Sunday What's New With You, and you, and you too!
Mike and I went to an event at our fairgrounds called "The Cowboy Gathering." It is sponsored by a local radio station and this was the 7th year but the first time we've gone. Sure won't be the last. Even tho I was born in Washington my "hill-billy bone" as the song goes is still in me. I absolutely love country music, homecookin' and cowboy hats, tight jeans, and boots. Lots of all that exept the cowboys in the audience were all older than me.
However, the younguns' on stage were a sight for these tired old cateract eyes! Several young up and coming stars that I think will make it soon. One, came from Nashville, named Sage Keefer and my favorite. . . Josh Crosby is from a small town along the WA and OR border not far from here. What a doll and wow can he sing. He sang some of his own music and then several John Denver tunes who is a favorite of mine.
The last hour was a concert by Jimmy Fortune who sang with the Statler Brothers for 20 years. THEN. . . be still my heart, we were sitting in about the last row. there were two empty seats next to me AND. . . AND. . .Josh Crosby leaned over took off his black cowboy hat, asked me if the seats were taken and sat down for about 1/2 hour. Candy, you would have died. He looks cowboy, can sing, and smelled good! (Candy didn't like the SMELL:ie "cow smell" of the one we found for her in Ft. Worth) Oh and did I mention he was CUTE???? I may just turn into a groupie. He has some CDS (I bought 2 after I robbed Mike!) and a web site. Just Google Joshua Crosby and Lonesome Dove!
Did I mention that I had a great time? Maybe in my other life I was a cowgirl! Bless Mike's little pea pickin' heart. He stuck it out on those hard chairs with his achin' back and feet for me. Sometimes I don't give the man enough credit. He earned a lot of points last night. My little temper tantrum that I threw a few months ago definitely had an impact on him. He's really been making an effort to come into my world a bit. Remember when I kind of "blew" this winter? (I've been known to "fester" as my momma would say until it all blows!) I can get so lonesome even in the same house when I get NO attention and the TV gets it all! I digress. . . We had a wonderful time!
This morning Mike and his brother are headed to Montana to see the other brother. (The one who is 59 going on 14, enough said) I'm headed back to the fairgrounds for the Cowboy Church and Gospel Concert. Me, who is not the least bit organized church. . . .A full hour concert of gospel music. Also, a southern comfort food breakfast which I will arrive late for on purpose. (Hard for me to turn down sausage, biscuits and gravy!)
Gave in to a "Walkabout Taco" and some popcorn. Didn't exercise yesterday but will later today. The walkabout taco consists of a bag of Fritos open at the top: seasoned meat and chili, then lettuce, onion, and tomatos and taco sauce. They hand you a napkin and a fork and you're good to go. That would be another great camping meal. Remember the Zip Loc Omelets I like to make when we go camping?
Gets me excited to go camping. Campfires, singing around the fire, camp food and nature. . . Can you tell I may have had just a "tad" too much caffeine last night? Coffee, coffee, and diet Pepsi in abundance. . . Didn't even try to go to sleep til almost midnight and it's still dark and I'm wide awake. Think I'll just tilt back my recliner put on one one of MY Joshua Crosby CDs and daydream myself back to sleep. (or not)
So what have all y'all been doing???
Karen C
Wow Karen, I wish I could have gone with you. Your description can make me see some of the things!
Grammylew, I hope you feel better.
Nothing much on the agenda today. Which I am glad. I did miss going to church last night and this morning I slept in too late to go. Out in the country they only have two masses. One on Sat night and one on Sunday morning.
I didn;t get my whole walk in yesterday. All my dogs were outside. I have one nutty dog and he saw me and was biting at the fence like a maniac. I yelled at him but he wouldn't stop. Has to come back home. Boy I wanted to spank him.
My in-laws are in terrible shape. My father in law is trying to walk using crutches. He has been sitting in the living room chair for two months now. Sleeping there too. His hip surgery is Monday morning.
My daughter and I went there to clean their house yesterday.
It is suppose to rain later, so, I am going to get my walk in early before it does.
I continue to be in a weight stall. That can be so frustrating.
Hope everyone has a great day today. Enjoy the sun while you can.
I am on my way. What a ride it has been.

Karen I would have loved to have been with you at the Cowboy Gathering....I LOVE country music....and especially cute cowboys!!! We would have had a blast!!!
Yesterday morning I finally went to a coffee group with some of my WLS friends. I had a really nice time and am glad I went. One hurdle over....many more to come!
Today is yet a mystery.....some friends have invited me to join them at a Mary Kay party....I don't use it....I used to sell it....might go just to be with the girls.
Have a great day today everyone. The sun is shining and the temps here are going to be in the low that!!
Today is my granddaughter Amanda's Sweet 16 Birthday....hard to believe....she sure has grown up fast!
Prayers to those in need....I could use a few myself.
Love and hugs to all.....connie d
Karen C
Good mornin' ya'll.
Karen it sounds like you had a grand time. When we lived in Oregon he went to the Oregon Jamboree every year and got to see a lot of country singers. We also did Fan Fare one year in Nashville. I do like country music.
Yesterday was a 'lost' day to me. I woke up shivering. My DH was already up, so I pulled his covers over me, too. Our phones have an intercom feature so I intercommed him and asked that he bring me more blankets, a thermometer and some water. He did. My temp (in my ear), was 104.5. I took a motrin and went back to sleep for awhile. I think I woke up about 8:30. The fever was down a little. I would have just stayed in bed if I hadn't had to pee.
My DH and DIL pressured me into calling the service and the gal said she would page my doc (she was the one on call). Dr A finally got back to me 3 hours later. I'm sure glad I wasn't diein'. She called in an RX for antibiotics. Told me to keep up the Motrin also. O see her on Monday, so she'll check my WBC counts then.
I began feeling a little human around 5. I began working on the curtains my DIL needs for her classroom. I'll have to finish them today, since she goes back to school tomorrow.
Feeling tons better this AM. Have a nice pot roast in the crock pot for dinner after church. DIL, 2 grandsons and one girlfriend will be here. Gonna go make a lemon merangue cake for dessert.
Everyone have a fantabulous day.