Monday what's new?
I got myself a new bathing suit because my last two died abruptly without warning. So off I went today to do my water workout...wearing my new suit. Now this new suit has a skirt which I thought I would try and maybe it would hide my dimply bulgy quivering thighs. Well it did..while it was dry.
But once IN the water, the skirt floated UP UP UP! and now Im trying to figure out a way to use bits of velcro to tack the skirting along a side seam...otherwise all it will hide in my saggy throat!
Not much going on for me today, thank goodness!! It's about time that I have a relaxing day without stress and "junk" happening! Well, at least so far, so good.
Hope everyone has a wonderful day, especially our dear brother, George! Hope your birthday is as wonderful as you are!!!
It's sunny but cool today here in Williamsburg. We had a nice day yesterday; visited Jamestown Settlement, a re-creation of Jamestown, with the ships and the Indian villages and people in costume. It was very interesting. There was also a very nice museum. I had been here nine years ago but the museum and visitors center wasn't built yet; and of course, I was 350 pounds and huffed and puffed my way around and didn't enjoy the visit. It was also nice that they had complimentary electric scooters. The woman at the welcome center saw my cane and offered me a scooter and said they were free. Wow, that was a big help.
After, we went out to a nice Mexican restaurant and turned in early. We had been on the run til 9 p.m. every day so it was nice to get in and relax.
So today we're going to do Williamsburg. I haven't been there since 2001 and Gary hasn't been there since 1977 when he was there on his honeymoon with his ex. A lot has changed ... he noticed mega changes at Jamestown Settlement (as I said, I noticed changes since 2001; they were just building the visitors center there). Gary was remembering his honeymoon trip; his ex stepped in a hole on the way back from one visit and blamed him because he made them walked there ... they were right across the street and it wasn't far, but she was/is very obese and it was difficult for her ... and she blamed him for everything... including her obesity.
Well, I should get off the computer and move along. Have a good day.
on 4/18/10 11:02 pm - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
I'm tickled that my persistence has paid off.......My sister has not talked to me since I sold the house and moved (over a year ago)....she finally responded to me last night....I got an email which I just saw this morning so I'm thrilled...the shell is cracking...this is a good sign.
I've got to do some pc maintenance on my pc so I'm going to have to come back to finish catching up on all the postings......
Hope everyone has a marvelous Monday!!
Congrats on the job, Margo! Good luck with training and your new schedule.
Not too much new here. I took the day off today, feeling crampy, spending time in the bathroom and had a few dry heaves -- feeling okay at the moment, though. Wonder what brought that on. Anyway, I may go take a rest on the sofa for about an hour and then see how things are after that. Have a great day everyone!
Good morning Margo and OFF family,
Had a busy weekend and it flew by. I did manage to get in a 4 mile walk yesterday.
Saturday's Bariatric Reunion was fun and it was great connecting with some newbies and seeing old friends. Theresa you look fantastic and your hubby sure does love you!
Happy National Volunteer Week to those of you (us) that volunteer.
Sigh...all this week I have HUGE cinnamon buns for our volunteers along with fresh fruit.
Those damn buns are going to be looking me in the face ALL WEEK LONG!!
I will stay strong and not have one bun. Why? Because it is my trigger food. I love bread....I especially love Rykes's Cinnamon buns. See...this is my life, I will always fight the Rykes food Cinnamon bun demon. Some of you will say, yep, I so have the same problem, we know our body better than anyone else.
Okay, so you all know I don't weigh myself. Well I did today cuz my pants are getting lose finally again. Lost 5 pounds in 2 weeks! This at 3 years out and I can still work my tool. all are going to get sick of me posting about Cinnamon buns this week!!!
Prayers and hugs to all in need. - Debbie
Of course, that means he has access to them, even if I don't. Life ins't fair sometimes.
YAYYYYYY....5 lbs is great!