sorry-yea-diff fathers- i am eldest of all
mom married and had vickie, randy and doug...later had sis patty (who died a few years ago) and then brother steve-
6 kids 4 dads
i have a younger half sis and half brother on my dad's side too- they each had diff mothers...so i have NO full sibs.....
and then there is the adopted brother bill.....
score card!
i met vickie 10 years ago-had been emailing with doug and some bad things happened to both of our lives- so we are re acquainting...he feels that he was cheated out of knowing our mom - and is open to knowing me now....we are both in better places with ourselves to do that!
some of the digging FEELS like to china!!!! you know what a brick wall can do to a person!
mom married and had vickie, randy and doug...later had sis patty (who died a few years ago) and then brother steve-
6 kids 4 dads
i have a younger half sis and half brother on my dad's side too- they each had diff mothers...so i have NO full sibs.....
and then there is the adopted brother bill.....
score card!
i met vickie 10 years ago-had been emailing with doug and some bad things happened to both of our lives- so we are re acquainting...he feels that he was cheated out of knowing our mom - and is open to knowing me now....we are both in better places with ourselves to do that!
some of the digging FEELS like to china!!!! you know what a brick wall can do to a person!
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White