In Chocolate Town
Hi my OFF family:
My brother Gary and I got into Hershey, Pa., at about 6:30 p.m. and after Gary took something for his headache, we started searching for someplace to eat. We were on the road for nearly 13 hours ... we left the Chicago area at 4:30 a.m. before all the traffic hit the roads in Chicago. Made a lot of stops along the way for coffee (free Starbucks!), restroom stops and lunch before getting to Gary's timeshare resort. It's wonderful ... we each have our own bedroom and bathroom, TVs in each room plus a big projection TV in the livingroom/dining room combination. But we're both pooped ... we had dinner at this place called the Hershey Pantry, which was really great.
Tomorrow, we're spending the day at Gettysburg (my brother is calling this the history tour ... including Dolly Parton's "relics" in Pigeon Forge on the way back).
This is our longest day on the road; both my knees really hurt and I was already using my cane at the travel plazas.
Well, good to check in ... have a good night.
I remember being in Hershey -- that was when they still gave tours and my kid was being naughty and I smacked him on the butt and he proceeded to bawl so hard he threw up in the lobby of the Hershey Co., I was mortified! You will love Gettysburg - take the guided tour if possible.
I wouldn't be able to walk if I rode 13 hrs in the car -- I would be stiff beyond belief.
have fun,
Pat R.
(on MySpace, MSN, Web pages, Blogs...)
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