Sunday What's New With You, and you, and you too!

Mary M.
on 4/11/10 1:37 am - Minneapolis, MN
Had a good Saturday.  Now today, my knitting group is coming over. We socialize and knit - love that. 

Yesterday we did an art fair and Michael did pretty well, considering the last couple of years of the economy, it's getting better, maybe?   We had fun, saw people we knew and had our picture taken to compare with the one from last year.

I slept like a log for 10 hours (got up twice to use the bathroom) last night.  It's going to be beautiful out today!  Better get going!


"Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you CAN do."  John Wooden

 I'm down 120 pounds - thanks to RNY!  Working on the next 25.  Then I'll tackle more...
on 4/11/10 4:19 am
Hi Karen and everyone who follows,

Even though it's late in the day I figured I'd say hello.  What a lovely day today!  I didn't get up until almost 9 this morning and it's been one of those kind of lazy laid back Sundays.  Yesterday Little T came over and we went for a walk down near the stream that feeds into the lake.  It was beautiful yesterday too.  Not much on the plate today except enjoying the sunshine and relaxing.  Tomorrow everything gets back to "normal".  Hope everyone's enjoying their Sunday!

on 4/11/10 6:02 am - Manteca, CA
I know it's late and no one will read this... maybe, but I'll chatter anyway. I would LOVE the cowboy stuff Karen. I like all kinds of music, country is one of the favorites. My other favorite is the Beatles...eclectic taste. I saw a cowboy concert once- it was so wonderful and touching. I also LOVE gospel music, primarily the old hymns. Just like you Karen, I'm not into organized religion but I absolutely love the music.
This is my last day of vacation. I didn't get much done that I had slated, but I did get lots of rest and healing. My husband is in the midst of hooking the TV up to the internet so that we can stream movies straight from NetFlix and DISH to it. I feel as if we are taking the next step into "technology land"!
It's windy and rainy here- I think this is the "last hurrah" and summer is right around the corner.
karen C.
on 4/11/10 6:07 am - Kennewick, WA
Oh please let me have afew weeks of spring before it hits 100 and stays there! Julia, it sounds like you got just what you were supposed  to get done. Time for refection and healing. So often we can't or don't take time for that and I think it has to happen either now or somewhere down the road. Good for you.

Karen C

(deactivated member)
on 4/11/10 8:29 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
My S/O is working on the same project (Netflix & Internet thru the TV)....he's driving me crazy!!  I swear if he could he'd have the whole house hooked up to remote controls!! 

on 4/11/10 6:10 am - Bradenton, FL
I just got back from 2 days of camping. We went up to the Suwannee river area. It is about 235 miles from where we live. We tent camped!!!!! Driving up to the campground the traffic was wall to wall cars trucks rv and not moving. It took us 65 minutes to go 6 miles thru gainsville and tampa wasnt any prize!!!!! I thought I was gettting away from the traffic!!!!!when we moved down here.
We put my sister in law in a nursing home for good today. Well actually she is in the hospital and will probably go back to the nursing home in a few days. Now we have to go to chicago and help our daughter unload the house and put it on the market.
It has been a whirlwind day.
I am gettig ready to go to work tonight. 
image hosting site

(deactivated member)
on 4/11/10 8:36 am - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
Hi Karen,
Nothing exciting to report.
Actually had 2 of the nicest days all year....maybe even in the last 18 months.  Very calm and relaxing...beautiful weather outside, no surgery to prepare for (but I am very much in recovery still), no pressing appointments....just a nice sort of peacefulness in the house.  Hope it continues.....

My recovery is slow but making progress.  Ran out of polysporin today, Matthew is going to pick some up for me in a few mins...I should have bought stock in this company I've bought so much in the last year and have 2 1/2 more weeks to use it twice daily.  There's my stock tip for the day.

My taxes are finally done.... they will be e-filed tomorrow.  Actually just have one question for the accountant I'm waiting on an answer and then I'll tell them to let the file go.

Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend, hope you all have nice weather and your favorite sports team is winning....Last I saw my Mets were losing.  


Judy G.
on 4/11/10 9:16 am - Galion, OH

evening karen and OFF...

wow karen sounds like you had a blast!!!! i miss going to the concerts!!! back in michigan they have a free country music concert in june every year and several well knowns perform and then the new comers...its a fun day for sure!!! they also have old car show there too...all for free!!!!

stayed home yesterday from work...told them i was sick...well i didn't feel up to par lets put it that way so i am not a liar....;-) still today i just don't feel right...but i did work 8-430. hip hurts some where i got the last injection but not all the time hurting. i am off tomorrow so thats good i guess.

talked to my brother last night and he is home now and still waiting to hear what the MRI showed. he is thinking he might be getting a new knee...

just found out one of ricks neighbors where he used to live passed away. she has been sick off and on for about a year now and falling alot sure didn't help her either. hope the viewing will be on my day off or the funeral so we can go. she helped me out one time with some extra cash before i found my job here...i did some cleaning for her for that money. she paid me very well!!!

debating over my letting my hair grow long or getting it cut really short again...its just so thin and baby fine it just lays limp ya know? hate it!!!

thats about all my news...boring huh? lol so i am off to see what rick is up to...maybe watch a movie...have a good night!!


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