Simplify-Omit Needless Foods!
From the Eating Coach, makes sense doesn't it???
Posted: 05 Apr 2010 04:00 AM PDT ![]() A while ago, I was thinking about how to simplify the Eating Coach message to make it more accessible for students of Mindful Eating to understand what I was asking of them. Omit Needless Foods was what I came up with. In that sentence, which part jumps out at you? Where does the emphasis go? If you are like most of my clients, the emphasis goes straight to the "Omit" part. The focus has been "give up the good stuff" -- stop eating. But what if you put the emphasis on the Needless part? What if you were working through the process of finding what foods are needless in your life? We aren't talking about broad categories here. Although there are very few redeeming traits found in a Fountain Coke from a nutrition perspective, sometimes a Coke is the perfect thing -- and therefore can't be written off as needless in the grand scheme. On any given day -- where are the bites that are needless -- the ones that don't take care of your physical hunger AND you don't enjoy them -- the ones that add no value to your life. Find those. Omit those. If you do that, you will get where you want to be. |
(deactivated member)
on 4/5/10 12:16 pm - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
on 4/5/10 12:16 pm - West Central FL☼RIDA , FL
I found myself asking the question "do I really NEED or just WANT this" throughout my weight loss. I still ask it anytime I feel a little tempted or unsure about a food choice. I'm hoping I feel well enough to go out for lunch tomorrow after my appointment and I'm sure I'll be asking myself this question as I review the menu selections.....
Nope, let's change how we think about food from now on Connie.
Mindful eating or intuitive eating is the way we should deal with food issues. That way we make our own choices and not feel guilty or beat ourselves up.
Oh yes, newbies have to be really mindful and follow the rules. We do also but we are also living life. Sometimes my choices aren't ideal but that's okay now for me. It is what it is.
I'll stay "mindful of my exercises" too. Life goes on for us. The stress in our lives go on and we will always want to comfort eat.
I'm having a hard time right now. My stepdaughter and children are living with us. She got married on Feb. 12th but basically still lives with us because she doesn't want to live in Kalamazoo in hubby's house because it's in a really bad neighborhood. They are looking for a new house and so far all 3 houses they found and made an offer on, someone else made a higher offer. I really would like to have my house back.
Okay I know that right now adult children are returning home to their parents with their children and spouses. 3 of my elderly volunteers are going through the same thing I am. I know it's hard for my SD living with us and it's not rainbows and sunshine for her either. Oh yes....and life goes on! I gotta keep my sense of humor or I might blow a gasket! LOL
Don't let food issues be your battle anymore. We just do the best we can and keep on moving on! Sending you great big hugs my friend.
How is your grandson doing?
Mindful eating or intuitive eating is the way we should deal with food issues. That way we make our own choices and not feel guilty or beat ourselves up.
Oh yes, newbies have to be really mindful and follow the rules. We do also but we are also living life. Sometimes my choices aren't ideal but that's okay now for me. It is what it is.
I'll stay "mindful of my exercises" too. Life goes on for us. The stress in our lives go on and we will always want to comfort eat.
I'm having a hard time right now. My stepdaughter and children are living with us. She got married on Feb. 12th but basically still lives with us because she doesn't want to live in Kalamazoo in hubby's house because it's in a really bad neighborhood. They are looking for a new house and so far all 3 houses they found and made an offer on, someone else made a higher offer. I really would like to have my house back.
Okay I know that right now adult children are returning home to their parents with their children and spouses. 3 of my elderly volunteers are going through the same thing I am. I know it's hard for my SD living with us and it's not rainbows and sunshine for her either. Oh yes....and life goes on! I gotta keep my sense of humor or I might blow a gasket! LOL
Don't let food issues be your battle anymore. We just do the best we can and keep on moving on! Sending you great big hugs my friend.
How is your grandson doing?
What great insight! I like the idea of "needless". IMHO..its actually more empowering to look at it that way rather than the old way of...."cant have ever again..." It has taken me quite a bit of time, but I was a bread lover...and dag nab it..until recently, I would "try one more time" over and over again. I was sick of getting stuck FINALLY! LOL..I am a grownup..but why did I keep testing like a 2 year old? I dont need the does NOTHING for me. Whew!
What great insight! I like the idea of "needless". IMHO..its actually more empowering to look at it that way rather than the old way of...."cant have ever again..." It has taken me quite a bit of time, but I was a bread lover...and dag nab it..until recently, I would "try one more time" over and over again. I was sick of getting stuck FINALLY! LOL..I am a grownup..but why did I keep testing like a 2 year old? I dont need the does NOTHING for me. Whew!