It's only Tuesday! What's new and what are you going to do today?
It is only Tuesday and from what I hear about the weather, it is going to be cold and raing all of this week and weekend. Blah! I wi**** would turn nice and stay that way. Hoping the weather holds out so I can walk this morning.
Nothing really is going on today. I am enjoying the peace and quiet and the time I have to myself.
My nephew has a pretrial set for the 20th. I am hoping all goes well with that. I am really worried about it.
My back door, the latch broke and the dogs know it.. So they keep letting themselves out all day long. It is pretty nice they go out. BUT, they pester to come back in every five
My husband is going to fix that soon. Thank God.
My son had a job interview yesterday and he feels pertty confident about it.
I started tp play 'poppit' on and am addicted! lol
Well I hope everyone has a great day. What do you have planned today?
I am on my way. What a ride it has been.

to stay put!!!.
OMG i love pogo im there all the time, come say hello sometime if you want. send
me a PM and ill give you my pogo ID. i "waste" many happy hours there
everyone have a good day, hugs to all in need
I need to get this done and the house really cleaned, plus my yard work done because... I have a surgery date!

Now, if I can get DH to schedule his oral surgery. I figure he should do it 1 week before mine or a few days after so we can be on liquids together.

Anyway, I am gong to work on the painting for a while, then a bit of outside work, nothing big, then try to apply myself to doing some studying. I have been neglecting that because I procrastinate. If I want to finish my RN before I am 82 I'd better get a move on. I can be finished in less than a year if I concentrate.
Last night I went to a wls support group and stopped at KMart and bought some resistance bands to work with, and two pair of shorts in the next size down.

Jani, I am still praying for you and your friend, Pat.
Have a great day, all and sorry for this long, rambling missive, but I'm geeked.
It's a busy day for me today. Working and will go for a walk during my break.
I'm going to volunteer at the gym today to fill in for a volunteer for an hour, checking babies, children and adults in a new class they paid for...these are people who are just checking out the gym (the adults) to see if they can really fit a exercise program into their lives. The kids and babies have swim classes and they are so cute. I love babies and kids!
Then it's on to seeing MIL and Aunt Elweena. Aunt "Weenie" is here from Iowa. She is a hoot and I just love her. Mom seems to be better and hopefully we can keep her in the apartment for a while longer. Assisted living will be in her future. We will find a good place for her.
May you all have a blessed day. -Debbie
morning mary and OFF...
you are right mary about this crappy weather we are having!! BUT april showers bring may :-)
well i got the results of my blood tests yesterday in the mail....i am fine except for the vitamin D3 it is very low. sooo i have to take 5000IU every day to get it back up again and also have the blood test done again in 3 months. made me happy knowing i am not bad off for "forgetting" to take my vitamins everyday!!! i have been doing pretty good trying to remember the vitamins but once in awhile i do i said i am trying so hard to remember!!!
nothing else happening just work today 130-9 and off tomorrow. i will be cleaning carpets tomorrow and doing some spring cleaning out of clostes and some junk i brought with me when i moved here that i just couldn't live without....its been alomost 2 years now and stil i am not all unpacked yet!!! what am i waiting for???? ;-)
ok i am out of here...SMILE!!! IT CAN ADD 7 YEARS TO YOUR LIFE!!!!! :-)
Karen C