Exercise - Let's get moving......Weds
on 4/21/10 12:38 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
Happy hump day.........1/2 way to the weekend.......

Today I'm going to be walking. I'm going to be walking around the stores as I do some shopping. I'm one of those shoppers who hurries and scurries around I don't linger around one or two racks so I should be able to get at least 2 miles maybe 3. I know this will make me swell so this is the only exercise I'm planning for today.
My new compression pantyhose should be delivered tomorrow....I can't wait....then I feel like I can be a little more active.
What are you doing today?
I'm going to a funeral so will miss my walk during breaktime.
My exercise plans today will be a 4 mile walk when I get home, then maybe ride bikes with my grandkids later...get out their excess energy...just hope it's not windy out.
Good luck with your walking be sure to elevate those pretty legs of yours after walking. You are doing great!!
Today it was great....I was all alone for most of my time there. There were people in the hot tub....Inever go in there, people in the sauna...NEVER go in there and LOTS of people in pool doing an advanced water areobic class. I was so happy to be able to do anything I wanted.
I wear a headphone and have lots of radio stations to choose from...so I can walk, run dance to any type of music. I wear swim sandles so I have good footing. I stop in one place and let the current rush at me and I hold on to the side of the pool, close my eyes and run in place and listen to the music. It is a good cardio workout. I usually do 40-60 minutes a pool session.
Tomorrow I do weights and bike in the weights area. As I ride my I have been eyeing the Eliptical machines and I am going to start with 3 minutes....like my mentor Karen C. suggested...as she now does two 30 minute sessions....she said she had to build up slowly....I am starting to try that...tomorrow.
I saw a lady getting into her car after mass on Sunday and her husband was helping her and then left once she was seated in the car....her door open...my husband stepped over and closed her door for her.
As we were walking to the car, I said to him "I think she is the same age as me" he laughed and said "I don't think so"....I said "no really, we had children in grade school together...so we are close in age."....I told him "everytime I see something like that...it re-energizes me...Not to waste this "gift" and NOT to take my new knees for granted.....and keep remembering .....USE IT or LOOSE IT!! " I never want to go back to the way I was before this surgery.
Keep Thinkin' the Good Thoughts!
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle"
on 4/21/10 1:17 pm - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
Take it slow and keep up the great work!!
on 4/22/10 1:15 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL

Does your heart rate get up doing this?
Yes it does...especially in the first hour of organized aerobics which I do in a class in the water...we work hard! If I was IN water, I'd be sweating big time.
The rest is at a more moderate but consistant level. I use foot-long foam noodles in both hands to add resistance in the water and I can really see the effect in my arms (biceps) and wrists(getting much smaller)..I was told last week that I now have very SKINNY fingers! lol.
My shoulders and collarbones are now actually feeling boney! And people are now noticing the difference. But best of all, Im feeling STRONG and much more resiient.
Nancy B
on 4/22/10 6:44 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
I took the day off from the gym today(I guess that was YESTERDAY!). Instead went bra shopping. I think that should count as exercise. Good Lord, I tried on 6 and then shopped for everything else but bras. What a workout. I hate bra shopping. I thought I wanted to try a new style on they were on sale at Kohls. Not even close to anything comfortable. Did buy some new pretty panties and came home and threw old ones out. That's the only way I quit wearing something.
Regarding exercise. My left foot and 2nd toe are sore again. Just like they were in September before I went to Italy. I have been walking a lot and doing a pretty steep incline on the treadmill. Bought new shoes as my others seem a bit short tho they are my same style and brand that I always wear. May end up needing a cortisone shot. Seems like I need those about everywhere in my body. Don't like to take anti inflamatories but will take one today to see if it helps the swelling subside. Don't want to miss another day but will perhaps walk longer with less of an incline. Other than that working the rest of the week.
Marti, Good for you. The eliptical grows on you. My saggy arms just pump up and down. Don't know if it does them any good but it really airs them out and provides a nice breeze! The warm current sounds wonderful. When our new gym is complete in June it will have a lap pool that they plan to always keep one lap open for aerobics and water walkers. Wonder if it will be warm? I'll have to ask today.
Debbie, will be thinking of you today as you celebrate your "special to you" dad's life.
Ruth, don't over do. Healing is your most important exercise right now. Hope the swelling has about subsided.
Nancy B, you inspire me with your spirit and attitude!
Connie, you're always in my thoughts. Give Nic a special "Hurrah!" from me and tell him way to go. What a special nursing assistant he will be. This will really be a great skill to have at his summer camps won't it?
Hope I didn't miss anyone. I have CRS way too frequently these days. Talk to you all later. Shake those booties!
Karen C