Please take care of yourself.
on 4/16/10 1:13 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
I'm feeling so good this morning....not just physically......I'm just so happy I'm starting to turn the corner with this surgery recovery.....the awful swelling has really gone down so much....I lost 6 lbs since last Friday (all fluid from the swelling). My legs feel so much better.
I'm going to be brave today and try not wearing the compression hose under the compression garment. If I start to see/feel swelling start again I'll quickly get the hose back on.
I signed up for a 5k walk! It's in June so I'll be fine to do it. 5K is not very long for a walk but it's something to look forward to. In May when I hope I can start jogging again I'll start "training" to build my endurance and will try to jog the full 5k. This will be my first running 5k. And if I can't jog yet, I'll just walk it. I'm trying to get Matthew to do it with me but if he doesn't want to I'll still go.
Gotta run..........we are going out for lunch today. First time I'm really leaving the house since I got home from surgery; other than going to the surgeon. Then we'll do a quick shopping...not a big shopping spree just a few things needed and I want to stop at Marshall's or Kohl's to try on pants and shorts.
Hope everyone is having a nice day!
Laureen..sounds like you need a break. I haven't been on this site for awhile so I missed the Roxie new as well. What happened? As far the poison Ivy you must have really wallered in that stuff. How miserable. I'm sure I would have scratched my skin off by now. Hope it eases up soon.
Susan... I'm sure Starbucks will cancel you transaction. It must have been scary to see a charge you didn't recognize just after you e-mail was hacked into. I don't think these guys are ID thefts just looking for gullible folks who will send money without checking if their friend is really in trouble. This exact e-mail was sent (supposedly) from another friend of mine a few months back. These guys are getting a little better. Your e-mail was written in better English that the first one I received. They are probably in Nigeria or some such place. The internet is a double edged sword.
Tonight I sing with the Kingwood Chorale in our spring concert. This time we are having two performances. Tonight and tomorrow. There is one church here that has a pipe organ and we are singing there and using the organ. Our concert is British music from early church music of the 16th century up through the Beatles. We won't use the organ for the Beatles. For that we have bass guitar, drums, and piano. It is fun. One of the peices is a Benjamin Brittan piece, Rejoice in the Lamb. Very difficult but I love his music. Most of the Chorale members don't really like him. He was in a "rest home" (read as psyc ward) when he wrote it and it is genuis but a little out of the ordinary, some would say weird. This concert is a little earlier than usual so I don't know what we will do for the rest of the semester. College students still have a few weeks before classes are over. Those of us who are singing for the fun of it will most likely be free to go until fall. There is a summer opera workshop but I don't usually get involved with that. I just can't memorize anymore so perfoming in that venue is not a possibility.
Hope you all enjoy the rest of you day. Prayers and hugs going out for all that need them.