Suddenly; it's Sunday! what's new?

Margo M.
on 4/17/10 10:18 pm - Elyria, OH
since i was the tail end of saturday, i won't repeat!
slept half the nite in bed and half in the recliner...
post away!!!!!!!i have some research to do!
hugs and prayers..................

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


Eileen Briesch
on 4/17/10 10:34 pm - Evansville, IN
Hi Margo and my OFF family:

Yeah, I got on here after 9 so I just posted my own stuff about getting to Williamsburg. We have been busy traveling and being tourists. The resort is wonderful ... it has a fitness room but I figure I'll get enough exercise walking ... more than I do when I'm sitting at home.

Gary is downstairs attending an owners' meeting (since he's a timeshare owner). He has to do this every time we stay anywhere for a week. They usually give him a freebie ... this time it's a $50 Visa gift card. When we stayed in the Smokies, we got free tickets to Dollywood.

We have to go to either Jamestown Settlement or Yorktown Victory Center to pick up our tickets today, and then we can start enjoying our vacation.

The sun is shining and hopefully, it's warmer than it was yesterday. It was chilly in Pa. Just saw the weather report ... just the mid-60s. Damn ... and I brought capris. I thought it was going to be warmer.

Well, hope everyone has a nice day.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




on 4/17/10 11:03 pm - IA
Just sat down for my hot cup of tea.  Decaf of course.   I've already gotten a fruit salad made and a load of laundry started.  I'm having an "At Home America" party this afternoon.  I NEVER do parties like this, but got suckered into it.  I've managed to wash that work 'sucker" off my forehead now, so I'll never do it again. LOL  The obly good thing about it is that the house has gotten a good cleaning that was way overdue.  My DH has been wonderful to help out.  Even with my weakness, I have been able to do quite a bit.  Just have to sit and rest periodically.  But I got to thinking about the resting.  I have always had to stop and rest due to my severe knee pain and my weight.  Since going on the 2 week liquid diet prior to surgery, I haven't had ANY knee pain!  And of course, I'm no longer taking the Celebrex since it's an NSAID.  And after working around the house like I did yesterday, prior to surgery, I would have had to Icy Hot my knees, pop some Tylenol, and still suffer in pain.   After all I did yesterday- NO KNEE PAIN!  This just blows my mind.  I'm loving it!

I invited 33 people and I think there will only be 3 here!!!!!   I shouldn't have chosen a Sunday as it seems to be family day for many of them.  Some are out of town, some are in the fields with their farmer husbands, etc.  But I did get several outside orders, so it won't be a huge waste of time.

We went to a wedding reception for our niece-in-law last night. She's 26 and this is her second marriage.  She and this guy have a 1 year old son.  She really does seem happy this time, so I hope it works out this time.  The previous husband was abusive, so I'm glad she got out of that situation.

Well I had better get busy and finish up some things to prepare for this afternoon.

Oh - tomorrow I have my 2 month post-op appointment with Dr. Hoehn.  I'm going to talk to him about removing my gall bladder.  I was hoping I would hit the 50 pound mark by the time I saw him, but that would mean I have to lose almost 2 pounds by tomorrow.  Tuesday is my offical 8 week date, so maybe by then...

Some people might not support my WLS decision. 
Those people remind me of slinkys. Not good for much but it would would bring a smile to my face if someone pushed them down the stairs.


Ticker includes Pre-op weight loss 24 lb. 

on 4/18/10 12:49 am
Hi Wanda,
you've got a really nice avi!  I didn't recognize you until I saw your user name.  The kitty avi you used had me in stitches all the time. 

What's an At Home America party?

I'm glad to hear you're not in so much knee pain now!  Cassie

on 4/18/10 3:58 am - IA
Thanks Cassie.  I loved the kittie too.  I'm not sure I like this picture.  I think I look old.  But then, I'm getting there! LOL

At Home America is one of those parties where they sell things.  (like Pampered Chef)  This is home decorating, entertaining, kitchenware (dishes, etc.).  It's pretty stuff, but pricey. 
Some people might not support my WLS decision. 
Those people remind me of slinkys. Not good for much but it would would bring a smile to my face if someone pushed them down the stairs.


Ticker includes Pre-op weight loss 24 lb. 

(deactivated member)
on 4/17/10 11:19 pm - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
Morning Margo and all to come,

I had a little trouble walking up and getting out of bed this morning because I stayed up to watch THE METS WIN in 21 innings!!!  The game didn't end all that late really but I was all wound up and couldn't fall asleep.

It's a gray day supposed to rain, drizzling now but I'm enjoying watching the drop**** the pool as I sip my cup of tea.

I've got a bunch of cards and letters to write today.  I'm going to do it the old fashioned hand with pen and paper.  I need to re-connect with some folks in my life.

Trying to map out my vacation route....did you know you can take a train from London all the way to Istanbul,  Turkey!!!!   To me that sounds glorious.....
I love train trips and one day will take Amtrak across the USA (not this year).  I hate flying and will avoid it whenever possible   but sometimes it just has to be done....

Anyone know of a good travel site that lets you search tickets with multiple destinations and modes of travel (train, plane, cruise)?

Also planning a trip back home to see my dads health is suddenly not so good.  He's taking meds to make breathing easier but there is no cure so he won't get any better.  :-(    It's not that he a limited time left but this has sort of knocked me for a loop.

I'm still healing but doing really well and think in another 3 weeks I should be feeling very close to being good as new.

Hope you all are having a great weekend......enjoy today.

karen C.
on 4/17/10 11:41 pm - Kennewick, WA

Good Morning Margo and Friends,

Just 6:30am here. Jacki, come out come out wherever you are! I want to hear about your movie date!

Looks like it's going to be gorgeous here today and near 80. Planted asparagus roots (strange looking things!) and carrot seed (in empty wine barrels). We're eating so many veggies with trying to cut back on refined carbs that every little bit helps. I love watching things grow.

I think it's finally warm enough to plant some annuals for color and I want a few more perennials. The yard is coming along nicely.

Not much on the agenda today. Think I'll put a roast in the crockpot so that dinner will be waiting for us later today. Finding that with the longer days we aren't eating until later. And I'm managing to stay awake a bit longer so I'm doing just a tad better in the sleep department. I  think I'm just a 5-6 hr per night person. Just wish I could get it to be one continuous session instead of waking up every 2 hours!

Hope you all have a nice day wherever you are.

Karen C

on 4/18/10 12:04 am - Alexander, AR
Karen, just a thought: do you look at your clock when you wake during the night? My sleep specialist says to turn the clock away from you so you can't see it. If you do, it's starts you into a pattern of "gee, it's only____o'clock, I have to get up in ______hours".  That gets your mind started and it's nearly impossible to shut it off.
I have turned my clock around for years, and it really helps. You might give it a try!



karen C.
on 4/18/10 12:08 am - Kennewick, WA
I have tried that and it drives me crazy! I don't HAVE to get up at any certain time now that I'm retired. I'm always up hours before I get and calls to sub. I'll try it again. My mind just won't shut off. I do listen to instrumental cds. That helps me fall asleep fast. . .I just dont' stay asleep. Never really get into that deep sleep that is so good for us. Guess I'm just afraid that the earth won't keep turning if I'm not trying so hard to control it. I know I don't do a very good job but I continue to try!

Karen C

on 4/18/10 1:40 pm - Warren, MI
Karen I must have missed when your retirement date was? 
Are you enjoying it?


                         13.5 lb lost before surgery
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