Suddenly; it's Sunday! what's new?
Karen C
Good mornin' ya'll.
It's been a busy week. I went to San Diego and then into TJ to have my band checked under fluoro. I knew things weren't "right". My pouch is slightly dilated, my mucosa is inflammed. Total unfill, liquids for 5 days. I had gotten too much fill too fast after my chemo, etc. That is why I'd rather have the fills done under fluoro, but no one here does that!! But things are feeling lots better now. I can get a fill in 4 weeks. I think I'll go back to TJ for that.
Got home Friday and Walmart had called to say my new glasses were in. I love them. No line tri-focals. It's been about 15 years since I needed glasses (other than cheaters in the last year). 15 years ago I wore tri-focals but when I quit work my eyes went back to normal and I needed NO correction at all.
Yesterday, my DIL and I went to Lowe's and got stuff for my yard. We put more decorative bricks in another spot in my front yard. Planted a few things and added mulch. I DO NOT like to do yard work. My DIL has a bad back (has been doing PT for it). I tried very hard to keep her from lifting and bending, but she is a stubborn woman. It looks very good. But thank God for pain pills!! My Mother's Day gift last year was she and our son put a wonderful flower area in part of the front yard. She even weeds it, and waters it when I forget. I so love that girl!
I think that today she and the grandsons will be working in her yard. After they come down for BLT's of course.
I hope everyone who needs encouragement is doing well. For everyone whose health is not good, I pray that things inmprove.
Have a fantabulous day!
Hope everyone's had a great week, wonderful weekend so far and a nice start to the new week! I wish I could say I wasn't online because I was off enjoying the weather so much but that wouldn't be totally true. I've also been very depressed mostly because of all the shenanigans Bank of America has been pulling on us and the hoops they're making us jump through. I've been so stressed since Thursday all I really could do is cry and rage so I didn't really feel like posting anywhere. I've been working on letters to their president (HA HA) but also to a couple of our local consumer action reporters and senators and congressman. I read and heard that our experience is NOT atypical and is that a shame or what? Here they're dangling these "we'll-help-you" and "making homes affordable" and "restructure" carrots in front of our faces and then jerking us left right and upside down. So many people are suffering and so few are actually being helped. Anyway, don't mean to be a drag and so I'll hush up and hope for lovely weather today. I have been getting out and enjoying the weather which has been the bright points in my days recently.

I do hope things work out for you. This must keep you awake a night. I sure can remember times when I would lay awake at night with a horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach wondering how we were ever going to make it from one pay check to the next.
I still like to listen to Dave Ramsey. He has a lot of good advise and I can pass on good information to our kids. Maybe I'll hear you on there!

Best of luck to you. You don't deserve to have this stress in your life.