What motivates you? sorry long...Connect!

on 4/20/10 10:33 pm - Shelbyville, MI
Below is a note from Kristi my Eating Coach. See even the skinny people have to keep motivated. I'm happy to report my corporate wellness check up was excellent all though the young gal that did my evaluation told me I should lose weight. Oh man, I was kind to her but told her I had all ready lost 160 pounds, was a bariatric gal and I did practice mindful eating and exercise. I educated her young butt (still being nice) and said to her "really do I look overweight to you?"...I'm doing the best I can, your BMI chart does not mean anything to me...but your health scale on age does mean something to me. I'm 54 and I tested out at age 32. Next year I want to be 28 years on that measurement scale. Oh yeah, I did have several people that work in Occupational Health listening to what I had to say behind the curtain. I know they were listening. I took the time to educate and I'm so glad I did. One of the RN's that worked there thanked me, said sorry I was listening but I have been watching you since you had surgery.

Yes, I work at the hospital I had surgery. They are watching me. Some are just waiting for me to fail and some are my biggest supporters. Ever feel like a bug under the microscope being looked at? Sigh...sometimes I do. Well it does help me hold myself accountable!

So people what does make you keep your motivation going? It's not about will power, it's about motivation and dealing with our "head issues" I believe.

Being in the thin/normal world sure is different. I have never been "normal" before. I think people that have been thin before have an easier job of letting go of their fluffy self. Except the formally thin people sometimes aren't happy after they lose their weight because they expect their bodies to look like they did before, so they really hate their access skin and see themselves as still fat when they are not.

Had a gal in one support group that use to be thin and was a cheerleader. She couldn't wait to get that weight off fast enough, she KNEW what it was like to be thin and beautiful.
I told her to remain humble and learn from that fluffy gal. She did admit she was one of "those" girls in high school, not so nice and was judge-mental of heavy people. Life lesson learned. Now she doesn't come to support group, she didn't need it. She had gained her weight being pregnant several times and just couldn't get the weight off.

Ruthless assessments

Posted: 21 Apr 2010 04:00 AM PDT

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I got my "corporate wellness check up" today. I have earned 50 point (out of 450) for agreeing to get my BMI calculated, having a non-fasting cholesterol and blood sugar test and letting them take my blood pressure.

Good news: The tests came out fine.

Bad news: They aren't as fine as last year. I am not an over-achiever any more. Crud!

Now I am all in a crank because I am not where I think I should be -- total cholesterol is up (probably diet related) and HDLs (good cholesterol) is down (probably because I am not exercising as much as I was last year. Double negative!

The upside to the down news: this has lit a competitive fire under me. Where I have tended, as of late, to rest on the laurels of "I am healthy enough", I now have proof that I am not where I want to be -- and it is within my control to get myself there.

This is motivating to me.

What motivates you? What can push you to make better decisions for yourself?

When the chips are down, what is going to motivate me to get out for a run before work when the day will be too busy to fit one in later? Cholesterol numbers.

What will motivate you to put down your fork a couple bites earlier? Is it being able to write in your journal that you ate to an 8? Is that the gold star you need? Would it help being able to tell your success to someone?

Figure out what really motivates you. What beckons from the other side of the finish line? Use it to get you through the tough decisions.
(deactivated member)
on 4/21/10 1:16 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
I just had this very conservation with someone else.........

My daily motivation comes from wanting to live a lot longer and live a healthy life filled with joy, fun and adventure.  I'm trying to make up for about 20 lost years...years I just existed (barely) and did not live.
I have my blood checked every 3-6 months so I can monitor my cholesterol (HDL, LDL, Tri), glucose, etc.  I didn't have wls so I don't check it due to absorption issues..... I have made it a personal challenge to reach certain levels and then maintain them.  I may have waited till late in live to get it all together but now that I am here I want to be the very best I can be... That's my daily motivation!!!
on 4/21/10 1:21 am - Shelbyville, MI

good for you Ruth! You are one of the rare ones indeed, keeping that motivation going and getting to your goal weight/size.
No matter how we do it...we all have the same goal...to live a healthy lifestyle and just start living.
I admire you and one day we will MIRL!!

(deactivated member)
on 4/21/10 2:10 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
I'd love to meet you!!!! 

I often of your inner strength and hope that one day I will have the same personal inner strength....you are one of my heroes!
on 4/21/10 11:21 pm - Shelbyville, MI
I think we have a lot of heros on this forum.

We all learn from each other...that is for sure.
We share our joys and sorrows...
It what life is!!!!

Kathie L.
on 4/21/10 1:36 am - Castaic, CA
Every morning come rain, shine, heat, or wind (no snow where I live) I get up and walk a huge hill 2.5 miles because I CAN! There is never a day that goes by that I am not incredibly thankful for the ability to walk. Two years ago I had a total hip replacement and prior to that I had to use a cane to walk from my stove to the kitchen sink. To be pain-free and have the ability to exercise is a gift to me that I appreciate more than anyone knows. Exercise is not a chore to me but is my lifeline to freedom from the bondage I felt prior to my WLS and hip replacement.

California Kathie
RNY - 10/07
Rt. Hip Replacement - 4/08
Upper Body Lift - 11/08 (Dr. Timothy Katzen)
Lower Body Lift - 3/09 (Dr. Timothy Katzen)
on 4/21/10 1:48 am - Shelbyville, MI
Whhooooo!!! 2.5 miles is beautiful.
I love to walk.
I love to walk with my doggies, I live in the country, they stay with me and leashes are not needed. In the rare case a car/truck is coming down the road, I say...hey kids to the side please and they do.
(deactivated member)
on 4/21/10 2:11 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
I love your attitude....what you said,  "Exercise is not a chore to me but is my lifeline to freedom from the bondage I felt prior to my WLS and hip replacement."  is so true!!!!
Connie D.
on 4/21/10 2:06 am

What keeps me motivated is knowing I NEVER want to be fat again...I like no longer having diabetes and high blood pressure...being able to walk and feeling good.......

My grandchildren keep me motivated too...I want to share as much in their lives as possible!!

Hugs sweetie.....connie d
on 4/21/10 11:19 pm - Shelbyville, MI
Oh grandchildren our of life!! They keep us young.
Not having diabetes and high blood pressure...getting our health back and truly living a full life!
The butterfly in all of us has emerged!!!

Hugs to you my friend
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