We have a somewhat busy weekend planned - lots of catching up, since I was out of town last weekend. Also going to our wls support coffee and a clothes swap!
"Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you CAN do." John Wooden
I'm down 120 pounds - thanks to RNY! Working on the next 25. Then I'll tackle more...