WOW it's wednesday-what's new?
on 4/21/10 5:39 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
Yes I have to be careful about the sun...not only because of my pastie white British complexion but.I was diagnosed with Lupus in 1976 and I've already had one spot of skin cancer removed (basil cell) so I'm cautious.
Don't know what I'll do on my vacation this fall (Caribbean cruise).......will face that challenge when it gets closer....I've got enough challenges right now...LOL
I have been busy doing absolutely nothing. It has been great. Did not work for 4 days. Did things in the day with Mary (out to eat, shopping). Layed around at night with her (due to working, have not done that in a while). It was such a relaxing weekend.
Ready to go see some baseball this weekend. Even if the Rangers have been stinking it up on the east coast.
We have a little veggie garden going too. I have a friend who comes over and does my lawn work, and now he planted the garden. We have two tomato plants, 5 bell pepper, and 5 cucumber plants. Plus we have some strawberry and watermelon seeds that we planted in a starter box.
on 4/21/10 1:39 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
Another day of beautiful weather before some big storms come in. Unfortunately, Gary will be gone when they come, so I'm a bit nervous about it all. Guess I'll just have to get out my big girl britches and deal, huh?
Speaking of Gary, yesterday and today he's been involved in a fugitive sweep here in our county. There are 40 law enforcement personnel going all over the county rounding up people who have violated their terms of their probation or parole. Now, granted, these are people who are felons, and generally not the brightest bulbs on the tree. Gary's team went to one house, half the team at the front door, the other half at the back door. The lead team pounds on the door, and out of the back door runs the fugitive, BUCK NAKED!!!! As luck would have it, Gary was on the back of the house team and drew the short straw to tackle the guy ( ewwww) and handcuff him. Then, he had to help the guy (still handcuffed, mind you) get his pants on.
You just can't make this stuff up.
Soiunds like a new reality show to me, starring who else but your own Gary!
I hear you on those Arkansas storms. They can make me shake all over. When my mom and dad first married and a storm would his Dad would want to pack Mom and the baby up and head "home" to his parents home. Late one night Mom told him to go if he wanted to but she and the baby were staying put! He stayed but even as I was a teenager when a thunder storm him my dad and I would be up pacing. Mom would be sound asleep. She said there wasn't anything she could do about it so she was staying in bed! We did enough worrying for the whole family. We get wind and rain here but it doesn't turn into tornados!
Karen C
on 4/21/10 1:41 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
LOL on the Gary story....I really did laugh out loud....thanks for the early morning chuckle.
I've said more than once that when I retire from Corrections I'm gonna write a book. Even with my active imagination, I couldn't come up with most of this stuff.
After a few drinks (esp. since WLS), I'm a real ball at a party. All I have to do is open my mouth and talk about work, and I draw a crowd.
Gotta watch that....